In Mr. Maher's Own Words

1) "I've said it many times. If Muslim men could get laid more, we we wouldn't have this problem There's probably no suicide bomber who, after he died, people said, 'You know, that guy, he blew himself up, but boy - he got laid a lot.'".............2) "All this talk about the people who burned the Koran and nothing about the people who reacted in such a STUPID (my emphasis) way. We're always blaming the victim and not holding, not most Muslims, but at least a large part of the Muslim community that doesn't condemn their people. What it comes down to is that there is ONE (again, my emphasis) religion in the world that kills you when you disagree with them. They say, 'Look, we're a religion of peace and if you disagree we'll cut your effing (sanitized) head off.' And nobody calls them on it, or there are very few people who call them on it."........................................................................................................I may be wrong here, folks, but, in my opinion, if a conservative had made these comments (the second of which, yes, I basically agree with), people like Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz would be going apoplectic. BUT, because it was Bill Maher who said them - NOTHING! So much frigging so for sound principled commentary, huh?

Editor's Note: WILL "TAKE NO PRISONERS" HART brings a serious no nonsense moderate perspective to the rough and tumble of political debate. Will blogs regularly at Contra O'Reilly.


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