Axelrod: Huntsman Dropped Because He Wouldn't Sell His Soul

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

From BuzzFeed

Jon Huntsman's withdrawal offers an opportunity for Democrats to make a play for the sliver of moderate Republicans to whom he appealed -- and also to make a broader point that the Republican Party is being pulled to the right, not to the left, by its most powerful forces.

"He was simply unwillingly to make the Faustian bargains with the Right that Romney has so willingly made," said David Axelrod, who is shaping Obama's re-election campaign.

That notion of a Republican Party -- and of a superficially moderate Romney -- hostage to Tea Party conservatives will be a central theme of the re-election campaign, and it's certainly a feature of Huntsman's failure to launch, if not the only one.

"He was a really poor candidate," shrugged another top Democrat. "He didn't get traction because he projected zero and managed to look really smug as he did so."

Now if only Axelrod could get the ideologues in his own party to display the noted sense of character and integrity shown by Governor Jon Huntsman.

I won't be holding my breath!

Via: Memeorandum


  1. "Now if only Axelrod could get the ideologues in his own party to display the noted sense of character and integrity shown by Governor Jon Huntsman."

    Who would those ideologues be? I'm curious.

  2. Shaw - One must think for themselves.

  3. The 4 Democrats that I most respect now, Les/Shaw, are Dick Durbin, Kent Conrad, Chris Van Hollen, and Ron Wyden - the first 2 for their work on Bowles-Simpson, the third for his support of Bowles-Simpson as a "good starting point", and the fourth for his work with Paul Ryan on reforming Medicare. 4 extremely (as opposed to extreme) solid citizens, in this fellow's opinion.

  4. ...wouldn't sell his soul as Obama has done...


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