A Voice of Reason Written in Biblical Prose
The following was received via e-mail. The author was identified only as the wife of a pastor and the text was written in biblical prose. Biblical prose aside the author's message is reasoned and powerful. Everyone who reads this will be left with a feeling of concern at the very least, and possibly a feeling of outright fear for our country and her future. The only editorial comment made by Rational Nation USA would be the opening paragraph should not be taken literally as there are still more people with ethical standards and initiative than not. The literal wording should taken more as a warning and a wake up call. And it came to pass in the Age of Insanity that the people of the land called America, having lost their morals, their initiative, and their will to defend their liberties, chose as their Supreme Leader that person known as "The One." He emerged from the vapors with a message that had no meaning; but He hypnot...