According To Matthews Republicans Are Terrorists

MRC reporting.
Two times in less than 24 hours, MSNBC's Chris Matthews smeared Republicans who oppose raising the debt limit as "terrorists." On Tuesday, after liberal guest Joan Walsh compared the GOP position to "hostage taking," the Hardball anchor derided, "I agree. It's terrorism." {The Rest}

We will be hearing a lot more of this drivel from Matthews and others of is ilk in the coming days. It gets oh so tiring... What a putz.


  1. Not suprising. The Leftists have already destroyed the meaning of "extremist", which is now a word they use for any mainstream views they don't share.

  2. I wish Matthews wouldn't use terms like that. It's stupid, shameless controversialism. He's bombastic enough! He shouldn't be throwing bombs like that!


  3. I gave up trying to comment from my google account after the fourth try Les. i think it was a good comment but I lost my train of thought. I'll be sending a nasty email to google over this.

  4. It's more correct to say that the Republican party is no longer mainstream and is extremist.

    From the #2 nominee for the Republican party for the President of the United States:

    Black babies were better off when their parents were slaves

    I guess Republicans believe 2011 is a good year to reinstate the racism in Americans

  5. "It's more correct to say that the Republican party is no longer mainstream and is extremist."

    It's not correct at all. You might consider thinking before you post, instead of typing stuff that makes no sense but sounds good to you at the time.

    "From the #2 nominee for the Republican party for the President of the United States: Black babies were better off when their parents were slaves"

    Do you ever bother to fact check anything? That's a FABRICATED QUOTE. Bachmann never said it, or anything remotely like it. The quote appears to have been created as a headline on the "Pulse" blog.

    She never actually said what you quote her as saying. This one of these memes like the leftists quoting Sarah Palin saying she could see Alaska from her house (when in fact a comedian said this, not Palin).

    What Bachmann did was sign onto a pledge that included this wording: "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President.

    The first part of this statement directly contradicts the fake quote: "disastrous" is not "better off". Overall the statement is one of a demographic/historical fact. The only value judgement in it calls slavery 'disastrous'.

    "I guess Republicans believe 2011 is a good year to reinstate the racism in Americans"

    Not at all. There's simply no reason to believe so, or to assert this. The situation you used to support this conclusion turned out to be in fact nothing like what you describe. You really need to think first, type second.

  6. To ANON,

    You said:
    Black babies were better off when their parents were slaves. (I know this is not from your own lips)

    Black babies are not safe today. Specifically targeted by leftist organizations such as Planned Parenthood, and with 80% of all black babies in NYC ending up aborted, it is most definitely not safe to be a black baby in America. Oh, right...Planned Parenthood believes in ethnic cleansing and racial genocide. Hey,...aren't they supported by the liberals and Dems?

    Who's the racist now?

  7. I do believe the subject was with respect to Republican being terrorists (according to dunder brain Mathews) because of their position on the debt ceiling.

    How in the Heck did we end up on racism?

  8. I used to like Matthews back when he was independent, nonpartisan, moderate, etc.. He's basically morphed into a typical left-wing hack "over there".

  9. Will - Mathews was never a favorite of mine, but I do remember when he was a bit more, shall we say objective.


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