The Unbelievable Obama

The Obama administration is, for the lack of better words, simply unbelievable. Obama now wants intelligent people to believe his view Fox News is not a news organization. This is pure balderdash and is based on his desire to control the media, as well as the thoughts of each and every individual in America.

The Obama  Administration is, without a doubt,  the scariest in recent memory. Obama, the anointed savior of the socialist/fascist/statist mindset, wants to control YOU,  and deny your right to hear dissenting  viewpoints. Simply put he believes he has the intellectual superiority and divine right to rule. He believes his subjects are STUPID, and need his guidance.

The following video clips should incense you. Or maybe even scare the hell out of you. If they don't this  Nation is in real trouble and soon we will all be licking the bootstraps of the anointed one one, President, Savior, and King, Barrack Hussein Obama. BO for short,.

Follow the link for the unbelievable.


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