Ed Schultz... An Unhinged Emotional Maniac

As the economy continues to backslide, and the progressive collectivist agenda continues to fail miserably, it seems the left is coming unhinged. Ed Schultz, that tireless workhorse for all things progressive collectivist just can't contain his irrational emotionalism. To say nothing of his obvious hatred for anyone or any idea's that do not mirror his own.

The video take:

After almost nineteen months of the "One"  attempting to lead the country the picture looks little better than it did when he took office. The American people are beginning to assign responsibility to Obama for the continued high unemployment, failure of the stimulus package (costing taxpayers billions), the bungled handling of the gulf oil spill, and the seeming drift of the nation. The times are becoming quite reminiscent of the failed Carter presidency.

Perhaps that is why the progressive collectivists are so agitated and worried. They perceive their days are numbered. There perceptions will turn to reality if those with a better handle on reality do not lose their passion and continue with a full court press so to speak.

Ed Schultz is but one face of the emotional character of the extreme left that is trying to gain control of this country and turn it into their vision of a perfect world. A perfect world as they see it... The thing about progressive collectivists is the high apparent esteem in which they hold themselves. The rest of us be damned.

It is against the people holding power in Congress and the Senate that share the ideology of those like Schultz that we must diligently work to defeat in the upcoming mid tern election.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. I would like to laugh but this is pathetic.

    Jobs going overseas? Just who does he think is in charge to let this happen,,stop,,rewording here,,CAUSING IT TO happen?

    Furthermore, if he has "been around the country" where the hell was this dildo when Clinton signed NAFTA?

  2. Chritopher - Ah, but a good progressive collectivist NEVER questions another. At least not in public.


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