The Amazing Human Nancy Pelosi Pretzel

by the Left Coast Rebel

Laugh along with the amazing human pretzel, her name is Nancy:

(WSJ) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she has the “overwhelming support” of fellow Democrats in her bid to become minority leader in the next Congress, and says she’s not to blame for the Democrats’ mid-term debacle.

“We didn’t lose the election because of me,” Ms. Pelosi told National Public Radio in an interview that aired Friday morning. “Our members do not accept that.”

Instead, the California Democrat attributes the loss of at least 60 seats to high unemployment and “$100 million of outside, unidentified funding.”

“Any party that cannot turn (9.5% unemployment) into political gains should hang up the gloves,” she said.

Among those rooting for Ms. Pelosi to stick around are Republicans, who are giddy at the prospect of reprising in 2012 the attacks they used in the past election cycle, tying Democratic incumbents around the country to the liberal from San Francisco.

Ms. Pelosi’s reply: Bring it on. “The reason they had to take me down is because I’ve been effective in fighting special interests in Washington, D.C.,” Ms. Pelosi said, citing the health insurance and financial services industries. “I’m effective. They had to take me out. I’m also the most significant attractor to support for the Democrats.”

“So, I’m not looking back on this,” Ms. Pelosi said. “They asked me to run, I’m running. We don’t let the Republicans choose our leaders, and again, our members understand, they made me a target because I’m effective, politically and policy-wise.”

So let's get this straight. Nanny-Government-Nancy thinks that she has absolutely no culpability in Democrat losses on November 2. She also thinks that shadowy, outside conspiratorial funding is to blame for the Democrat rout. Beyond that as well she thinks that angry, unemployed folks that bolted GOP are to blame (how dare they vote against their own interests, better, rulers and philosopher-king superiors).

And, she is effective, because she rammed a disastrous health care takeover (that she wanted everyone to read to find what was in it) through the Congress.

How can someone in power truly be this stupid?

Cross posted to LCR.


  1. LCR,

    You said:
    "How can someone in power truly be this stupid?"

    That should be the campaign slogan for anyone who is not an establishment/career politician to use in 2012. I would use it, definitely.

    I absolutely adore Nancy Pelosi. She is the best thing to happen to liberalism since Carter. If it were possible, I would have a sit-down with Pelosi, Frank, Reid, Schumer, Grayson, and Colmes. I think it would be epic. Epic stupid.

    Thanks for being you, LCR. You make sense in an American political scene that seems so senseless these days.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  2. That's what happens when a person's ego is bigger than their brain. Come to think of it, we have someone in that big white house that acts just the same!

    1. So true. Perhaps come January that will change.

  3. One of her Democratic counterparts summed her up perfectly.

    She's "politically toxic".

    1. She is toxic period in every sense of toxicity.


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