Obama Poll Numbers Rise Amidst Reports of Presidential Dithering and Indecision

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

With bin Laden amongst the deceased the President's poll numbers are up significantly, both with independents and republicans. Excerpts from the New York Times.
Support for President Obama has risen sharply following the killing of Osama bin Laden by American military forces in Pakistan, with a majority now approving of his overall job performance, as well as his handling of foreign policy, the war in Afghanistan and the threat of terrorism, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

The glow of national pride seemed to rise above partisan politics, as support for the president rose significantly among both Republicans and independents. In all, 57 percent said they now approved of the president’s job performance, up from 46 percent last month...

The president’s job approval rating rose 11 points, compared with an 8-point increase for President George W. Bush after the capture of Saddam Hussein in December 2003. Mr. Bush’s bump evaporated within a month.

The increase in Mr. Obama’s ratings came largely from Republicans and independents. Among independents, his approval rating increased 11 points from last month, to 52 percent, while among Republicans it rose 15 points, to 24 percent.

Among Democrats, 86 percent supported his job performance, compared with 79 percent in April.

But in an indication that anxieties about unemployment, gas prices and the national debt have not withered with Bin Laden’s death, goodwill toward Mr. Obama did not extend to his economic policies. More than half said they disapproved of his handling of the economy, similar to the result last month, the poll found. {Read More}

As Commander in Chief the President certainly deserves a round of applause and the support of the American people with the decision to take out bin Laden. The Navy Seal's performed magnificently in the execution of their mission. And in the process enhances the aura of the one they are ultimately responsible to, the President.

However, information from other sources depicts the Commander in Chief as an indecisive leader who was unable to make a decision on pulling the trigger on the mission to eliminate bin Laden. Essentially stating the President let others make the decision . Rational Nation personally hopes this information is ultimately discredited. Nonetheless it deserves airing. Each can and should keep an open mind until such time as the information is verified..

From the White House Insider
Note:This update comes some 24 hours after our longtime Washington D.C. Insider first outlined shocking details of an Obama administration having been “overruled” by senior military and intelligence officials leading up to the successful attack against terrorist Osama Bin Laden. What follows is further clarification of Insider’s insights surrounding that event.


Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?

A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.

I was correct in stating there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper. The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president’s failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One, that the military action could fail and harm the president’s already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second, that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East. {Read More}

There is more. MailonLine reports that Obama took sixteen hours to make a decision while our military brass were kept hanging.
Barack Obama kept military commanders hanging by declaring he would 'sleep on it' before taking 16 hours to give the go-ahead to raid Bin Laden's compound.

Hit squads of specialist Navy Seals - who were not even told who they were preparing to capture - had practised the mission at two reconstructions of the terror chiefs sprawling compound.

The mission looked set to be given the all clear last Thursday when analysts confirmed beyond doubt that Bin Laden was in busy town of Abbottabad in northern Pakistan.

But the president stunned officials when he told a national security meeting that he wanted more time to think - and disappeared out of the room.

'I'm not going to tell you what my decision is now - I'm going to go back and think about it some more,' said Obama, according to the New York Times. He then added 'I'm going to make a decision soon.'

The head of the CIA and other senior intelligence officers who were keen to proceed were left tense as they waited for the president's decision.

But the next morning after 16 hours, Obama summoned four top aides to the White House Diplomatic Room. Before they could speak, the president put his fist on the table and declared 'It's a go'.

With those three words, the greatest military operation in recent history began. Had it not been for heavy cloud cover on Saturday, troops would have been deployed then.

But they waited another day, and reached Pakistan just before midnight on Sunday evening. Obama refused to tell Pakistan about the mission in case it was leaked by jihadist sympathisers within the administration and Bin Laden took flight. {Read More}

Americans can be thankful that the President ultimately made the right decision resulting in the final extermination of one of histories most deranged and sick individuals. However, the questions surrounding the President's indecisiveness are worth considering. For what should be obvious reasons.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I hope that the info is ultimately discredited, too, Les. As person who's criticized Mr. Obama a fair amount lately, I would personally love to give him some strong kudos for this.

  2. Here's the AP doing a quick timeline ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFUdZJ7lZw4 )of events leading to and through the OBL operation. Not a lot of detail, but you can feel the weight of the matter.

    I would be very surprised to believe Obama is dithering and indecisive. The guy strikes me as highly intelligent, unusually wise and worldly, and steely cool. I mean, wierdly cool. It bothers me a little how cool this guy is. And by "cool" I mean mix of a Spartan and a Stoic. A wierd mix.

    It seems obvious to me. That's how this guy became President in the first place. No one handed him anything because he never needed it. Sure he took - because he always could have found some other benefactor. The guy is quick-witted and charasmatic. A born leader.

    I only agree with him about 50% of the time, but that's better than I can say for most other politicians. It's at times like this I'm glad he's President and not one of those other shmucks.

    By the way, remember that whole pirate episode, with the snypers on the ship?

    That Obama is neither "dithering" nor "indecisive" should be well cemented into everyone's minds now. The guy has proven this over and over. Yes, he thinks things through, and that's a good thing, but when it comes time to make a decision he always goes all the way. You HAVE to give him credit for that.

    Please, find something else, and hopefully more substantive, to complain about Obama. I can think of plenty. C'mon man!


  3. jmj - I ALSO SAID...

    "As Commander in Chief the President certainly deserves a round of applause and the support of the American people with the decision to take out bin Laden. The Navy Seal's performed magnificently in the execution of their mission. And in the process enhances the aura of the one they are ultimately responsible to, the President."


    "Rational Nation personally hopes this information is ultimately discredited."

    and finally...

    "Americans can be thankful that the President ultimately made the right decision resulting in the final extermination of one of histories most deranged and sick individuals. However, the questions surrounding the President's indecisiveness are worth considering..."

    Can you connect here? I am simply giving credit to the President where I belive credit is due. Does it not also make sense to consider all sources of information? It ultimately may be shown these reports are inaccurate. I hope they are.


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