Immigration is Positive for America - It Must be Controlled

Borders - Language - Culture, three words that are at the core of  Michael Savage's belief  in what helped make America the greatest nation on earth. I believe Doctor Savage also thinks (if I read him correctly) that unless we reverse our current slide into multi-culturalism, required bilingual education, the onslaught of illegal aliens, and our apparent fascination with the goodness of other cultures over our American culture we will never regain our prior position in the world. These are valid concerns, one all American citizens should consider deeply, and with out the lens of political correctness.

Immigrants who come to this nation legally, with the idea of securing  a better life for their families, coupled with the desire and willingness to work deserve our countries welcome and respect. This nation has always been a nation of immigrants.  My own heritage is a combination of German, Swedish, Irish, French, and a bit of English. But above all I am an American. This nation is the melting pot of the world, and because of this vast diversity we became the most powerful and wealthiest nation on earth.

That was when immigrants who came to this country became proud Americans. They built our roads and bridges, And became business owners. They supplied the energy that drove the engines of production. They fought our wars and spilled their blood to insure our nation remained free and independent. They asked only for opportunity and not hand outs or welfare. In short they assimilated into the American culture. They learned the English  language and blended with the American cultural fabric. In doing they made our nation stronger.

Today the vision is often different. Many immigrants  come here for a better life for sure, but far to many expect the good life without the hard work prior generations of immigrants understood was necessary to improve their lot in life. As a nation the responsibility for our current situation rests on our shoulders for allowing our lawmakers and Department of Immigration and Naturalization  to fail to control the flow of immigration into our country.

The letter from a "Florida School Teacher", originally posted on  Rational Nation USA has been removed. Specific claims made in the letter with respect to Pell Grants, WAIT, and CARIBE  were discredited by Snopes. Therefore Rational Nation USA  has removed the letter and regrets failing to thoroughly research the letter prior to posting.  

This video (click here) replaces the original letter post, and is more effective in getting the intended message across. I wish to thank a friend for this find. Thank you Eronc63.

Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA


  1. Yes it is supposed to be controlled because it might affect the US economy . But even tough its not easy .

    US Immigration


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