Is The Conservative Movement To Become History?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

Being the father of independent conservative thought I find myself awestruck by the position of the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America. The two groups announcement that they will not attend CPAC's February conference strikes me as being driven totally by idealogical beliefs rooted in the dark ages.

While they may claim the reason for their refusal to participate is due to the organizations "financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principals" the true underlying reason rests in CPAC's invitation to GOProud, a homosexual activist group, to attend the conference.

Having been a young man in my late twenties and early thirties {I was an independent conservative even in those days} I recall the idealogical dark age mentality of one Anita Bryant who railed against homosexuality because it would be the destruction of the family and family values as the religious right believes they ought to be .
Penny Nance - The New Anita Bryant

I am sure this is no news flash, but the family today is threatened by far less because of homosexuals amongst us than it is by the lack of parental guidance and the failure to teach the truth that hard work, perseverance, and diligence is the bedrock of a happy and successful life. Rather than focusing on the principles that help to insure family values and success some on the right {exception being the independent conservatives} seems intent on reverting back to the dark ages when the only accepted beliefs was that of flawed religious mysticism.

Given we now are living in the 21st century it is incredulous to the thinking mind that such bigotry still exits. But given the irrationality of religious mysticism of all faiths I suppose it should not be surprising.

Here are some excerpts from the WND article.
Two of the nation's premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, are refusing to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference in February because a homosexual activist group, GOProud, has been invited.

"We've been very involved in CPAC for over a decade and have managed a couple of popular sessions. However, we will no longer be involved with CPAC because of the organization's financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principles," said Tom McClusky, senior vice president for FRC Action.

"CWA has decided not to participate in part because of GOProud," CWA President Penny Nance told WND.

FRC and CWA join the American Principles Project, American Values, Capital Research Center, the Center for Military Readiness, Liberty Counsel, and the National Organization for Marriage in withdrawing from CPAC. In November, APP organized a boycott of CPAC over the participation of GOProud

The American Conservative Union, longtime organizers of CPAC, disclosed just before Christmas that GOProud would be considered a "participating organization," the second highest level of participation. As a "participating organization," GOProud has a voice in planning the conference.

The decision followed two hotly contested CPAC board votes over GOProud. The first vote ended in a tie. The outcome of the second vote has not been officially disclosed, but a source at ACU leaked the decision favoring GOProud to the media.

The American Conservative Union, longtime organizers of CPAC, disclosed just before Christmas that GOProud would be considered a "participating organization," the second highest level of participation. As a "participating organization," GOProud has a voice in planning the conference.

The decision followed two hotly contested CPAC board votes over GOProud. The first vote ended in a tie. The outcome of the second vote has not been officially disclosed, but a source at ACU leaked the decision favoring GOProud to the media

ACU is also currently struggling through an embezzlement scandal, in which the ex-wife of ACU Chairman David Keene is suspected of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the organization. Diana Carr, ACU's former bookkeeper, was fired in January 2010.

Nobody from ACU was available to comment, as the organization's offices are closed for the holiday season.

"By bringing in GOProud, CPAC was effectively saying moral opposition to homosexuality is no longer welcome in the conservative movement," said LaBarbera. "Would CPAC bring in an organization specifically devoted to promoting abortion and pretend it's conservative?" LaBarbera has formerly participated in CPAC, but said he may protest the conference this year.

"Shame on CPAC for defending the absurd proposition that one can be 'conservative' while embracing moral surrender – in this case the idea espoused by GOProud of the government granting 'rights' and benefits based on sinful sexual conduct long regarded as anathema to biblical and Judeo-Christian values," LaBarbera added.

For those who wish to read more of this dark age philosophy please visit here.

If the conservative movement hopes to have a chance of surviving it must begin to accept it is past time to recognize principles and values that are based in logical and rational thought rather than mysticism. Failing the ability to do so will eventually ensure the demise of conservatism.

Having said the above I remind all that religion has over the course of time has been responsible for untold numbers of unjustified deaths, and been responsible for the misery of many untold souls. An understanding of  history will bear out these statements.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. There are several things which have contributed to the decline of the American family, Les, and like it or not, the forced "acceptance" of homosexuallity as "normal" is one of them (but ONLY one).

  2. I am a Christian and I cannot understand this. We have a right, guaranteed by the first amendment, to preach Christ in the public marketplace. What else to they want?

    Would they also exclude Muslims, Jews, *Gasp!* Mormons and Papists? Can an atheist be a good conservative.

    Politics is about addition and multiplication, not subtraction and division. These groups also hate libertarians, btw...

  3. Gorges - Like it or not homosexuality is a reality. Homosexuals are fellow human beings, they work and they bleed just like the majority of us heterosexuals do.

    They do not pose a threat to the family and perhaps if they had not been treated like second or third rate citizens, or worse yet like the plaque, our society would enjoy more harmony.

    There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the fears of the religious right.

  4. Silverfiddle...

    "Politics is about addition and multiplication, not subtraction and division. These groups also hate libertarians, btw..."

    You are so correct. As always you have a way of reducing a complex issue to an understandable and practice conclusion.

  5. Just a conservative girl - Back at ya!
    I hope to keep it up as times allows.

  6. Les, no one said that homosexuality ISN'T a reality. I've got two first cousins that are gay, and I get along great with both of them. Nor do you have to convince me that they're human, I've sort of noticed that.

    They ARE a MORAL abomination to God, which you won't accept, being an atheist. Then again, atheists are also an abomination to God, but that's not my problem any more than the gay's problems are mine. Trust me, I've got plenty of my own.

    What I lamented was: "the forced acceptance of homosexuallity as normal", no more, no less, and I stand by the remark.

  7. Gorges - I find it unfortunate that anyone would believe that gays, lesbians, or homosexuals are an "abomination to God".

    But as you say that isn't my problem, I certainly do have more important things to concern myself with.

    I am not trying to convince you they are human as you obviously know that. My point, poorly put I now believe, is really that homosexuals by virtue of being human deserve the same respect and rights their heterosexuals brothers and sisters receive from society.

    No one in my opinion should be forced to accept homosexuality as normal. By the very fact that homosexuals represent a small percentage of the overall population confirms that homosexuality it is not the "norm."

    I believe Christians accept that God creates all life and in so doing he creates all that make up each human life. Therefore, it logically follows that the MORAL abomination to God is one he himself created.

    My atheism is the direct result of years of study with respect to religion, ethics, morality, objective reasoning, and more.

    I stand by my post.


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