Some Thoughts From Joe Scarborough

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Here are some thoughts from Joe Scarborough on what Republicans must do to regain a leadership role and take back control over the levers of government. He makes his case in remarks delivered at the Cato Institute.

Mr. Scarborough makes many good points. His conservative perspective is just plain old common sense. Whether the Republican party power base will pay attention is questionable.

The would do well to do so however.

What are your thoughts?

Via: Cato Institute


  1. you conservatives are pathetic..

    You people call the President mean names, such socialist, Nazi, and hater of white people. They yell, "You lie!" They call for protests ("Tea Baggers Unite!) and people show up with colorful (if misspelled) signs. And the donations pour in. The Right will do whatever it takes to wrestle control from the Democrats. It will do whatever is necessary to get America to forget about the damage caused by the last decade of Republican rule and turn our country against the Left's attempt to fix the mess.
    Herr Goebbles would be very proud of you.

  2. Anon said - Herr Goebbles would be very proud of you.

    First, what the H are you talking about. Try to stick to the specifics of Scarborough's comments and refute their validity on a specific basis.

    Second, your comment is however to be expected considering it is comes from the hateful wing of the leftist progressive movement.

  3. RN, lefties are not hateful, we are truthful.

    I like Scarborough, he's probably the only righties I can stomach listening to. I do watch his show every morning too...

  4. Sue - The remark by ANON was pathetic in and of itself. It shows the extreme hate that some have on the left for anyone who does not share there beliefs.

    Whether you chose to believe it or not there are those on the extreme left that are as bad as those on the extreme right, probably worse in all actuallity.


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