Our Fake Christian Presnit...

How it is that so many Evangelical Christians, tRump's base, have sold their soul to Satan in their efforts to pretend tRump is a Christian or even a decent nan is, perhaps the most puzzling contradiction of the tRump years.


  1. In the Headlines!
    Senator Dickwad and Most of the Liberal Press Are Lying about Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech

    It is mind boggling how shameless and irresponsible they are

    Spoiled ‘Self-Hating White Chicks’ Singing "Ashamed to be an American," Illustrate What’s Wrong with BLM

    And their parents to top it all off.

    Five questions for Ghislaine Maxwell
    Only five? Oh well, Thats not even a good start.

    Biden Says He Is Going to ‘Transform’ the Nation' if Elected
    Another feeble attempt to resurrect “Hope and Change”no doubt.

    Will Joe Biden Sign a Pledge to Protect American Monuments?
    No, Not a peep out of him so far!


  2. Well franco/FreeThinke/Roger, what a surprize seeibg you here. Spreading your rightwibg fascist bulls**t. I truly do feel sorry for you. An "man" without understanding. A man withot conscious. A man without empathy. A man without reason. A man without a clue. The PERFECT tRumper. tRump said before his election he loved uneducated folks. We now know EXACTLY why.

    See ya...

  3. Gropin Joe Baden has lost his marbles many moons ago, and the Lefties are pretending not to notice. But he’s running for the President, so it can’t be ignored any longer! What the hell is wrong with these people?
    The commie lunacy has no morals! . Democrats are themselves telling pro-life Democrats to get lost, that they are welcoming the pro-abortion up to and even after birth into the party! Now isn’t that is admirable.
    The pro-criminal, anti-police, Green New Deal, Medicare for All commie lunacy. Democrats are Protesting along with the Looters, and Murderers. Because Black Lives Matter. But not when a 7 ear old is shot by another Black Or when a 19 year old is murdered because the Black Lives people won’t allow the police to enter the area thT THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER BY ANARCHY!

    For all the crazy accusations of racism that have been hurled at President Trump he simply isn’t a racist as they would like you to think.. . He never said “White Supremacists” were just like everyone else or whatever that crazy lie is the left loves to say about him.. He never said that “ALL illegal immigrants are criminals and rapists”, though he did acknowledge the proven fact that some are. He never worked to depress black or Latino employment (as every Democrat in any position of power has done since, and including, President Johnson who was a Democrat.

    Those of us who do not want their brand of Democratic SOCIALISM are expendable in their eyes. How do we know this because they tell us so. They say that we are “bitter clingers to Bibles, and Guns”, they call us “deplorable’s,” “racists,” “White Supremacists,” and even “Nazis” .
    They want to abolish America by getting rid of our Borders, and allow everyone including the possible terrorists, and criminals into the country , they want to revise our Constitution! Who the hell do they think they are?

    1. Regardless what your diseased mind would have you believe tRump's rhetoric and actions tell a much different story. But when you're a tRump cultist, as you are, truth maters not.


      When you cannot honestly, rationally and logically argue your "man" is as good as your diseased mind believes it is you do what ALL tRumpers do, you change the subject. Deflect, Distract, Bulls**t.


      Your sick diseased view of your fellow Americans that do not think exactly as you do politically and religiously is as about as far off from correct as the earth is removed from the sun. We do understand in your alternative reality/universe (tRumplandia) you get a tingle up your leg every tRump lie


  4. The ot-of-control over-zealoust Robert Mueller, and his disgusting crew of lying leftists has virtually BANKRUPTED General Michael T. Flynn –– and turned him and his family out of their home –- and all because General Flynn, who serveed our country honorably and with distinction for more than 35 years in the military, had the unmitigated gall to accept an appointment from our then-new, duly-elected president Donald Trump for whom the D.C. Establishment and their myrmidons harbor an unethical, unprincipled, frankly pathological animus.

    1. I have zero sympathy for the admitted perjurer Michael Flynn. He received EXACTLY what his corruption called for. Ya don't like it? Tough S**t.


      When you lie you pay the price. Simple as that. You'll get yours eventually I'm sure.

  5. Get real you communist shitstain.

    1. Better yet aninymous, YOU get real you American s**tstain.


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