As American's Mourn the Deaths of Over 68, 000 of Our Felow Citizens...

A new ad from the Lincoln Project. As far as is known this has not yet hit the airways via the MSM. This worthwhile project to bring the glaring truth to the American voting public about Donald John Trump  massive failures is as honorable as it is necessary.

We know we'll be sending another donation to The Lincoln Project to help in the ad buy. This time to the tune of $63.00.  We encourage all our readers who support honesty and integrity in our President to consider donating whatever they can to help defeat the most incompetent, corrupt, and dishonest President in modern American history.

Here's the HOT LINK to The Lincoln Project if you decide to make a donation to support the worthy cause of insuring the deeat of Donald John Trump come November 2020.

Please remember in November who it was that is MOST RESPONSIBLE for the USA having the highest death toll anong nations and the highest confirmed cases in the world.

Thank You...


  1. I see Obama spoke up, articulating what many of us have been complaining
    about. The far right spent millions and years harassing Hillary and found
    nothing, even though Benghazi is still a screaming point. 4 people killed
    by terrorists. Meanwhile 78,000 Americans died in a month (at the height
    of WWII 12,000 a month was the highest ever. Barr should be impeached and
    disbarred (did a just dis Barr?) and Trump? Lock Him Up-throw away the key.

    1. Yes BB Idaho, lock Barr up and throw away the key. Flynn pled quilty if lying to Pence ND the FBI. Of course the trumptards at the con sites are hootin and a hollerin because with AG Barr and tRump the trumptard cultists are getting the BANANA REPUBLIC they've likely always wanted. All 42 percent of them.

  2. Close associates of both Trump and Pence tested + for Covid. Since these
    two high placed heroes eschew masks, both could possibly be disabled in
    a ventilator. That would make Nancy Pelosi president. OMG! I'll have
    good dreams tonight? :)

    1. Well BB Idaho, I'd not WISH th%at would hapeen but if it did I CAN'T say I wouldn't be happy a truly stable competent person would be in charge.

  3. Was pondering Caligula when he appointed his favorite race horse
    as prime minister. Did he brag to Seneca capio Omnia fidem (I
    take all credit) and add noncapio est reus (I take no responsibility)?
    Did philosopher Seneca offer cogita ante vos loqui(think before you speak)
    ..or was I sitting through another Trump press conference (with Latin

    1. Well BB, it isn't all that far fetched to compare Dotard to Caligula. In fact it is not so far fetched to believe if the USA continues down the trump trail of conrinuing disasters we will face an end as ignomious as Rome.


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