The Politics of Envy and State-mandated Generosity

By: Bastiatarian

Andy Rutledge posted an article yesterday, that I wish I had written, because he is spot on. Here's a short excerpt.
Liberal lawmakers do not care how responsible or caring you are. Your generosity must die on the altar of an irrational and forced "equality." Liberalism mandates that in addition to the necessary taxation for Constitutional government needs, everyone is required to pay a further percentage of his or her hard-earned income to The State so that it can decide how best to distribute these funds. We don’t get a choice in the matter. And the results are nothing short of a tragedy.

In the liberal worldview, success among some people is not really success, but tyranny. According to liberalism, success is tyranny because there remain people who have not achieved equal success. It is bad enough that some are so ridiculously obtuse as to hold with this outrageous idea, but worse because they have power and they insist on imposing this ideal upon all US citizens. That, my friends, is tyranny.
Read the rest here.

Cross-posted at Old-fashioned Clarity.


  1. All that we need is the equality of OPPORTUNITY.

    For those, who because of generic shortcomings {for the lack of a better word} are unable to compete in the marketplace of jobs there should be a "safety net." I have known a few over my lifetime who legitimately fit this description. All Americans ned to step up to the playe to help them.

    Beyond that it is and should be the "survival of the fittest."

    On that note government, get out of the way and stop giving special favors to the "pull peddlers" in business.

    It's real simple all you liberal progressives {and all you progressive republicans (aka dem light)lets just let common sense prevail. That is assuming you still understand what that means and have any to left.

  2. "Safety Nets" set up for "genetically shortchanged" are immediately coopted and abused by the devious, lazy and / or abusive.

    "Safety Nets" and any public programs should be the description of intent of PRIVATE NON-PROFIT organizations that exist to campaign and collect donations for the sole purpose of this public interest. IT IS NOT THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT TO SUPPORT ANYONE THROUGH THE TRANSFER OF WEALTH OF OTHERS.


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