Thank You Howard Dean... Now Shut Up Please!

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Birthplace of Independent Conservatism

Thank you Howard Dean. You not only marginalize the 55 year old and older group, of which I am a proud member, you also, in your pompous and elitist mentality marginalize anyone that has valid reasons to disagree with you.
A true liberal progressive idiot.

Additionally, you fail {by design} to take into consideration the 30 something group that make up a significant part of the Tea Party movement. Oh, I almost forgot, to you, and those like you, the only important thing is to repeat the same BS {lie} in hopes that if repeated often enough the nation will believe you. I, as well as most Americans ain't bying your crap.

Here is what the hot headed icon of the irrational left had to say in part with respect to the Tea Party.
“I think it’s the last gasp of the 55-year-old generation,” said Dean, who was also chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 2005-2009. “Older folks have seen their life change dramatically. The country’s not the same.”

“Every morning when they see the president, they are reminded that things are totally different than they were when they were born,” he continued. “The economy, and the uncertainty of the economy fuels [the Tea Party movement], but this is the last gasp of a generation that has trouble with diversity.”

Dean’s characterization of the Tea Party, however, doesn’t square with the facts. In July, USA Today reported that 23 percent of the Tea Party are non-white Anglos, while non-white Anglos make up roughly 25 percent of the total American population. Additionally, only 47 percent of the Tea Party is 55 years old and older, while 23 percent are under 35 years old. It may be a tough pill for Dr. Dean to swallow, but it seems the Tea Party is actually a fair representation, demographically speaking, of the American voting public.
Howard Dean is, in the final analysis, a member of the Wilsonian liberal progressive generation that knows it is dying. They know the timeless first principals of this great nation's foundling will survive them. They are quite frankly gasping for their last breaths of air. But they will keep trying, and preaching their crap in hopes of convincing the rest of us.

But then again, what does this almost 59 year old know. You all be the judge because I just ain't going to be around long enough to deal with the mistakes of the current generation of do gooders and bleeding hearts. I've already dealt with plenty of the mistakes of the liberal progressives over the past 40 years.

Cross psted to the Left Coast Rebel

Via: Memeorandum


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