Medicare Spends Over a Quarter of a Billion Dollars on Penis Pumps

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Just when we thought the government couldn't find more creative ways to spend our tax dollars!

(heartlander) - According to data collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare has spent more than $240 million of taxpayer money on penis pumps for elderly men over the past decade, and will surpass a quarter of a billion dollars this year for costs since 2001.

The cost to taxpayers for the pumps more than quadrupled during that period, from a low of $11 million in 2001 to a high of more than $47 million in 2010. And these represent only the costs for external devices, technically classified as “Male Vacuum Erection Systems,” not implantable devices or oral drugs such as Viagra.

In order to obtain a pump, according to CMS’s Local Coverage Determination (LCD) revised in October this year, the “patient’s medical record must contain sufficient documentation of the patient’s medical condition to substantiate the necessity for the type and quantity of items ordered,” noting erectile dysfunction (ED) can “commonly occur in men in the Medicare age group.”

The National Institutes of Health previously estimated between 15 percent and 25 percent of 65-year-old men experience ED on a long-term basis... {Keep Reading}

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Gee, and here I was hoping they had a system to transfer the fluid in my swollen ankles for a more useful application!

  2. .

    It makes more sense than burning up the dollars on corporate welfare and wars.

    Make love, not war!

    Ema Nymton

  3. 0nce again Emma you miss the greater point. But that is understandable. You are after all a loyal sheeple.

  4. So, according to this post, is it safe to say that Medicare sucks d*ck?

    Just sayin'.

  5. I don't have a problem with it. People are getting older, they've worked hard all their lives, they deserve a little joy. It's less than a dollar out of all are pockets over the course of an entire decade. You'd have to be pretty petty, cheap, and apathetic to have a problem with that.


  6. jmj - Once again the same logic modern liberals always use. For every feel good, altruistic pet expenditures you all can think of. When you actually bankrupt the country and everyone lives off the meager scraps the state can provide you'll all be happy. Everybody will be EQUAL then, and witout anyone having to do a damn thing.

    Yee Ha jmj....

  7. Whatever Les. All I know is when you get old, and if (God forbid) you need a little help "downstairs," as does happen to millions of Americans, I would not have a problem with paying taxes to help you with that. It's an national elder health care issue. Your ideology ascribes just blue comedy to all this, apparently, but in real life, where real people live, it's a serious matter. A healthy sex life vitally maintains a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a productive citizen.

    You guys just can't accept generational taxation, and I will never understand that position. (How do you grow if you do not develop for the future? Children can't build the roads they will need to drive when they grow up!) I know that contemporary politics always cause problems with generational taxes and spending, but then wouldn't it be better to have mature, educated, liberal (in every sense) representatives instead of reactionary righties and corporate shill moderates making those big generational decisions.

    This isn't about "feel-good" anything, Les. I do not think like that way. I'm not a "feel-good" liberal. I'm thinking about the well-being, health, sanity and stability of the nation.

    And I certainly don't want a country overrun by old, sick, psychotic eunuchs! For cryin' out loud, things are bad enough with the old generation we have now! You do realize 76 million Baby Boomers are up next, right? 76 million. Roughly half are women and half are men. You want to deny them coverage for their most basic quality of life?

    Good luck with that. Great ideology you got there. I guess a dollar every decade is too much for you to want to afford.


  8. Yup jmj, I realize that. Acutely so as I'm one of them baby boomers, as is my wife as well! Front enders too. So your point exactly?

    You see one of these little devils can be picked up for a very reasonable cost. Check it out, I did before I did this post.

    For every perceived need or perceived injustice there are plenty of "good liberals" around to dump the issue on the state to take care of.

    Yada, Yada, Yada, jmj....

  9. To follow the "logic" of some of the posters, I think medicare ought to provide old geezers with hookers! After all, they worked all their lives, etc, etc, etc.

    Think big! (Oops, I guess that's what the penis pump is for, making things bigger.)

  10. No, Grant. That would be stupid.

    But if we could assist elderly couples with their health, cheaply, as Les points out, then why not? For retired persons on a fixed income, every expenditure is important.

    What's the matter with you guys?


  11. JMJ,

    You said:
    "I'm thinking about the well-being, health, sanity and stability of the nation."

    I honestly cannot believe you, of all people to comment here, typed that with a straight face.

  12. I guess that if they pay for Viagara, it stands to reason that they'd more than likely pay for this, too. I actually don't have a problem with it. I have more of a problem with the billions that we pay on the last 4-6 weeks of life; the fact that we're constantly fitting the bill for unnecessary tests and procedures which literally add bukkas in terms of life extension (sorry, no pun intended).

  13. Will, I see your point. The broader issue really is to point out the degree to which government will go to to insure the peoples dependency on the government teat.

    With dependency comes power (willingly ceded by the people to the ruling class) because of the peoples growing dependency on big brother/big sister.


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