More Democratic Moonbattery

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

If nothing else one at least can get a chuckle now and again from democrats and their oft tendency the make - well - ridiculous statements. Senator Mary Landrieu's remarks on the deal Obama cut with Republicans  to extend the Bush era tax relief is one of those times.
“We’re going to borrow $46 billion from the poor, from the middle-class, from businesses of all sizes basically, to give a tax cut to families in America today that, despite the recession, are making over $1 million,” she said. “This is unprecedented.”
May we ask who is borrowing $46 billion dollars from the poor, middle class, and business to extend tax relief Mary?

Further, the tax relief enacted during the Bush years is now ten years old. Technically extending tax relief to all Americans at this point is merely maintaining the status quo. Allowing the relief given all American taxpayers over the last ten years to expire would amount to a huge tax increase. 

As President Obama pointed out, allowing the tax relief of the Bush era to lapse would mean an increase of over $3,000 in tax liability for the average American family. Help me here Mary, one of us is apparently missing something.

The issue of property rights {ones basic right to retain and utilize one's property as they see fit, this includes one's earnings} aside, Mary's statement is the same old scratched record playing the familiar tune of wealth redistribution and sounding the drum beat of class warfare.

I guess until the mentality of a significant segment of our nation's populace changes we will keep hearing the same refrain from the liberal, progressive, Democrats. Penalize the well off through force of tax law and redistribute the legal theft to others.

If we were really serious about permanent tax relief for all American's, as well as growing our economy, we would scrap the current tax code and replace it with a simplified flat tax.. minus all the goodies and loopholes. That combined with rational cuts in federal expenditures likely would solve the majority of our economic woes. Saving that that for another time.

Cross posted to the Left Coast Rebel.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I'm still waiting for ONE Democrat to say tightening Washington's belt would be a good idea.

  2. "May we ask who is borrowing $46 billion dollars from the poor, middle class, and business to extend tax relief Mary?"

    Only a Democrat would ask such an asinine question. Only a Democrat would wonder where the money is going to come from if there is a TAX CUT. How long will America suffer such ignorance?

    I have a family. We have a budget. Necessary changes were made, so we cut certain elements out of our lifestyle to accommodate a more sensible fiscal plan. At no time did I, or my wife, say, "Well, if we cut going to the movies out, where will we get the money to pay for it?"

    Morons. Imbeciles. Ignoramusi of the highest order, and plain jackasses.

    Balance is all well and good, and a case could be made that liberals are needed in America...but come on, now. Isn't it obvious, with all the soundbites and gaffes, that these people are mentally challenged,(Rahm would say 'retarded'), and politically incompetent?


    Donald in Bethel

  3. Les,

    I just rea;ized as I came back here to RNUSA and re-read my comment, that it appears I am referrng to your question as being an asinine one. This is not correct. I merely copy/pasted your original words and simply forgot to "edit" them so it wouldn't look like I was lambasting you.

    My apologies if there was any confusion. You are no Democrat, liberal, or America-hating progressive.

    Donald in Bethel, CT


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