Wisdom and Common Sense

As our government continues to take more control over our lives it is becoming increasingly obvious our leaders are lacking in both common sense  and wisdom. The individuals we have elected to represent us have sadly forgotten their power is derived from the people. Our current President, as did his predecessor, believes his power is supreme. President Obama truly believes the vision he has for America is the right and only vision. He and his supporters, those who have been mesmerized by his smooth and  flowery words, believe they have the only right answers.

As Mr. President, Pelosi, and Reid are finding out, America doesn't think they have the right answers. In fact the exact opposite is true. There is a reason we are seeing such a ground swell of opposition to many of the Presidents policies. As the opposition grows the shrill words from the socialist/statist in control of our government gets increasingly more desperate. My good readers, this is simply because they fear losing control over our businesses, our lives, and  our means of sustaining our lives, our happiness, and our liberties.

In 1776 we declared ourselves a free nation. In the years following this declaration we indeed became the freest, wealthiest, and most influential nation in the world. The principals embodied in our Declaration of Independence, and later our Constitution were the guiding principals that lead our nation to such preeminence.

However we have gradually as a peoples, allowed our government to gain more and more control over us. Perhaps we bought into the misguided belief that government can do more for you, and do it more efficiently, than you can do things for yourself. This belief is a fallacy and a significant reason we are seeing so much resistance to the President's agenda at this early stage in his first term. Plainly speaking the American people have been stirred and a sleeping giant has reawakened.

There is much that one can write with respect to this great nations core values. The values of  liberty, justice under the law, limited government, free enterprise, free speech, the right to bear arms, and the belief  in the sovereignty of the individual over their own life just to name a few. But today Rational Nation USA is going back in time. To a time when profound intellect and enlightenment was present in our land. Thomas Jefferson, our 3'rd  President, and Thomas Paine were two such giants of intellect.

The profound wisdom and common sense on which our nation was founded is evident in the clips following. It is well to occasionally revisit Thomas Jefferson's wisdom and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. It is the hope at Rational Nation USA these video's will reinforce the need for patriotic dissent and resistance to the forces attempting to radically change America forever. And not for the good.

Wisdom from President Jefferson.

And now Tomas Paine.

Here's to you Mr. Jefferson!


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