Joker Turned Senator Al Franken Bored to Tears over Elena Kagan


by the Left Coast Rebel

Why was Al Franken so bored at Elena Kagan's testimony today? Perhaps it's because Al Franken knows what is bouncing around in Elena Kagan's skull and considers the 'hearings' even less than a moot point. Does liberalism cause narcolepsy?:

Or does narcolepsy cause liberalism?

Narcolepsy of the brain, if I were to surmise from Elena Kagan's empty, flowery, worthless speechifying today.

Exit question - Does, "I've learned that we make progress by listening to each other across every apparent political or ideological divide..."

Substitute, 'I do solemnly swear to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States under the Constitution and laws of the Unites States, so help me God?'

If so, then perhaps the 'redistribution of wealth to it's rightful owners' really has replaced 'the pursuit of happiness.'

Via Memeorandum.

UPDATED: Oh my goodness, he dropped the 's' word! Does Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) sum up precisely that which I did above?:


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