Obama Portrayed as Hitler, Stalin, and Other Totalitarian Dictators by USA Ammo...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Remember when the liberals compared George W. Bush to Hitler? Remember the outrage republicans and conservatives felt? How untrue the characterization was? And how silent the MSM was?

Well... Judging from a recent ad by American gun company USA Ammo comparing Obama to Stalin and Hitler, along with a few other dictators and a implied certainty of pending socialism and the loss of our constitutional right to responsibly bear arms if Obama wins reelection, the left will most certainly display great indignation.

In fact the MSM has already weighed in.

What's good for the goose is also good for the gander, or as they say, "all's far in love and war."

However, it is ultimately more responsible for the MSM to call out such blatant misrepresentations for what they are. BS. No matter which side of the political spectrum from whence the BS emanates.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Les,

    I have absolutely no problem with this characterization of Mr. Obama. All historical Socialist dictators started off with the same ideals that Mr. Obama currently espouses and is pushing for.

    Let me make this simpler: I know some of you will cry about the difference between Socialism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, and every other -ism out there aside from Capitalism. The bottom line is this guy hates America, wants to fundamentally transform it into an anti-American utopia, reward obedience and dependency upon His government, and destroy the Constitution.

    Hitler, Obama...sure. I can totally see it. Just start with his stance on guns in America for law-abiding citizens and you can see the template already being outlined.

  2. .

    "Remember when the liberals compared George W. Bush to Hitler?"
    No I don't. Who was it and when and where was it done?

    The only noise one hears about this USAAmmo posting is the sound of laughter. Really this 'thing', with the picture of the actor Forester Whitaker is so funny as yo be a farce.

    Really? 2d Amendment worry!? Dictator? Oh the comedy. destroying the Constitution?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha...

    Love the humor.

    Ema Nymton

  3. Ema; Equating Bush to Hitler was quite common and frequent. Were you even around during the Bush years?

  4. .

    "Equating Bush to Hitler was quite common and frequent."

    Remember we are not talking about Murdoch Media/Fox. Fox lies; all the time. We are talking about MSM.

    Ema Nymton

  5. "Fox lies"

    real world translation: Fox News, the real alternative media, presents the information that the leftists would rather you never saw.

    Want to make people who hate the free press really angry? Watch Fox News.

  6. My sis is a staunch Democrat, even though she parties and calls me QUEER for going to church. Go figure. Scary what the stanky BO thinks that sinfull mortal can become - we're all gonna croak, puppet BO controlled by the billionaire, fat-cats-who-think-they-can-outsmart-Jesus. If he gits another term, fulla outsourcing our jobs, whorizontal abortion like babies are subhuman, outNout homosexuality, open-borders with white-trash-TexMex's, and 'posse comitatus' with FEMA, I think we've completely lost, brudda. I went to church today to try to curb the rage, but there's lil we can do when God's outta-the-picture in BOs immature atheism. God, help U.S. Help those poor, mortal souls on earth who wanna Wiseabove.blogspot and go beyond to Heaven. Thanx for lissen'n, brudda. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL -PS- Is it any wonder then why our Mother (the Mother of God) said recently only ¼ of humanity wood enter Heaven?

  7. ecc102 - As you know I am no Obama supporter. I an a rational man. I also carry no water for any party, as I know you don't either.

    My point is this, we should be discussing the benefits of capitalism adapted to 21'st century realities in the global marketplace. Not characterizing the president as a dictator on the level of Hitler, Stalin, MAO, or Pol Pot. They were tyrants and despicable individuals that were hungry only for raw power. Obama is not this any more than GWB was.

    Sadly socialism has been creeping into the fabric of American society for well over 100 years. Presidents, both republican and democrats (Remember T.R.?) have responsibility for this and the degree. FDR and LBJ are the two kingpins of American socialism but other Presidents and Congresses have kept it moving since.

    The discussion needs to continue with respect to what constitutes proper constitutional government and why it is important. The discussion needs to be very broad and it needs to be open.

    What it does not need is the kind of crap our politics have become of late.

  8. Not my name,

    Now we all know you are just a troll. No one with any sense would have said such an ignorant thing about being unawares of the Bush/Hitler comparisons.

    You know it happened. You're simply playing dumb. Or are you not playing?


  9. Les, this is what I was trying to get at with the "Bush is a war criminal" stuff. Yes, the fellow majorly screwed up and all but to lump him in with Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, the Hamids, Augusto Pinochet, Mao Tse Tung, Benito Mussolini, Roberto D'Aubuisson, Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, etc., etc., etc. is really, REALLY, getting hard to contend with.......Add, yes, I'd say the same to some of the more strident critics of Obama, too. Enough already.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Sorry...I messed up that previous comment and didn't catch it until after hitting "Publish". Yikes.

    Let's try this again:

    Will and Les,

    Allow me to pose a possible reality for you both to consider.

    All of the men on that image started somewhere. Before they became dictators and ruthless psychopaths, (save for Mr. Obama, of course), they were merely men with bad ideas that somehow found life, and then they became the monsters they became.

    Both of you scoff at the idea that Mr. Obama is in the same league with the other lunatics. Yet, and here's the gist of this question, what if we are looking at a young President Obama before he will become a Dictator? Imagine knowing a young Herr Hitler in the early 1930's, before he really got his footing. Do you think anyone at that time even considered that this Adolph fellow would become the evil he would become? Nah. Probably no one gave that a second thought.

    So while I would not say, "Obama is the same as Hitler!", I am not ready to be less than aware of the possibility he could easily become as Hitler. The signs are there. The character is there. The power is at his fingertips. History is full of similar circumstances that ended poorly. Why should we think it couldn't happen to us?

    Just something to consider, my online friends. I guarantee, if Mr. Obama and his ilk ever do succeed in banning and outlawing guns for American citizens, we will revisit this particular topic with a much different mindset.

    I sincerely hope that never occurs, but...

  12. Google Image link to Bush-Hitler imagery. Enjoy.


  13. Chakam (I have to get used to the new handle), I, Like Les, am not a big fan of Obama, either. But I do think that some of the vitriol against him has been extreme. Let me give you a few examples. The health-care bill, which I think that we can all agree on here, could have been better, was basically a knockoff of the Newt Gingrich plan from 1993 AND the bipartisan Bennett-Wyden bill of 2007(?). Not exactly radical, in other words. Another example is the stimulus bill. Yes, it was also deeply flawed, but it also had close to 40% in tax-cuts - something that the Republicans should have more strongly approved of. And even on these deals with the Congress (the one during the lame-duck and the one over the debt-ceiling) he pretty much caved in to the Republicans. Me - I kind of see the guy more as an incompetent than I do a hard-core ideologue (not that I can see into his heart, obviously).

  14. Chakam - Agreed. Every American President has had the power at his fingertips. FDR perhaps more so than any other. The results? We are still a free nation. Because of our constitution, and the separation of powers into three branches of government. We are indeed unique when it comes to the process of government as the government works for the people not the other way around.

    Yes Obama is very liberal, by far too liberal for me, and as you know my liberalism is that of the "classical liberalism." Think Thomas Jefferson, and all the great thinkers of the Enlightenment period, as well as Ayn Rand.

    Yes I am concerned about the direction of our country under Obama, very much so. As I was under the direction of GWB.

    I will continue to call em as I see em. My experience has been that mus-characterizations of people really is counter productive.

    You want to discuss {debate} philosophy, ethics, politics, governance and what constitutes proper form thereof I'm all in favor. But let it be based on substance. Our shared concern is to safeguard liberty and the rights of the individual against statism. To this end we should all, as freemen and free women, pledge to do so without the BS that so easily creates soundbites and visuals to create bogeymen. Debate the issues and principles, do not assassinate the character of a person based on no evidence.

    BTW, My prediction is... If Obama is reelected, and I vehemently hope he is not, that gun laws will be as they are today.

    Long Live the Republic!!

    A true conservative today is in fact a classical liberal who holds the principles of the 18th century liberalism and our constitutional framework close to the vest.

    So as "modern conservatives" take issue with the positions presented on this sight the only response can be... "Check your premise."


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