The Real Pelosi

This was received via e-mail this evening from a friend and colleague. This letter was written by an attorney who stated he intended to share it with many.

Even given this declaration by the Attorney, Rational Nation USA will not publih his, or his firms name as Rational Nation USA has no specific authorization to publish identities.

Hat tip to Eron63

Click on text to enlarge.


  1. Pelosi need not hear your plea, because she and her ilk have foresaken integrity for power. They have given themselves immunity from the draconian laws they have ratified.

    They are above the law now.

    They have been bought and paid for by the real power - money.

    Their goal is their reward for their treachery. They care not. Why should they.

    They believe they can win and winning is within their grasp. Unless we rise up.

    There are more of us than there are power elites and they fear us. That is why they have created civilian armies and disemboweled the constitution.

    They see their rewards in sight.

    To defeat them, we must unite. Not just Americans, for this is not just an American problem - but all libertarian-minded people around the globe.

    Be more afraid of serfdom than of riducule, isolation or incarceration, if we are to remain free.

  2. Well spoken Fausty.

    Our republic, as given to us by our founding fathers allows for all that is needed to take our nation back from the collectivists and statists that are currently in control of our government.

    It will require the will and strength of individuals like yourself to rise up and vote out of office the "elite elected officials." Those who the public have decided time and time again to put back in office.

    Perhaps we should begin with required reading of Thomas Paines'Common Sense and the Anti Fredalist Papers in our shcools.

    Lets hope 2010 and 2012 will result in "real hope and change."

  3. Agree with Fausty above, in this battle serfdom is what we should be afraid of, not the scorn of the enemy. BTW, the site is looking good!


  4. LCR,

    Your point with respect to serfdom is well taken.

    We do not need to fear the scorn of the enemy, those who are the supporters of statism, collectivism, and misguided altruism. We must fear the very concepts they believe in.

    Winning the battle will require an understanding of the philosophical beliefs these individual hold, the dangers to liberty and free speech, and developing a strategy to defeat them based on a rational philosophy and rational self interest.

    Unfortunately our educational system stopped teaching these values long ago. One only need look at the state of our reality today to know our train, if you will, derailed long ago.

    Perhaps this is why so many are moving to home schooling and private schools. This will ultimately be good for our nation.


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