President Obama Hands Control to Former President Clinton

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

Welcome back President Clinton! In what seems as an almost surreal press conference our sitting President managed to escape the no doubt  anticipated pressure of answering question from the press with respect to his compromise on extension of the Bush era tax relief. Leaving former President Bill Clinton in charge he vacated the premise, and presumably any associated heat.

How did he manage his slippery exit? Apparently he had been keeping the FLOTUS waiting for over a half hour. Why Mr.President, by all means don't keep the First Lady waiting. Certainly whatever she had in mind for the balance of the day was much more important than the execution of your  job responsibilities.

No one should have issue with any sitting President confering with, or seeking the advice of a former sitting President. Hell, that is just good common sense. After all it happens in business all the time. There is nothing like seeking the advice of an experienced {and successful executive} individual when in the process of considering your decisions. However, giving a former sitting President front and center on the main stage while you exited entirely is - well - simply unbelievable.

Further, the message Obama sent the American people is, at least in this writers opinion either A)  he has accepted that he is incompetent to hold the position of President,or 2) he feels that his personal life is more important that the life of the nation he was {mistakenly in the opinion of some}elected to lead. Whichever  the case it certainly points to weakness and a failed Presidency.

Note the exchange at approximately the 2 minute mark.

Indeed. Is there any doubt this POTUS is on the way to becoming the second Jimmy Carter? So to speak.

Via: Memorandum


  1. Obama is in over his head. From being manipulated by Chavez into that photo op, to trash talking his "enemies" the "hostage taker" republicans, this man is a master at being un-presidential.

  2. Obama is not in over his head. He is far more polished a politician and sorrounded by far more highly competent political insiders than Jimmy Carter was. Jimmy Carter was a true outsider who was truly in over his head. Obama has a different problem - he's essentially a Blue Dog, moderate, mainstream Democrat, whose administration is mired in politicking and deal-making. Just the same, Obama has accomplished more in his first two years than most presidents in four or eight.


  3. Unfortunately, but perhaps as expected, all he has "accomplished" has NOT been good for America or the American people.

    Just another BS politician concerned only with his legacy. Which from this corner ain't looking as though it will be to good.

    Just the opinion of one independent conservative.

  4. Easing the burdens of consumer credit debt and student loans, opening the EITC to all, SChip, the current market boom, and on and on, Obama has done a good job. He's not as liberal or progressive for me, but he's done at least a hundred good things for this country.

    Try to open your mind a little. He's done quite a few things the right enjoys as well.


  5. >He is far more polished a politician and sorrounded by far more highly competent political insiders than Jimmy Carter

    That's kind of like saying that being stabbed in the kidney is better than being shot in the head, and expecting people to then think that being stabbed in the kidney is a good thing.

    >Easing the burdens of consumer credit debt and student loans

    Using my money to make it possible for others to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.

    >opening the EITC to all

    Smoke and mirrors to give the illusion of a tax cut.


    Stealing money from one person to give to somebody else's kids.

    >the current market boom

    I don't think the word "boom" means what you think it means...A market boom refers to a significant improvement in a market.

    Oh, wait. Maybe you're referring to China.

  6. JMJ -Mind open, brain engaged.


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