Perry's "Niggerhead" Hunting Camp and the Heat Cain is Getting For His Comment the Name is Offensive

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

There are many reasons neither the republican party nor the democratic party appeals to this independent conservative. First and foremost is the simple fact that both are home to opportunists that really have no consistent philosophy or ethical standards that guide them.... Other than what it will take to win the next election. Not all mind you, but certainly more than just a few.

The current hoopla over the name of Perry's hunting camp, called "Niggerhead" and Cain's remark that is was offensive to many blacks has me scratching my head. I mean really really really scratching it.

1} Cain was correct in his assessment the camp's name is insensitive and offensive to blacks, just as it should be to all people regardless of their race. 2} On the other hand while Perry may not be the conservative he plays himself up to be {based on his actual politics} he is not a racist. His record of appointments and promotions as governor bears this out.

My quick take is the media is overplaying this and the pundits are spinning it as best they can to maximize damage control and thus minimize blow-back. At the end of the day however the focus shifts from the real issues confronting the nation and its people to race yet again.

What I view as saddest of all is that nearing the close of 2011, after this nation elected its first biracial President in 2008, we are still confronted with the issue of race. Sad indeed, and the politicians and pundits for whatever reason find ways to keep the cinders burning.

It is late, I've stated the opinion of Rational Nation USA. The following are links to articles I believe worth reading and considering.

Herman Cain’s attack on Rick Perry was a mistake

Rick Perry's hunting grounds name provokes outrage ... at Herman Cain

Texas Democrats Forcefully Defend Perry From WaPo Hatchet Job: “He Doesn’t Have a Racist Bone In His Body”…

Cain’s mistake?


Rick Perry and the Macaca Media

Leaving to my fine readership I ask... What Say You?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. There is a type of sandstone nodule in my area that is exceptionally hard and is usually found in pieces the size of a man's head. It may have a layer of brown on the outside, but the inside is always black. The pieces are very difficult to break up with a sledgehammer, as I know from personal experience. The old-time name for them is "niggerheads." There may be some scientific name for them, but I am unaware of it, if there is. In private conversation, I will refer to them as niggerheads 'til the day I die, simply because I wouldn't know what else to call them. The fact that Perry slipped and used a term offensive to blacks doesn't make him a monster, it just makes him a bit careless. He's simply the victim of reality, and just for the record, I won't be voting for him in the primary for reasons completely unrelated.

  2. The real story here is that the press cooked up this "controversy" to stir up the GOP field, and Cain, God bless him, took the bait.

    He should have just shut up about it until he got the facts. To his credit he didn't shout "racist!" but merely said it was insensitive.

  3. The rock in question at the camp has since been painted over for years and years. Perry and his family have no association with that name being used.

    There is nothing to see here. Don't take this bait. Perry is not a racist. This whole incident smacks of poor research.

  4. According to Perry, his father took lease of the property in the early 80’s and painted over the rock, eventually turning it over so the “word” couldn’t be seen. However, there are testimonies from people who say they have seen the “word” and don’t know “who” could’ve rolled the rock back over.

    In my opinion, painting the rock won’t really do much good because rain will eventually dissolve the paint and the “word” will be visible again. Obviously “rolling it over” doesn’t work because it “rolls” over again, displaying the “word” for anyone who enters the ranch to see. If it were MY property, I’d have destroyed the rock. I find it offensive and wouldn’t want anything to do with it.

    Is Perry racist? Well, that rock could’ve been “rolled over” by trouble-makers, for all anyone can tell. Considering Perry’s position in the public eye, one would think, though, that he would’ve been a bit smarter with this situation, if not for his own mental well-being, than at least for the publics.

  5. First, Les, you assert the "republican party" and "democratic party" are "both are home to opportunists that really have no consistent philosophy or ethical standards that guide them.... Other than what it will take to win the next election." Then you come to the conclusion that Perry is not a racist because his "record of appointments and promotions as governor bears this out."

    So, when exactly are you a sucker and when are you not?

    It's the ol' "but I have black friends" argument, and it's sleazy and specious. Marge Schott hired signed plenty of black players to the Reds over the years, so does that mean she's not a racist???

    Maybe "Rationalize Nation" would be a better title for this post.


  6. jmj - You are tiring, oh so tiring. Other than that I'm at a lose as to what else to say.

  7. Okay, so here's what Perry needs to do:
    He needs to remove said rock from the property, burn it, crush it into dust, melt it into glass, and send it to the heart of a volcano.

    Then he needs to research the history of every tree on said property to make sure no one was ever lynched there. Then he needs to contact all his old high school/college friends and reprimand them if any of them ever used the "n-word".

    Finally, Perry needs to have lunch with the president of the NAACP, make a donation to the United Negro College Fund, and write an apology letter to Oprah.

    There. That should cover it. Oh, and 40 hours of "racial sensitivity training" would be good, too.

    My gosh, people. This story is about as insipid as Christie will-he-or-won't-he-run? Yeesh.

  8. ecc102: That would make for an interesting story on MSNBC, I'm sure, not that I'd watch it ;-)

    In all honesty, no one has to justify they aren't "racist" if they aren't. Period. Their actions prove it.

    I just wouldn't have that stupid rock on MY property...I'm just sayin...

  9. Les,

    I know you think most of your fellow Americans are "are tiring, oh so tiring" but could we at least agree that the sort of average schlub who hangs around a place informally known as "Niggerhead" would probably not be a good candidate for President of the United States of America?


  10. jmj - Perhaps you want to rephrase you drivel.

    Read CAREFULLY my opinion, VERY CAREFULLY. After you understand the words you shall understand my position.

    Generally speaking however there is indeed little we can or will agree on.

  11. JMJ - Forgive me for failing to note we can always agree on one thing... That we will more likely than not be able to agree to disagree.

  12. JMJ: "we at least agree that the sort of average schlub who hangs around a place informally known as "Niggerhead" would probably not be a good candidate for President of the United States of America?"

    If you are consistent, then, you will oppose President Obama's re-election.

    After all, he invited to the White House and honored "Common", a hate-rapper who loves to use the N-word.

    I doubt very much that Perry would haul the N*****head rock into the White House. President Obama, however, has done the equivalent thing.


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