Ron Paul... A Real Conservative

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Ron Paul is the only candidate who will consistently remain true to fiscal conservative principals, libertarian social values, and the constitution. He has been doing so for over a quarter of a century.

America's troops overwhelmingly support Ron Paul.

And... He can beat Obama

Excerpt from The Economist...

... For conventionally right-wing party stalwarts like Mr Erickson, Ron Paul doesn't count as real Republican, because of his principled anti-war stance. Of course, that makes him a more authentic representative of smaller government, war being the health of the state and all, but that's beside the point. The conservative tribe professes faith in smaller government, and it is membership in the tribe that determines the authenticity of one's devotion to the tribe's catechism. Ron Paul isn't really a member of the tribe, so he cannot "authentically represent smaller government". He may represent smaller government in fact, but not in the right way. As votes from the Iowa caucuses were being tallied, Mr Erickson saw fit to relate to his readers a rumour that "the Occupiers showed up for Ron Paul". You get the idea.

The right time is now, Ron Paul is the right candidate.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "America's troops overwhelmingly support Ron Paul" is an unsubstantiated claim.

    Records show that of those who choose to self-identify as current or prior DoD affiliated gave more to Paul than any other military candidate last time around, but what overall percentage of the military was that?

    Barack Obama played a similar trick in 2008, claiming overwhelming DoD support. Yeah, from the entire DoD, which includes government-loving liberal bureaucrats. Contributions from actual active duty troops was miniscule.

    So Paul may (I don't know, we need to see the data) be getting more military contributions than the other GOP candidates, but that does not mean he enjoys "overwhelming military support," since no polling of military members has been done and only a small percentage contribute to politicians and parties.

    I'm open to any data you can share. I've been looking pretty hard and can't find anything substantive.

  2. RON PAUL: "I've been electable. I've won 12 elections already," he said on CBS. "It's amazing that I do so much better than those other candidates that are all electable. They're in fourth, fifth and sixth place and they're electable. All of a sudden they say I'm not electable. I don't know how that adds up."

    Here's how: Rep. Paul has been electable from the same congressional district, District 14, and has been, like, Barney Frank of Massachusetts, a career US Representative. Paul has never won but an election in a Congressional district in Texas.

    Ron Paul has not tested his electability nationwide, so his electability is in question.

    Being elected 12 times from the same district is not a test of how he would do nationwide.

    And one of those other candidates he mentions doing better than lost his bid for re-election to the senate by 18 points.

  3. Kudos to Mr. Paul on a number of fronts; his intellect and principled stances on the issues especially. I just happen to think that Gary Johnson makes a bit more of an attractive candidate. a) He has far more executive experience than Mr. Paul and b) his overall domestic agenda is far less draconian. Not that either one of them would ever get elected, obviously.

  4. Shaw said: "Ron Paul has not tested his electability nationwide, so his electability is in question."

    His supposedly huge popularity now is an artifact of primary politics. When all is said and done, he represents the interest of the low single digits of percent of Americans, and it is this many who support him. Similar to Ralph Nader.


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