Anothe Con Job...

The foregoing is exactly, almost word for word, the same con song that the GQP  (its new clarifing name) has been singing since the days of RWR. Same song, simply different conductors. It was bulls^^t  then and it remains bulls^^t today.

This is the same old the miserly type who cares deeply about their own financial security but when it comes down to it, could not care less about anyone else. Regardless of the circumstances.

So, Mr. Miser Himself, the now irrevelant Newt Gingrich, preasumably in an attempt to regain relevamcy, is striking up the marching band and and the horns are beginng to wail their lament.

Once again the cons of the GQP are going into overdrive to spread their economically bogus snake lies. Why? Because they are again fearful that middle class Americans just might wake up to their untruths and misinformation.  Activity  designed to INSURE THEY and THEY ALONE, are in the drivers seat. They DO NOT care one iota about anyone or anything but their own wealth and power.

By Newt GingrichThere is a deep irony in President Joe Biden’s decision to start looking for support for his American Job Killing Tax Plan in Pittsburgh, Penn.

And make no mistake: Biden’s so-called American Jobs Plan is a tax increase bill masquerading as an infrastructure bill – which is in turn masquerading as a jobs bill. It will not create jobs or ultimately improve our infrastructure. It will kill jobs and make infrastructure projects more expensive in time and money.

Roughly 230 years ago, the same area was the central battlefield of the Whiskey Rebellion – in which Americans opposed (violently) an overreaching tax on whiskey imposed by the still new federal government.

For more con-iferoius disinformatiion read on BELOW the FOLD.


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