Rick Perry Supporter Provides Litmus Test...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Judging from everything I am reading it looks like Rational Nation may be the only right of center blog that is going to run with the story on Perry supporter, and evangelical leader Robert Jeffress's ridiculous and anti American statement with respect to Romney's Mormon faith.

Cutting right to the story at Politico...

Texas evangelical leader Robert Jeffress, the Baptist megachurch pastor who introduced Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit, said Friday afternoon he does not believe Mitt Romney is a Christian.

Jeffress described Romney's Mormon faith as a “cult,” and said evangelicals had only one real option in the 2012 primaries.

“That is a mainstream view, that Mormonism is a cult,” Jeffress told reporters here. “Every true, born again follower of Christ ought to embrace a Christian over a non-Christian.”

Asked by POLITICO if he believed Romney is a Christian, Jeffress answered: “No.”

“I just do not believe that we as conservative Christians can expect him to stand strong for the issues that are important to us,” he said.

So, now, today, at least in the eyes of born again Christian Jeffress the litmus test for a presidential candidate, should he be a true Christian.

News Flash... The question as to whether a candidate is deserving of ones support when selecting a party's nominee should be answered based on the experience the candidate would bring to the office, their integrity, their balance, their judicial acumen and ability to judge issue rationally as opposed to emotionally, their ability to lead, their ability to see beyond party politics and ideology, and whether one believes the candidate can be trusted to support the constitutional principles on which the nation was founded.

Religion, as our founding fathers fully understood is personal. Governing a nation of free and independent people requires the leader of such a nation to maintain an open mind.

To make ones decision as to which candidate to support based on whether they are a born again, and therefore true Christian flies in the face of logic and reason.

Read the full article here.

While Jeffress later back peddles the message he sent is loud and clear. It was meant for the "true believers" and "the faithful." Given the issues our nation faces a hell of a lot more is needed than what some conservatives are selling. Such has always been the case.

Oh, I almost forgot, I won't be supporting Romney for quite different reasons. I live in the state he governed for four years.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Mormonism IS a cult, but trying to find a "TRUE" Christian is impossible since our opinions are as varied as our practices.

  2. Hm, is it remotely possible that to many other faiths Christianity could be called a cult? Just sayin...

  3. Mormonism grew out of the racist view that Native Americans were too stupid/inferior to have built burial mounds, so whites had to have done it.

    It has a lot to live down.

  4. >Mormonism IS a cult

    Since it's 2011, I didn't think that there was anyone so brutally backward and ignorant to believe that anymore.

    >Mormonism grew out of the racist view that Native Americans were too stupid/inferior to have built burial mounds, so whites had to have done it.

    That's one of the most bizarre and absurd assertions I've ever heard anyone make about the LDS Church, and I've heard some real doozies. What crazy anti-Mormon (oops, redundant!) website did you get that silliness from?

  5. dmarks is absolutely correct, while Mormonism was growing, Americans were discovering thousands of mounds across the country.

    The Mormons proposed (as did many others) that an ancient race of mound builders crafted the mounds and were wiped out by the Native Americans, because all the White settlers couldn't beleive the "savages" could create the mounds.

    Of course, when you are engaing in Genocide against an entire Race it's easier to conduct if you believe they were guilty of genocide against the decendants of Atlantis or the Lost Tribes which Mormons believed made it to the Americas.

  6. >The Mormons proposed blah, blah, blah...

    Um, no we didn't.

  7. Damn Grung_e Gene, I missed that cogent point in all my studies. Thanks so much for enlightening mr of said presumed facts.

  8. >any Mormon offended by being referred to as cultists

    I'm not offended by it, since no decent, intelligent person would take such an idea seriously. It's 2011, not the 1840s with a bunch of low-life Missouri mobs. Time to come into this century, sport.


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