Conservative Words From A Libertarian Republican

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Ron Paul laying it out at the Southern Republican Leadership conference. Congressmen Paul  may be a republican but he sure ain't a typical one. For starters he thinks outside the box of the "main" body of republican thought. He is a politician that tells the truth and holds himself to the standards he expects others be  held to.

The remarks in the approximately thirty minute speech are powerful and ring true. If you like what Congressman Paul had to say I highly recommend picking up a copy of his book "The Revolution, A Manifesto", it covers in more detail many of  the issues he could only touch upon in a brief speech.

Congressmen Paul has the intellect, honesty, and clear vision to be a national leader. While another run for the presidency may not be in the cards for him, he is the best hope today to rebuild conservatism in a party that has lost it's bearings and sense of integrity.

Ron Paul's vision for a strong economic future for The United States of America deserves a chance.


  1. Les: A politician that tells the truth, no wonder he's never won an election! TRUTH isn't something people want to hear--they can't handle it!

    I'm hoping the tide is changing though and more Americans are willing to not only hear the truth but make the tough decisions and feel the pain to get this country back on track.

  2. Pam - All you say is so true.

    I too am hopeful, however the breakwaters have eroded our foundation so severly the task certainly will be overwhelming.


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