One Before the Vote

By: Bastiatarian

Well, the conference is over, my presentation went well (everybody laughed at the right places, which is what it's all about anyway), and I'm starting to recover from the past month of little sleep and far too much work, so I suppose I should get at last one post in before the election.

Here in southern Arizona we have a congressional race going between Jesse Kelly and incumbent Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords isn't quite the hardcore totalitarian thug that we get in Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and their ilk, but she is thoroughly in their camp. Of course, she tries to get the conservative vote by talking about how she's a gun owner (although Gun Owners of America gave her a D grade on gun rights) or a supporter of border security (although she doesn't want immigration laws to be actually enforced, so she's against SB1070). Her actual, documented record, however, makes it perfectly clear that she is just another a big-spending, big-regulating Democrat.

She is also a brazen liar. I constantly see her claim that Jesse Kelly wants to increase taxes 23%, which is completely false. Anyone who interprets Kelly's statements of support of a flat tax as an indication of a desire to raise taxes is just plain stupid. Giffords isn't being stupid, however. (Granted, she's not too terribly sharp, but that's not the issue in this case.) Lying is part of the leftist playbook, and so it's par for the course.

I was in Los Angeles for my conference, and saw the same type of thing going on with local candidates there as well. I wasn't even that familiar with the candidates, but the ads placed by Democrats were so ludicrous that the viewer didn't even need to go outside the context of the ad to find refutations of the claims.

The ads/signs placed by the Democrats are getting more desperate, something that can be seen in what I had thought was impossible: a further decrease in actual substance. Not being able to gain the advantage in an actual discussion of relevant issues, southern Arizona Democrats have started placing a new sign next to Kelly's campaign signs. It reads, simply, "Kelly Lies!" It reminds me of when elementary school students are caught in an improper act and respond by accusing the accuser of what he or she has been accused of, but without any supporting evidence.

Voting should be simple. A real American will never vote for anyone, of any party, that will, in any way, violate the absolute right of each individual to his or her life, liberty, and property. Maintenance of and respect for those absolute rights constitute the American way. Not "free" education, not subsidizing laziness or mediocrity, not massive funding of specious and thoroughly unsupported claims of catastrophic climate change, not anything at all that takes from one person that which he or she has produced or obtained through voluntary exchange, and not anything that would then give those goods or services to another who has not obtained a right to those goods or services through voluntary exchange.

I held my nose and voted for John McCain (D-lite, AZ) in the last presidential election. It didn't do any good, the first Affirmative Action president was elected, and I still feel dirty. Compromising for a Republican who will sell my life from under me just a little more slowly than the Democrat doesn't do me any real good. I'm not compromising again.

The only way to return the United States to the Founding Principles, and then to increase the strength of our liberty from that starting point, is to be unrelenting and uncompromising. We haven't been able to do it by playing the political game. The only ones who win that game are the politicians. Instead, we have to live and promote true principles of liberty, without backing down, without playing their game, without compromising, and without giving up a single inch. Regardless of who wins what election, we have to stand our ground. We have to be willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Founding Fathers. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" is not an old-fashioned, outdated conviction.

Don't compromise on your vote. If there isn't a candidate who fully embraces the principles of liberty, write in your own name. If we do that, the worse candidate will win, you say? Hey, it's not like our compromises have been electing men and women of honor and integrity anyway. Before we can elect men and women of honor and integrity, we have to display those characteristics ourselves, regardless of the circumstances. Voting for evil is never justified.


  1. Bastiatarian, you said:

    I held my nose and voted for John McCain (D-lite, AZ) in the last presidential election. It didn't do any good, the first Affirmative Action president was elected, and I still feel dirty. Compromising for a Republican who will sell my life from under me just a little more slowly than the Democrat doesn't do me any real good. I'm not compromising again.

    The only way to return the United States to the Founding Principles, and then to increase the strength of our liberty from that starting point, is to be unrelenting and uncompromising. We haven't been able to do it by playing the political game. The only ones who win that game are the politicians. Instead, we have to live and promote true principles of liberty, without backing down, without playing their game, without compromising, and without giving up a single inch. Regardless of who wins what election, we have to stand our ground. We have to be willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Founding Fathers. "Give me liberty, or give me death!" is not an old-fashioned, outdated conviction.

    Don't compromise on your vote. If there isn't a candidate who fully embraces the principles of liberty, write in your own name. If we do that, the worse candidate will win, you say? Hey, it's not like our compromises have been electing men and women of honor and integrity anyway. Before we can elect men and women of honor and integrity, we have to display those characteristics ourselves, regardless of the circumstances. Voting for evil is never justified.

    Amen. Seriously, amen. I am again insulted by feeling as though I am again being forced to again choose between the "lesser of the two evils" again. The Dems have f-ed this Nation rampantly and with extreme prejudice, specifically starting in 2006 with the election of Nancy (My God I can't feel my face!) Pelosi to Speaker of the House, and the America-hating Democrat-controlled joy-boy Congress.

    Am I a GOP fan? Not really. Again I am forced to only have TWO choices in these mid-term elections. Perhaps I just might write in my own name, instead, as you suggest.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  2. I fully understand your point (see my last post), but I'm not so sure voting the lesser of two evils is compromise, but pragmatism. We've got two races like that in West Virginia this year and enough people voting for a third candidate almost guarantees that Obama will get a couple more minions. I just can't see it.

  3. @Gorges,

    Please do not construe this as a personal attack on you, Gorges, but it burns my butt every time someone says if we ever vote third party that we will somehow guarantee a victory for the libs.

    That sounds like something Rush would say to scare off potential challengers to the GOP stranglehold on American Conservatives.

    Like I said, I am NOT leveling this at you as a personal attack, (I'm not a liberal, and you and I do not know one another), but I AM woefully tired of folks shooting down a true Conservative third-party simply because they believe it would doom America to further enslavement under the Obama regime.

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest! Not for nothing, but the GOP is pretty much guaranteed to throttle the Dems this Tuesday. Will it matter? Time will tell, but here's hoping!

    Donald in Bethel, CT
    (surrounded by blue-blood wanna-be liberal sycophants and all varieties of failed hippies, feminist abortionists, and enough progressives to make California look like Iowa.)

  4. To All - The point Bastiatarian is making is valid.

    As Ayn Rand would say, and I paraphrase, When good compromises with evil evil always wins.

    Pragmatism in the pursuit of having less of an evil only renders evil light.

    In other words you simply have a slower growing cancer.In the end it will still result in your demise.

  5. >I'm not so sure voting the lesser of two evils is compromise, but pragmatism

    The thing is, voting for the lesser of two evils for the past few decades hasn't gotten me anywhere. I still get socialism either way. The only difference is that one is oppressive and the other is more oppressive. Big government versus huge government.

    If I'm going to get kicked in the crotch either way, I might as well keep my hands unsullied. I'm not saying that I won't vote for anybody that isn't the perfect candidate. I am saying, however, that a proven betrayer like John McCain will never, ever get my vote. I don't care if Satan himself is running against him. (I can't imagine that Satan's voice is any more annoying than McCain's.)

    >Obama will get a couple more minions

    He keeps getting them anyway, but with an "R" after their names. It wasn't Democrats that paved the way for Obama. It was "liberal" policies implemented by Republicans. Republicans pointed the bicycle toward the cliff, and Obama got on and started pedaling faster. Either way, it was going over the cliff.


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