Obama Off To Birthday Party and Fundraiser... What The Chief Does Best

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Flush with new money to spend on an array of new programs {or refurbished old ones} the President will soon be off to Chicago to do what he does best, party and fund raise fr his future political fortunes.

A quick a quick look at the morning's breaking news.
ABC News - Fresh off a bruising debt ceiling debate, and an announcement that the administration is pivoting back to a focus on jobs, Obama heads to his hometown Chicago tonight for a birthday-themed fundraiser at the historic Aragon Ballroom.

Organizers expect a crowd of roughly 1000 supporters, who each paid between $50 and $35,800 to attend. The money flows to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint account for Obama’s re-election campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Guests will be entertained with performances by Chicago-native musicians Jennifer Hudson, Herbie Hancock and the rock group OK Go.

The president will also address the crowd around 8:15 pm ET, but will likely not be catching the musical show, a campaign aide said.

Before the speech, Obama plans to hold an exclusive, live-stream video teleconference with thousands of volunteers celebrating his birthday at one of 1,100 grassroots meetings across the country. {Read More}

As to be expected the President will no doubt continue with his worn out and tired meme of taxing success and class warfare.
New York Post - This isn't dysfunction. This is a successful democracy taking action. It was messy and flawed and nobody loves it. But the deal proves compromise still can work in a divided country.

Yet the result doesn't suit our president, who has an itch for punishing wealth and more spending. To scratch it, he turns reflexively to scapegoating. The man who promised to unite the nation instead relishes dividing it at every opportunity.

So we heard again that the evil "oil companies" and "billionaires" and the "wealthy" and "big corporations" need to "pay their fair share." Doesn't he ever get tired of saying the same things?

I don't know which is worse: That he really believes such drivel will help America, or that he's cynically throwing red meat to the Bubbas of his far-left base. Either way, he needs new material.

But the debt debate made it clear that Obama's idea shop is running on fumes. Like a broken record, he's stuck on the same song -- bigger government, higher taxes. No matter the circumstance, he repeats the mantra. (Read More}

And of course the nation STILL hasn't seen the Presidents budget. I guess the President and the democrats really do have an aversion to budgetary matters.
WSJ - During the negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama reportedly warned Republican leaders not to call his bluff by sending him a bill without tax increases. Republicans in Congress ignored this threat and passed a bill that cuts more than a dollar in spending for every dollar it increases the debt limit, without raising taxes.

Yesterday, Mr. Obama signed this bill into law. He was, as he said, bluffing.

Nevertheless, the president still hasn't shown us his cards. He still hasn't put forward a credible plan to tackle the threat of ever-rising spending and debt, and his evasiveness is emblematic of the party he leads.

Ever since they abused the budget process to jam their health-care takeover through Congress last year, the Democrats have simply done away with serious budgeting altogether. The simplest explanation—and the president's real bluff—is that they don't want to commit publicly to the kind of tax increases and health-care rationing that would be required to sustain their archaic vision of government.

The president's February budget deliberately dodged the tough choices necessary to confront the threat of runaway federal spending. It was rejected unanimously in a Senate controlled by his own party.

Since then he has offered a lot of rhetoric but no real plan to avoid a spending-driven debt crisis. His speeches and press conferences are no substitutes for actual budgets with specific numbers and independently verified projections of future deficits and debt. Meanwhile, it has been over two years since the Democrat-controlled Senate passed any budget at all. This is a historic failure to fulfill one of the most basic responsibilities of governing.

This leadership deficit has thrown the federal budget process into chaos at the worst possible time. Even though Congress has cut spending by a significant amount, it still hasn't dealt with the drivers of our debt—primarily federal spending on health care.

The math is scary, yet simple: In the years ahead, spending on programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Democrats' new health-care entitlements is projected to skyrocket relative to the size of the economy, even as federal spending on everything else is projected to decline (see the nearby chart).

Even well-intentioned proposals such as the one put forward by the Senate's Gang of Six lacked specific reforms to curb the health-care spending. Actually, it took steps in the wrong direction by explicitly requiring policy makers to "maintain the basic structure" of government health-care programs. That structure is unsustainable. {Read More}

Yes indeed, we avoided the default {not that ever was a real possibility} and now it's clear... Back to business as usual. Was there ever any doubt?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Donald in Bethel, CT says:

    "It's my birthday. Give me your money, bit*hes!"

    Happy f-ing birthday Dear Leader. 50 years of total suckage deserves to be celebrated.

    Just sayin'.

  2. I will never understand how you guys can be such sycophants of the rich. It's kind of pathetic.


  3. >I will never understand how you guys can be such sycophants of the rich. It's kind of pathetic.

    I will never understand how you gals can be such sycophants of the totalitarian collectivist slavemasters...Oh, wait. I do understand. You're cowardly, emotion-driven, intellectual midgets who envy those who are more successful than you are. It's not just kind of pathetic. It's deeply, disturbingly, and pathologically pathetic.


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