Is Congress Balanced?... Can a Spirit of Getting the Peoples Business Done Prevail?
by: Les Carpenter Rational Nation USA The scales of justice. Or perhaps they should simply be viewed as balance scales. At any rate they ought to be on display daily in Congress and all congressional offices. It might be just my lone opinion but Congress has been perpetually out of balance for years. Congressman seem to have acquired more of a taste for the hunt (campaigning) than for the work the people elect them to do. I know, the last congress did work hard. Hard at passing legislation they themselves didn't read (most notably ObamaCare), or if they did they failed to understand their own laws. Most certainly they acted in all manners of irrationality and passed bills and that obviously have failed to right our ship or build a stronger foundation. But the gamesmanship will continue. Congressman Boehner (soon to be Speaker of the House), and Mitch McConnell (Senate minority leader) in a joint letter said... next to nothing. Or at least nothing we haven't heard ma