Another False Narrative of the Right...

Below is a header picture on display at a rightwing trumper weblog. One of those sites that proudly supports whatever false narrative the sitting predisent declares to be true.

As they overlook tRump's xenophobia, narcissism, bigotry, misogyny, dishonesty, racism, and general incompetence for the job he was elected to they resort to posting pictures like the one below.

In their inability to counter the concerns of the knowledgable, legitimate, and intelligent opposition with legitimate credible evidence they resort to characterizing them as lazy, fat, effeminate, slovenly, and just wanting free stuff from the deep state.

There is a certain small segment of our poulation, both conservative and liberal, that is lazy and prefer to do as little as possible. These types generally refuse to accept responsibility for themselves and their lot in life prefering to blame others for their reality. But these folk constitute a clear minaority of our poulation. Whether they be liberal OR conservative.


So, in characterizing the legitimate knowledable resistance to tRump with photos (as captions) like the one above they effectively insult the majority of the populace of the nation. I wait to see how it all works out for them down the line.


  1. How did you get the selfie Dervish Sanders took?

    1. Thank you Rusty Trombone for your priceless confirmation of the trumper/conservative bullsh*t.

      So long and don't let the door hit ya in the a*s.

    2. Rusty said

      "How did you get the selfie Dervish Sanders took?"

      I'm not sure why Dervish might have stolen your selfie. But if you ask him real nice, he might give it back

    3. Mystere really liked Rusty's suggestion that the picture is of me. He wrote a post on one of his blogs in which he adds my name to the picture (right below "I am the resistance"). According to another of his blog posts, I am "cyberbullying" him. What he refers to are posts like this one. As well as several other posts.

  2. The pussy hat, the "I'm with her" box and the "hope" poster are all clearly photoshopped into the image. For the record, I don't play video games and I don't take selfies. Mystere looked at all my images, and was likely disappointed he did not find any of me. If he had I'm sure my head would have ended up on the body of a baboon. Or the ass. As is the case with RN. That's what happens when idiots get a hold of your pics. One reason why I've never posted any images of myself.

    BTW, that picture isn't a "selfie". If it were the guy's hand would be extended and not in the picture (because it would be holding the camera). Both his hands are visible.

  3. Good observations Dervish.

    As for me ending up on a photoshopped pic of an ass or baboon, it is of zero concern to me. It does however demonstrate the infantile mentality and personality of mystere.

  4. Love that picture , seen it on Lisa’s blog and loved it then. But I even appreciate it more when knowing that you didn’t appreciate it.

    1. Glad you appreciate that I appreciate the opportunity to place rightwing stupidity on display.

  5. Of the group of Trump Supporters I know, each falls into one of the thirteen types and most exhibit more than one
    attribute. Probably why they group together like rabid lemmings, get all their news from Hannity and avoid humans? 'Make America Great Again' sells
    to them, much like the 'reset to an earlier time' on the computer. While I
    would reset to the end of WWII, when wealth was evenly distributed, the
    top marginal rate was 90%, we built the interstate system and the NRA was
    was a small quiet group of real sportsmen, I'm guessing those of the 13 types want to reset to the Neanderthal caves and worship the trumpGod...

  6. That's all the dead-ender 30 percenters have left: stupid memes they find in their crazy uncle's emails. But here's something that's real"

    Internal GOP Poll: Pelosi Beats Trump in a Head-to-Head Matchup

    The Democratic leader is a frequent Republican target, but an RNC poll shows she’s more popular than the president.

    I bet the dead-ender TrumpCultists at WYD won't post that bit of humiliation for President Spanky. LOL!

    1. Indeed they won't. If by chance someone should comment and leave a hot link their response would likely be, FAKE NEWS

  7. I think you're right BB Idaho. I've yet to come across a trumper that isn't arguing for a return to the 18th century or earlier. Of course they want all the conveniences of the modern era, they want the return to the good ole days of Jim Crow and when "boys could be boys" and the women kept their mouths shut about it.

  8. I appreciate your post and I have an unending constant internal dialogue going every single f'ing day with the opaque minded 30% (though it does seem to be dropping recently) around how god-damned stupid they are (with all respect to respectful religious folk). I've been pissed off at these morons since Clinton's needless impeachment and my anger has only increased in the years since as it's been obvious how craven and bloodless Republicans have become. But now I think I've reached my ceiling with it. It's been obvious for awhile that it's pointless to discuss much less argue with these cromagnons and in the era of Trump where truth is practically voided completely, I find myself more and more mentally and emotionally ripping away from the tentacles of giving a shit. I think it's a defense mechanism or maybe it's self preservation. I think the Dems will get the House and possibly the Senate in November which will make things much better but I have no illusions that this country has truly left the the bonds of reality that governed my understanding of it and it makes me wonder where we'll wind up heading. I think that answer is many years off. I still believe that America can course correct but I'm not clear on how. The young left looks promising though.

  9. RN... I know many on the left keep pointing to the polls showing Trump's popularity dropping, but I'm not so sure we should buy it. It was not too long ago that everyone, even the Trump campaign, thought that he'd lose the election since the polls were so bad.

    As such, Trump voters are not really, at least IMO, a clear minority, anymore than progressive voters are. Both factions seem to hover right about 40%, leaving the remaining 20% to decide elections.

    So what motivates the 20%? That's going to be the question.

    We've got a little over a month til the mid terms. I'd like to see the Dems get at least the House or Senate, but I'm so sure that's gonna happen. A lot can make people change their minds.

    Look, the economy is going to keep humming. It's growing like never before, in spite of the tariffs. Minority unemployment is at historically low levels for every demographic group. Wages have finally started to grow, registering their biggest gains since... 1971!

    The Korea's are working towards unification, peace and denuclearization. And I believe we should never rule out a big gesture. What happens if the US gets the Pueblo back from NoKo. I've thought for years that the return of that ship will be symbolically huge for whatever president gets it done.

    If it's Trump, will liberals and progressives be able to give him credit? The 40%? Never. The 20%? You bet, and there's the election.

    I get that the man is a cad. He's a lying, horrible person. He doesn't seem to care much at all about poor people or people of color personally. He may be a racist. He's apparently a rich man who lives by his own rules and is not governed by convention.

    But I am not sure, polls notwithstanding, that his support is in the tank.

    Ronald Reagan used to ask us if we are better now than 4 years ago. Let's change that a little... Are we [Is America] better now that 2 years ago? I think a majority of people will answer yes to that question.

    1. We've gradually, little by little, been selling our souls to the devil. I use the phrase figuratively as I'm sure you know.

    2. Re "leaving the remaining 20% to decide elections"... sure, but non voters are a larger block and could easily sway elections if only they'd stop sitting on the sidelines. And it is my opinion a majority of non-participants would vote Democrat if they took the time to inform themselves and get involved. I say this because it seems that many Democratic politicians seen to think they need to be more moderate to attract moderate voters who may go either way. I say this is FALSE. Democrats need to concentrate on getting non-participants to engage... and they do that by moving to the Left (in part).

    3. I'm fine with center left. Center, right is okay too. I actually believe the majority of America is center left today. Frankly, and this just my opinion, too far left or too far right results in ideological rigidity which makes necessary compromise damn near impossible. As we've seen of late.

  10. Me thinks the author doth protest too much.

    1. You are certainly entitled to your opinion Ed.

    2. Les: it's clear that Mr. Ed is once again speaking out of the other end.

  11. Rev, you hit the nail right on the head
    ....."It's the economy stupid"

    1. Rusty... I've said that all along. Whether Trump is mostly, partly, or not at all responsible is not the issue. What matters is he is in office during the upswing. Period. You get the blame or the credit. That's how we've done it for years...

    2. Yup Dave, you and the Rusty Trombone are right.

      To bad the almighty dollar is SO MUCH more important than truth, integrity, doing the right thing, ethical behavior, and morality, The election of tRump proves my forgoing statement.

    3. Maybe it's time for "the economy smart", and to put away any stupid ideas.

      Speaking of stupid, the trade war Trump has decided to create is already costing jobs:

    4. DMarks... and will soon be raising prices...

    5. And that, Dave, could peel the thin veneer of gold off any "gilded age".

      Smoot and Hawley are two of the horsemen of the Depression. Trump needs to stop feeding them oats.

  12. Replies
    1. It could happen BB...

      Every thriving economy eventually comes down.

    2. Depends on who thrives and who doesn't; tax breaks and deregulation
      benefit only the few who do not need it and invariably lead to recession/depression..just economic history we ancients have gone through again and again.

    3. It WILL happen. History (for whatever it might be worth) has repeatedly demonstrated it will.

  13. BB... I don't disagree, but many will see the overall numbers and assume everyone is good. Another gilded age I'm afraid.

    1. Very likely true Dave. Why do people assume? Is it because of laziness or because they're too busy making ends meet and to tired from the effort (and worry) to put in the effort to learn the truth?

  14. Have you seen what Lisa put up on her blog recently? It is a damnable lie. I Googled the photo and discovered it is NOT Keith Ellison's former girlfriend, even she has asked people to stop posting it. If Lisa had any smarts, she would have realized that had a woman suffered the kind of beating depicted in the photo, she would have had law enforcement go after the perpetrator. But Lisa and her TrumpCultists never deal in facts. Her blog is the "Alex Jones InfoWars" of the blogging community: Full of lies, distortions, and FAKE memes. What she put up is particularly rotten, since it is completely false and libelous. But that group has no shame or honesty. Who's surprised?

    1. I did. In fact I copied the denial and pasted it in a comment. I also pasted the link to the TRUTH. Not that Lisa OR her fellow trumpers will believe anything that doesn't fit their agenda.

      Lisa, as is the case with many trumpers, are not interested in the truth. Their disingenuous postings such as the one being discussed confirms their lack of a moral compass. Shameful. But it does define who and what they are.

    2. She left it up for a LONG time after RN pointed out that the picture was not of Karn Monahan. Franco AKA FreeThinke made it clear that he simply did not care. Because of Dan Rather's truthful reporting regarding bush going AWOL.

  15. No way to explain willful lying, but what do expect from some who said she posts "false facts?

    And that's before we get to the daily racism, misogyny and ad hominem attacks in the comments section.

  16. "No way to explain willful lying," But it does explain their devotion to the biggest liar that has ever occupied the Oval Office. In any given population, there will always be gullible dupes eager to swallow b.s. so long as it fits their narratives. The TrumpCultists at WYD are classic examples of willing fools whose greatest accomplishments are self-deceptions on an epic scale.


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