Andrew Napolitano On Government Lies... Reason TV

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Andrew Napolitano, a former judge and a man I have grown to respect, talks about government lies, natural law, Jeffersonian principals and more. His interview with Reason TV, encompassing just over eighteen minutes is well worth the time.

So sit back, relax and have a glass of wine or a cold beer while you contemplate his take on some important issues.

Via: Reason TV


  1. I saw this, and I share your respect for the judge. He was also criticizing much during the Bush years, so his intellectual honesty cred is unassailable.

    These principle he espouses (founding principles!) are not taught in school on purpose. It would undermine government control of our lives.

  2. SilverFiddle - What you say is so true. Rather than teaching the founding principals, which were based in logic and objective thinking, the a-holes on the left are working hard to put warning labels on our founding documents.

    I am so frigging disgusted with this that I am about to concede defeat and proclaim.. YOU FRIGGING A-HOLES DESERVER WHATEVER YOU GET. Then become a hermit and refuse to feed the insane any longer!

    Disgust for these a-holes doesn't even begin to describe my feelings. America may very well be dead after the Obamanation and his idiotic minions get done.

    But as the progressive would so readily remind all... America elected this president president... Therefor they deserve what they got.


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