On This One Kudos To Michelle Obama

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

Forgive me if my sarcasm is obvious. However, don't rational people have more important things to single out and criticize the FLOTUS for than her efforts to heighten awareness over the dangers of obesity. Particularly within the young? Sure she has had an occasional ice cream, maybe her taste for the sweeter things in life are legendary. So what? At least she is attempting to to do the right thing. Not unlike the conservatives that have preached fidelity {or abstinence for their their teens}and them practiced the opposite, or whose children have failed to abstain as they preached.

And I am willing to bet the FLOTUS is in a helluva ;ot better shape than say, Karl Rove or Rush Limbaugh.

Okay, so lets consider the information just a moment. Admittedly the following information is from CNN, certainly not your bastion of conservative thought. Consider it as data, then do the work to verify it as reliable information.

Sarah Palin, that golden gal of Republican and Tea Party enthusiasts has found it appropriate to criticize the FLOTUS over her anti obesity campaign. Alluding to the idea that Michelle Obama is somehow advocating that "big brother {sister} government knows best how your kids ought to eat.

Here's the data in excerpts from the CNN Politics; political ticker.
It's not the first time Palin has taken a job at Mrs. Obama over her campaign to discourage fattening foods, especially from public schools. The former vice presidential nominee told conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham last month that "the first lady cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat." 
Palin also hand-delivered cookies to a Pennsylvania school last month before delivering a speech there, saying: "Who should be deciding what I eat? Should it be government or should it be parents? It should be the parents." 
Palin's comments Sunday appear to be in reference to a speech Michelle Obama delivered in July, during which she described her own upbringing when it came to food and exercise. 
"In the afternoon, there was no way we'd be allowed to lie around the house watching TV," she told the NAACP in a Kansas City speech. "Our parents made us get up and play outside."
"As I tell my kids, dessert is not a right," she added. 
Nowhere do I see Mrs. Obama suggesting the responsibility for children's eating habits to rest with the government. Rather I see her saying it is the parents responsibility to guide their children. The fact she is taking a leadership role in educating is admirable. It seems to me to be precisely the position Mrs. Palin has enunciated.

On the surface that's how I see it. I intend to do some more research on the entire picture as I am sure you intend to do as well if this sort of thing is of concern to you.

Via: Memeorandum

Update: Outside the Beltway offers the following analysis of Mrs. Palin's remarks.
I generally don’t care very much what First Ladies do; they weren’t elected and the whole “power behind the throne” image that the Clintons conveyed during their first few years in office is one that made me, and I gather many other Americans, just a little bit uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I’ve always thought that the various charitable and public service activities that First Ladies have engaged in are harmless at worst, and possibly beneficial. Laura Bush brought attention to the problem of illiteracy in the U.S. and around the world, as well as the plight of women in Afghanistan under the Taliban. Michelle Obama is choosing to focus on a public education campaign to educate parents about the woeful state of child nutrition, especially in some of America’s poorest communities. To the extent that’s all she’s doing and not engaging in the type of Nanny State-ism we’re seeing in California, where municipalities are banning Happy Meals, I really don’t have a problem with it. 
Is Palin actually saying she’s against child nutrition and against providing information to parents? Or is she just taking cheap shots at Michelle Obama?


  1. Palin aside, all levels of government and many non-government entities are now trying to force our hand about what we do do, say and eat. You, of all people, should know that it's none of their business. Our local school board recently closed our campuses, supposedly for safety. What it really was about was keeping students from spending their lunch money at the pizza joints across the street from our two city high schools, and forcing students to spend their money in the disgusting school cafeterias.

  2. Here's the problem with OTB's analysis: It's neither charitable or a public service when she does it with money taken by force from the taxpayers.

    I am tired of these progressive people nudging me. Time for us to nudge their asses out of power in 2 years.

  3. That is an issue of a different color so to speak. As reported Michelle Obama is advocating for an educated outlook with respect to obesity and its affect on children. She did not suggest government should decide for parents what their children should eat. In fact as reported she clearly laid the responsibility on parents, even citing her own experience as a child. Reminded me of my own mother constant get off your fanny and get outside and play. As well as eating a balanced diet that she provided her family.

    As to your specific reference I am in agreement. As I said in my post I was certain those with concern would do further research as I certainly will.

    I also will not shoot the messenger for a seemingly innocuous effort at education.

  4. Please direct me to where in the report Michelle suggested that government is responsible for children's eating habits. If we criticize Michelle then let us criticize prior FLOTUS's for their efforts in area's that government ought not go.

    Perhaps I am wrong here. But forgive me for attempting to be "intellectually honest. It is a trademark of the independent conservative.

  5. "If we criticize Michelle then let us criticize prior FLOTUS's for their efforts in area's that government ought not go."

    A valid point, though it's water over the dam. Maybe we DO need to watch more closely where our tax dollars are spent, even by the well-meaning, if there ARE such people in Washington.


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