OWS... Are the Protests Positive, or are They Merely Anti-Capitalist in Nature...?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

OWS protests continue. They are spreading across the nation. As the momentum grows it is becoming crystal clear the media and the politicians in both the democrat and republican party are actively manipulating the protests. Keep your eyes and ears peeled and open in the coming days. Keep your mind open and reason foremost as you analyze the movement as well as its methods.

The nation has not weighed in conclusively as of his date. However, early indications are that the people following OWS are more in agreement than not.

To the degree the OWS protests focus on eliminating crony capitalism, corporatism, corporate welfare, corporate money influencing congressional and presidential decisions, and the resulting impact on the middle class this site for liberty is fully supportive. On the other hand, and to the extent OWS sinks to the level of championing anti capitalism {which much signage indicates is happening}, rampant socialism, and disregard for common decency {as displayed by the dude caught crapping on a police cruiser} this site soundly denounces its activities.

From The Hill
More than half of all Americans have heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement and more have a positive than negative view of the protests, according to a new ORC International Caravan/CNN poll released Monday.

The protests, which began nearly a month ago and heave spread across the country, are seen favorably by 27 percent of those polled, who say they agree with the movement's position on the financial system. Meanwhile, 19 percent say they disagree with the movement, and 54 percent say they have no opinion.

Those who use social media were more likely to support the goals of the movement, with a full third of those respondents saying they agreed with the group's overall position. Only 14 percent of social media users said they did not support the protesters.

Politicians have taken note of the protests, casting them as symptomatic of some of the partisan divides that lawmakers are grappling with.

Republican presidential nominee Herman Cain denounced the protesters as "jealous" and playing the "victim card" in appearances Sunday. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) called the protests "mobs," and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he worried that the movement could soon turn violent.

But Democrats were more sympathetic. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out a fundraising email Monday asking supporters to sign a petition in support of the protesters. President Obama said during a news conference last week that the movement reflected "broad-based frustration about how our financial system works."

Rational Nation USA has went on record supporting OWS if the purpose remains focused on reforming our sick and failing financial system and it's reliance on corporate welfare and addiction to crony capitalism.

Ayn Rand, in the opinion of this writer would stand in support of reforming and eliminating the above noted anti-capitalist practices.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Mr. Carpenter,

    I completely agree, sir.

    Please use your influence to inform your Objectivist, libertarian, conservative readers of the confluence of interests at play in the OWS. This could be a great moment in our history. If the Tea Party people got in on this, everything could change.


  2. Rest assured that the-powers-that-be will highjack any serious momentum to their advantage, not ours.

  3. They need to march on DC, not Wall Street.

    The bankers are merely following the swiss cheese crony crapitalist laws passed by congress.

    If you want to fight evil, go to the source, not the subsidiaries.

  4. Silver, the source IS Wall Street. They're the one's buying congress, the White House and the courts. It is their interests being represented in DC. Your dogmatic hatred of gov't blinds you to who is doing the corrupting in the first place.


  5. If only Obummer would leave Hedge Fund Managers alone they'd create Jobs and NOT engage in Gambling derivative schemes to bilk the middle class out of their life savings! If only Obama wouldn't threaten to raise taxes Corporations wouldn't send millions of jobs overseas and fire Americans*. If only the EPA was gone, BP and other business would regulate themselves.**

    If only!!!

    *-From 2001-2009 Multi-National American based Corporations fired 2.4 million Americans and hired 2.9 million workers overseas in slave labor nations.

    **- BP in Whiting Indiana routinely violated EPA standards on dumping toxic cancer causing waste products directly into Lake Michigan, from 2003-2008 the company processed more than 95 tons of benzene waste, each year, -- about 16 times the amount allowed.

  6. All I know is that there have been more arrests already with this bunch than there ever were with the Tea Party.

  7. Will - Check out my most recent post. I found he reference article to be quite worth considering.

    For I believe obvious reasons.

  8. Yeah arrests! You know who should be arrested? Why the American Spectator conservative editor Patrick Howley who acted as an agent provocateur in the so-called OWS attack on the Air and Space Museum. But, while he admitted to taking a lead part and also being the ONLY person to rush past the guards. I'm sure it's okay because... Because...

    To quote... "[A]s far as anyone knew I was part of this cause — a cause that I had infiltrated the day before in order to mock and undermine in the pages of The American Spectator — and I wasn’t giving up before I had my story..."

  9. @GEG,

    So this Conservative guy infiltrates the protesters down in Bama, and you want us to think he is part of the problem, when it is obvious when reading the article that he did it to show the weakness and ignorance of this "movement"?


    He wrote this article to expose these protesters and did so wonderfully.

  10. JMJ: No, the source is Washington. Allowing themselves to be "bought" by anyone is a failing of theirs. The politicians are the ones doing the corrupting.

    They should be like President George W. Bush. When Enron came asking for a bailout/handout, he told "Kenny Boy" to go hang.


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