Happy 233rd Birthday America!!
On this day in 1776 a new nation was born. A nation that become the wealthiest and most powerful the world has ever known. A nation that were it not for it's involvement in WW II, and it's successful efforts winning the cold war all of Europe today may very well be under totalitarian fascist or Marxist control. Had we not been victorious in these conflicts the United States of America might not exist as a free and sovereign nation 233 years after it's Declaration of Independence.
So as we celebrate our Nation's Independence day, let us not forget our founding principals. Now is a great time for Americans to read once again the Declaration of Independence and our guiding document, the Constitution of the United States of America. As much as we remain in principal, a free society, the forces of socialism, fascism, and Marxism are alive and well and working diligently to undermine our values of self sufficiency, hard work, a sense of individualism, competitive capitalism, and the right to a limited and effective government.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!, And let us never forget freedom is never FREE!
Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA
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