Is Our Democratic Republic At Risk From Forces Both Foreign and Within?...

We are moving this running post up to front page this evening where it will remain until January 3'rd 2017 when we will return to single posts, hopefully on a daily basis. There is much to do in getting the TRUTH out about Donald J Trump, a dishonest, totally self absorbed, and dangerous individual. He may be the president on January 20th but that does not mean thoughtful and concerned people shouldn't challenge Trump at every turn and fight his agenda whenever it runs contrary to their interests and those of their family. More to come.

BTW, be sure to read today's entry, 12/28/16, below. this is just one example AND, it is just the beginning.

You've probably noticed the brief posts of late. Posts with very short commentary by the weblolg administrator followed by an article that goes into the subject in much greater detail. This has been done purposefully following the rancorous 2016 election, and because its Christmas Time, soon to be a New Year.  This posting format will continue until January 3rd 2017.  
December 21, 2016

12/28/16 @ 7:10 PM - Just another way Donald Trump plans to screw folks,  in this case it is the retired people.  Trump's pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) wants to allow "balance billing", something strictly prohibited for Medicare patients. In short it will cause medical coats for seniors to sky rocket. Read the details in the linked article below.            

The Republican plot to devour retirees' nest eggs

Just another way El Donaldo and his posse of millionaires and billionaires are planning to "Make America Great Again".

12/27/16 @ 12:30 PM - If there was ever any doubt it has been erased. President elect Donald J. Trump, the man who criticized other  in fact is bigly guilty of the same. Follow the linked article for details.

Trump rewards big donors with jobs and access

12/13/16 @ 1:20 PM - What the hell, lets turn the thread into an open space free for all of divergent ideas, no matter how ridiculous they may seem to some. After all, when ya can't beat em join em!

Have at it! Just be sure to observe commenting policy, or, comment post will be deleteds upon detection.

12/14/16 @ 7:25 PM - Follow the linked title from VOX for some interesting insights into The Word Salad President and his more often than not rambling almost incoherent sentences.

12/15/16 @ 10:40 AM - Follow the linked title from t.pix for a clearer picture into the potential tragedy that awaits the USA under a Trump administration. History provides many clues.

More @ Mother Jones.

12/16/16 @ 10.30 AM - I've said since the beginning of Donald J. Trump's run for the presidency he was a threat to our civil liberties and our democratic republic. Apparently more folks are waking up to this reality. Unfortunately is may be to late. Follow the linked New York Times article for more.

Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy?

12/20/16 @ 9:45 AM - With the electoral college making Donald J. Trump's minority election to the United States presidency official we are now looking at the American rightwing solidifying its control over our lives.

 From the following linked article it looks as though Trump will be receiving plenty of help, encouragement, and support from some far right European elements.

Austrian Far-Right Politicians Travel to Moscow to Grease Ties Between Trump, Putin

12/20/16 @ 12:30 PM - Big h/t goes out to Progressive Eruptions who posted the following linked article this morning. This is not what America wants. We fought a world war against it. Now we have American citizens supporting this horrific mentality. NOT IN AMERICA must be our battle cry! We must defeat this vile pox and strench on our national idenity.

One month, 8 days. That's how long it took after electing Trump for Neo-Nazis to feel confident enough to start openly targeting Jews in America. Not online like they've been doing for years, but in the real world. This dangerous escalation is just the beginning:

Complete article BELOW THE FOLD.

12/21/16 @ 11:00 AM - It seems that president elect Donald J. Trump, the man who was going to drain the swamp has had a change of heart. Reports are that he is going to stop using the catch phrase that was a campaign staple. When you really think about it it  makes perfect sense that he would stop using it. With our three branches of government now safely in the jaws of the alligators (reepublicans) we're sure he no longers feels the need to drain the swamp. Follow the linked article for the full story.

Gingrich: Trump doesn't want to 'drain the swamp' anymore

12/22/16 @ 10:00 AM -  The internet has always had its share of individuals as well as groups that regularly disseminate false information for the purpose of misleading people. America now has a president elect, Donald J. Trump who is using social media (Twitter) for that very purpose, misleading Americans aa well as the rest of the world. 

The Washington Post has created a nifty tool designed to address one of the novel problems of our political era: a president-elect who persistently uses Twitter to spread lies. A web-browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, RealDonaldContext annotates some of Trump’s tweets with fact-checking from the Post. For instance, last month Trump tweeted, “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” Below that, if you use the extension, is a note saying, “This is incorrect or false,” with this explication: “Trump didn’t win in a landslide in any sense—but more importantly there is absolutely no evidence that there were a significant number of votes cast illegally, much less ‘millions’ of them.”

RealDonaldContext meets a genuine need, given the importance tweeting plays in Trump’s media strategy and the frequency with which he lies. Trump’s authoritarianism is manifest in his attempt to impose a false reality on the world, which will become all the more dangerous when he assumes power. Thus, fact-checking his tweets is not only essential journalism, but an act of resistance—a reminder that Trump can’t make a lie come true by fiat alone.

Yet fact-checking, while necessary, is also only a partial solution. Trump’s core supporters, and the Republican Party that has decided to appease them, have proven willing to swallow his lies wholesale; they are immune to fact-checkers. Moreover, the problem with Trump’s tweets isn’t just that they often contain falsehoods, but that they are deliberate provocations with the potential to cause real conflict.

To continue reading this important information follow the linked article below.

Trump’s Tweets Are a Threat to Our National Security


  1. It is the stupidity of the American voter that elected Trump, not the Russians. We need truth, not scapegoats.

  2. Of course we need truth, therefore we must not take this lightly. At the very least we must improve cyber security.

  3. We're seeing the consequence of this already. Tillerson? Starting trouble with China over Taiwan? Sounds like a happy Putin, if you ask me.


  4. For all of his faults, perhaps the worst it being his equating the office of the president with that of an all-powerful monarch or dictator, I think that most of us can agree, particularly in the light of all that has happened in this century, that Nixon was a decent American. He served in the Navy. He hailed from California. He was a Quaker. He didn't seek office, the California Republican party sought him out. Dammit, he bought his wife a decent, republican cloth coat! He cared about every segment of American society. He cared about the environment and the future. He wanted peace in Viet Nam much more than LBJ ever did. As Vice President under Eisenhower, he met with civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Nixon may have abused the power of his office. He was surely corrupted by those that surrounded him. But even an old, anti-war hippie like myself cannot impugn the character of Nixon, the man.

    1. As unfortunate as Nixon's paranoia and secretive side was I believe Nixon really had America's best interests in mind first and foremost. He was basically a good American that made mistakes. IMO the Same cannot be said of Trump now or most likely in the future.

    2. Today, the Menace-Elect is claiming secret knowledge concerning cyber warfare (knowledge so secret, not even the CIA knows about it). For those old enough to remember, beware politicians touting secret plans and secret knowledge. Like Richard Nixon's secret plan to end the war in Vietnam. The plan was so secret, the war dragged for years, and there were more combat casualties under the Nixon regime than his predecessor. The word "secret" is the oldest scam in the GOP Book of Demagoguery.

  5. John Bolton is calling the CIA report of Russian hacking a false flag masterminded by President Obama:

    “But I believe that intelligence has been politicized in the Obama administration to a very significant degree,” said one of the men instrumental in selling the invasion of Iraq to the world in 2003.

    So Bolton would have us think that President Obama, who has had no major scandal, personal or political, in his eight years as president, would leave office in a blaze of infamy in order to have Hillary succeed him? Of course Bolton's supposition is insane and belongs to the Alex Jones School of Batshyte Crazy Conspiracy Theories.

    December 14 will mark the anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre of the innocents, an event which the extremists on the right, like John Bolton, also claimed was a false flag instigated by President Obama.

    Now these conspiracy kooks will be in charge of the U.S. government.

  6. John Bolton should not be anywhere near public administration. He should be back
    in the Walrus exhibit at the Saginaw Zoo. GOP likes to slam the CIA (who doesn't).
    We still recall Darth Cheney sending the CIA briefing team back to rework their
    findings that there were no WMDs in Iraq. Trump? he knows so much more than the
    entire US intelligence system that he has no need to attend the daily briefings.
    Our country is badly divided between the citizens and the alt-reality people.
    Extremely worrisome. We live in interesting times.

    1. Aside from his policies, why would he go out in public looking like such a buffoon? Shave it off!

      "GOP likes to slam the CIA (who doesn't)."

      Looking at history, the over reach of the intrusive state has gotten much worse under each President, of both parties. Other than under Jimmy Carter, oddly enough (one of the things I admire the man for)

    2. An interesting and oft forgotten point dmarks. Jimmy Carter was actually much more the fiscal conservative than those who followed him. Reagan included.

  7. What is happening in my opinion is that as the right consolidates its presence and power, both at the state and federal level, we are seeing first hand what the saying power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely means.

    As you no doubt are aware Shaw I've read most of what Rand wrote. Leaving Russia after the Bolshevik revolution and having seen first hand what complete and total tyranny looks like she wrote about this in her fiction and non fiction writings. I suspect Rand would be railing against Trump and the Trump/Putin bromance.

    That aside, foreign invasion of, influence on, or tampering with our electoral process and election by any nation poses a threat to our democratic republic.

    The Trump/Tillerson/Putin connection is FAR more dangerous than any perceived threat the right has hung on to for the eight years that President Obama has served the nation with dignity and honor.

  8. Are you folks really serious? President Elect Trump has nominated some of the smartest people in our country to fill his cabinet. Of course they aren't of the liberal bent so you try to denigrate them, but perhaps a really successful businessman or a successful general may very well be capable of fixing our lack of any foreign policy and stimulate a stagnate economy.

    1. Or, cause another Great Depression or WW III. Guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we.

      Keep your fingers crossed and keep a hoppin rusty.

  9. You can only poke a sleeping bear so many times before he will turn on you and eat you --- the Democratics haven't learned that yet -- but if they try and interfere with President Donald Trump they may be rudely awakened.

    1. Nor have the rethuglians learned it either Sal. Now, back to your bear den.

  10. I find it amazing how the Deplorables can get behind a person who, up until a few years ago, was a democrat and still supports some democratic positions.

    1. I find it amazing that the republican party, the one who once stood for principles and equality of opportunity at one time, has become the party of the wealthy few and powerful Wall Street executives amd hedge fund managers. A party with few core ethical standatrds and one that is willing to sacrifice true for the sake of ideological extremism and police state security.


  11. BB-Idaho12/13/2016 1:10 PM

    Gallup Poll 12-12-16
    "President Obama on Monday hit a 59 percent approval rating in Gallup's daily tracking poll—territory he hasn't seen since July 2009. The president's approval rating dwarfs that of Donald Trump, who is still under water according to a PPP survey released Friday. It showed just 43 percent view Trump favorably"
    ..wonder where all the Trump voters came from?

    1. Oh My God! It can't be! It must be a democratic plot to inflate the approval ratings! It simply is the MSM liberal bias!

      Waiting to hear from the howler monkeys...

  12. Exxon president recommended and endorsed by Condi Rice and Bob Gates: who are on the Exxon pay role as high
    paid consultants. If Hillary was murky, the new outfit is downright slimy. As I calculate, they had 35 years of constant propagandas going on her almost daily. Hooray for the Trumpsters, they are far easier targets and they have just begun.

    1. From what I've heard Exxon has a BIG deal with Russia that is being held up because we have sanctions on them (Russia). Now with an Exxon executive in the cabinet, the sanctions will no doubt be lifted and the deal will proceed. The merger of State and business interests... the definition of fascism.

    2. Dervish... Hmmm....

      Nothing surprises me in this regard.

  13. Trump won on his promises to the 99% (and whatever shenanigans may turn up). His cabinet and nominated staff
    thus far are ALL from the 1%. Seems a bit problematic...almost like 'screw you, suckers'.

    1. That's what I'm seeing BB Idaho. I think Trump's current relatively high disapproval ratings will hold and perhaps even increase once he is in power.

  14. I think many of the Deplorables see Trump's picks as successful businessmen and generals. What they don't realize is that the government is not a business and should not be run like one, and that the military should not be run by people whose job is to fight wars.

    1. In general I agree Jerry. However, the debt to revenue ratio or percentage does concrn me. As long as the ratio/percentage is sustainable and manageable I'm fine. Unfortunately I do not believe we have managed this all that well. I don't have the answer, but I do know at some point it will have to be addressed. Hoefully sooner rather than later.

      Having said the above, I do not believe for a second the Trump administratin has any plkans to adress this issue. Regardless of what they might say. We'll soon know though, won't we Jerry?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I'm sure they have no plans to address the debt to revenue issue. In fact, if Trump follows previous republican administrations, the deficit, and hence the debt, will explode. Such a direction is in keeping with his business philosophy also in that his businesses are loaded with debt and he uses bankruptcy as a business decision regardless of the impact on others.

    4. On this issue I totally subscribe to your views. It will not surprise me at all if Trump balloons deficits and exploded the national debt beyond its present stratospheric level. When that happens his solution may very well be to default on the national telling our creditor countries to go screw themselves and throwing the world's economic into a mass meltdown.

      What makes Trump dangerous is he really doesn't care. Perhaps that will change. Then again it has been said that a leopard can't change its spots. I find the latter more likely.

    5. "It will not surprise me at all if Trump balloons deficits and exploded the national debt beyond its present stratospheric level"

      Correct. It was gross irresponsibility by GWBush to increase the debt in a massive way over Clinton. It was no less gross irresponsibility by Obama to increase the debt in a massive way over GWBush.

      As Trump has offered no serious plan to be responsible, and from other indications, Obama's massive record debt will likely look like a "Balanced Budget" compared to Trump's flagrant waste.

    6. Jerry said: "In fact, if Trump follows previous republican administrations, the deficit, and hence the debt, will explode."

      Republicans... and Obama.

    7. dmarks, True the debt has continued to increase under Obama, but the deficit has greatly decreased.

    8. And Obama was handed the worst economic recession since the Great Depression. All things considered he didn't do as bad at fixing a terrible mess as he might have.

      Good point Jerry.

    9. We can agree it will only get worse.

  15. You mean ideas like Dervish claiming Trump is the anti-Christ! And he is serious. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. I never said that. I said he MIGHT be. And, yes, I am serious.

  16. Been practicing my angry villager brandishing pitchfork act.

    In the words of the great social commentator and political activist Wednesday Addams: "Be afraid! Be very afraid."

  17. D.K.J.,

    3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than voted for Trump, but only half of them were alive.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. FreeThinke December 14, 2016 at 11:56 AM, found on WYD's weblog. Posted in response to TOM's and Octopussy's pointless comments.

    ... Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    ~ St. Paul to the Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

  20. This is you old buddy TOM. Not to be confused with the TOM above, or the TOM that posts at Daddys. Of course to you and Dervish we are all the same, just Luke. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
    Thanks for proving what idiots you are. Keep blaming Luke! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
    Check out those TOM ID#'s. HA HA HA HA HA HA
    Now get back to blaming Luke!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Yes, they are all you and you are all Luke. They are all accounts belonging to the same blog troll.

    2. Eat Shit Whoever you Trolls are! Luke, Tom, or most likely FT!

    3. My guess is that you be a troll as well. On that obviously doesn't read.

      Curb the childish unprofessional profanity or be deleted.

    4. Luke claims Dervish says he is 5 other guys, and Dervish denied that many times. Except of course for Dervish's comment above. Thanks for proving again you crumbs are liars. It's obvious to anyone, except the mentally disturbed, that all these TOM's are NOT the same person. I read Dervish's comment on the Swash Zone, he certainly did say Trump is the anti-Christ and he just confirmed it here. The only question is how long idiots are going to believe Dervish? Especially the self proclaimed genius (in his own mind) RN. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    5. Those are all different ID's Dervish! But you said Google doesn't allow that! So your proof is just another lie Dervish. Now get back to claiming Trump is the anti-Christ. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    6. IDs are not "guys". How stupid are you? Of course the #s are different. They are different accounts. One person can have multiple accounts. I have NEVER said "Google doesn't allow that". That's what you seem to be claiming. But you are wrong. Moronically wrong.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Mr Sanders: Here is a picture of 5 separate "guys" in the TOM/Steve/Luke sense.

  21. Let's not forget these words from Trump on Putin:

    Trump said. "I've already said, he[Putin] is really very much of a leader. I mean, you can say, 'Oh, isn't that a terrible thing — the man has very strong control over a country.'

    "Now, it's a very different system, and I don't happen to like the system. But certainly, in that system, he's been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader."

    Note this part: "I mean, you can say, 'Oh, isn't that a terrible thing — the man has very strong control over a country.'

    " Part of the reason that Putin is so popular is precisely that: He has strong control over his country. That control takes many forms, one of which is that he has zero tolerance for dissenting media opinions."

    Donald Trump, a president-elect who admires an ex-Communist head of the KGB who murders dissenting journalists. Imagine the explosions of head in the alt-right blogsphere if that were Barack Obama!

    1. My other great concern is the obvious coziness shown by Trump towards business CEO's and company presidents. I believe we are witnessing the beginnings of neo fascism in the USA under Trump.

      We'll have to wait and see how it develops. And, pointing out the hypocrisy and dangers that seem to most inherent in Trump's character and his emerging administration.

    2. Let's not forget these words from OBAMA to Putin:

    3. When Obama Whispered on a open mic "'After My Election, I'll Have More Flexibility"

    4. Thread ain't about Obama. Furthermore, you are taking Obama's words out of context. Which is precisely why you provided no context at all.

      We see you're an escapee from WYD's looney tune weblog. Thanks for the humor.

    5. Shaw quoted Trump (at least I think she did!): "Part of the reason that Putin is so popular is precisely that: He has strong control over his country. That control takes many forms, one of which is that he has zero tolerance for dissenting media opinions."

      The very idea of such leadership is rather contrary to the idea of our citizen-driven Republic.

      It rolls away thousands of years of human progress... stripping away all civilization and advances, to the old idea that the strongest caveman with the biggest club rules.

    6. I decided to fact check TOMpussy or whatever he is, when he said

      "Let's not forget these words from OBAMA to Putin"

      I found out that such a statement where Obama spoke to Putin never occured.Even Fox News reports this one correctly. Unlike TOMpussy. But cnsnews, a great source of fake news, reported the same false "headline" as TOMpussy.

  22. Yeah right, OBAMA will have a Hell of a legacy, mindless and the stupid Progressives, like we see here on this Jerkoffs blog think that he's done a great job, wait a minute, you're the one is probably on food stamps and welfare and Obama phones

    1. Well octopussydumba*s, when you are unable to post credible sources backing up your assertions with substantiated evidence simply engage in the rethuglican modus operandi, right? Attack the knowledable individuals or groups personally, always without so much as a smidgeon of truth to the attack, and repeat your lies as often as necessary until the dimwitted start to believe it.

      Your audience at WYD and other alt-right weblogs lap your baseless ramblings up for sure. Not here or at other rational weblogs.

    2. I'm certain Mr. Obama's legacy will NOT include having to pay $25 million in a case where he was accused of cheating young and old out of their hard earned money for a fraudulent "university." I'm certain Mr. Obama's legacy will NOT include have 75+ other law suits against him. I'm certain when Mr. Obama's legacy is written, it will NOT include his bragging about having adulterous affairs with other men's wives, and NOT include his bragging about sexually assaulting women, mocking disabled journalists, wanting to register certain religions, and a host of other horrors we've witnessed with the guy who won an electoral votes, not popular votes, with the help of a foreign government hostile to America.

      The Goopers chose one of the most corrupt and mendacious men ever to be poised to lead the USA.

      They own everything that will happen from here on out.

    3. It is amazing how many supposedly intelligent people with ethical grounding have zero problem overlooking the massive character flaws of Don the Con while they extol his alleged virtues. We do live in very strange and irrational times.

      The best we can hope for is... 1st, that Trump performs differently than all indications thus far would have us believe he will and 2'nd, that failing the first he doesn't do too much damage and is voted out of office in a massive popular and electoral college landslide in 2020.

  23. Not only does Trump admire the Russian thug, Putin, he has admiration for the Philippines' president who is practicing extra-judicial killings:

    Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte promised to kill 100,000 criminals within his first six months in office and said there would be so many corpses in Manila Bay that the “fish will grow fat.”
    Turns out the controversial leader may have some firsthand experience: On Monday, Duterte claimed that he’d personally killed criminal suspects during his time as mayor of his home city of Davao.
    "In Davao I used to do it personally. Just to show to the guys [police] that if I can do it why can't you?” he said while speaking to business leaders at the presidential palace. "I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble also. I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill.”

    Here's President-elect Trump in his TIME Magazine interview on the subject:
    A reporter mentions that what Trump is saying echoes the rhetoric of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who has overseen the extrajudicial killing of thousands of alleged drug dealers and users in recent months. The President-elect offers no objection to the comparison. “Well, hey, look, this is bad stuff,” he says. “They slice them up, they carve their initials in the girl’s forehead, O.K. What are we supposed to do? Be nice about it?”

    Days later, Trump will have a phone call with the Philippine President, who called President Obama the “son of a whore” a few months ago. A readout from the Philippine government subsequently announces that during the call, Trump praised Duterte’s deadly drug crackdown as “the right way.”

    Trump used to pantomime summary executions on the campaign trail complaining that back in the day "when we were strong" we didn't have to bother with trials and the like. He wanted to bring back those good times. Trump also "loves" torture and has repeatedly hinted that he could endorse beheading for ISIS terrorists."

    I take Trump at face value. He adores men like Putin and Duterte -- authoritarian thugs who kill their own citizens with impunity.

    1. Trump is basically a very emotionally and psychologically disturbed individual. He should frightten the hell out of the nation. Instead 46 percent seem to adore the lout.

    2. What's not to adore? A man-child who got five draft deferments, paid no taxes on his billions and bragged about it, inherited a fortune, went bankrupt five times, flagrantly used eminent domain for
      private gain, abused more women than Bills Cosby and Clinton, choses destructors rather than builders for his associates, plays footsy with Russia to the extent of hacking the election, considers himself God's gift to society, bullied the free press into trying to play fair and ignore all of the above, promised to jail his opponent, escalated the concept of fooling the 99% and
      was the glamorous star of The Apprentice. Can we resist joining the Alt-reality 46% and sing in
      praise, "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Trump The Pres"?

    3. Frankly BB Idaho, I've completely given up trying to understand the 46% who were, still are, and probably always will think Trump is God's gift our republic. Those who hear and accept only what they want to hear, regardless of the falsehoods and dangers deserve what they get. In this case it unfortunately and negatively affects us all.

  24. As I've looked at this election, I have to admit, my evangelical brothers support for Trump has bothered me. I do know that many just did not feel they could support HRC, and I get that. I was not a fan of her myself and in fact, did not vote for her or Trump. But others felt it was their civic duty to choose one or the other.

    Here's how Sarah Pulliam Bailey covered it in the WAPO... "Rural evangelicals gave Trump a pass on the character flaws, [Anthony] Bradley [of Kings College in New York] said, because in their minds such flaws were less important than such issues in their communities as jobs, stable families, education options and terrorism."

    I've spoken to many within that 46% Les who while voting for him, sure don't think he is all that. They see him as many Dems saw HRC, as deeply flawed, but he asked for their votes and she did not.

    Is it beyond imagination to wonder if HRC could have gained the 100K votes needed in a few key states with at least some evangelical outreach and a rally or 2 supporting coal miners and factory workers in PA, MI and WI?

    She neglected her firewall and got burned.

    And now so, I fear will we as Trump fiddles...

    1. "She neglected her firewall and got burned."

      Yes, a badly run campaign. Terribly run.

    2. I get everything you said Dave, I really do. Deciding to vote for HRC was a tough decision for me, one I spent a lot of time making. However, all indications early on pointed to a seriously flawed Trump, ethically and morally. How otherwise good Christian people could, IMV, hypocritically overlook his narcissism, misogyny, white nationalism, bigotry, and general nastiness escapes me.

      As you say Dave, Clinton and her campaign miscalculated the shallowness of support in key areas and it cost her. But, principals do matter. How a large share of the 46% decided to vacate principals and vote for a xenophobic narcissist and Putin admirer is simply beyond my ability to comprehend.

    3. Voting for HRC is quite comprehendable, though.

    4. Given the alternative, yes it is.


  25. As I looked back at this election, I have to admit that the people who supported Donald Trump really bothered me. I do know that many just did not feel they could support Hillary Clinton because of her crooked past, and I get that. I was not Crazy about her myself and in fact, did not vote for her, I voted for Jill. But others felt it was their duty to choose one or the other. Front Runners, I did not. But if I had to pick one of them , I would have voted for Trump,

    1. IMO, Trump's crooked past far surpasses that of Hillary. Donations to a highly regarded charity?
      Ouch! The Russians left him of the hook entirely. Do your homework, Octopussy. Trump defines crookedness, always has.

    2. octopussy did its homework at Trump University. He is one of the newer members to the alt-right Flying Monkey Brigade.

    3. He probably holds a degree in post graduate studies at Wink Martindale Instutute as well. A well-rounded education from the best game show host educational establishments.

  26. Octopussy... if you're gonna crib my comments into your own, don't pass it off as your work. Give credit where it is due... that's proper writing...

    1. octopussy is an alt-right troll Dave. The little o is here to disrupt/derail honest conversation and dialogue.

    2. Is there a difference between alt-right and alt-wrong?

    3. That should have been,
      alt-right = all-wrong


    4. Why not just refer to them as neo-Nazis?

  27. Unlike Trump (and far too many Republicans), Obama respects the integrity of our institutions and democratic traditions. Trump is the virtual "anti-Christ" of those values. Nothing less than a Trump impeachment and prosecution would satisfy me.

    1. Hold on to your hat. It is likely to get much worse.

    2. Trump's very first tweet upon winning:
      " Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before." Coming together...but in two distinct diametrically opposed angry never before.

    3. BB said: "The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again"

      No doubt he has forgotten them again by now.

  28. Why don't you go screw yourself!

    1. That TOM sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon for YOU. Now, don't let the door hit ya in the a*s.

  29. Tom and Luke and ...Etc etc

    Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

    1. TOM/Steve/Luke, the trio of one in the same, lives its life to be perpetually angry.

  30. Don't insult MY Father by calling ME "Son".

  31. Do you have to wipe the monitor every minute or so from screaming at it all the time, Luke?

  32. RN, Octopus, Tao, Shaw, Jersey, Sue, Etc.are all such wonderful people & bloggers. I could just kiss you all over, but I won't
    As I realize that you are also Very UNSANITARY.

  33. And be prepared to wipe your ass with that stupid excuse to nullify Donald Trump as the next President of the USA

    1. Tom is a perfect Trumpster. Like the fearless twitterchief, he loves dishing it out
      but bristles at criticism. We shall see how it turns out for them: quite ugly, IMO.

    2. Yup. They can throw but the can't catch.

      TOM/Steve/Luke, the trio of one in the same.

  34. BB- Idaho your"opinion isn't worth the toilet paper that I used this morning to wipe my ass with.

    1. At least you wipe your ass, Tom. That's a promising start.

  35. Clean it up TOM/Sfeve/Luke, the trio of one in the same. Or, be deleted.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. "___ the Both of you"

      Considering there's three of you, TOM/Steve/Luke, you still have them outnumbered.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Your comment TOM/Steve/Luke, the trio of one in the same. was deleted because Dervish is not the subject of this nor are your imaginary emails you talk about. Further, dmarks is correct, you are attempting to turn this thread into a s*itbowl. Not gonna happen. So, go back to WYD where the cesspool runs deep from the low info low intel crowd.

    2. I am not registering what WYD is. I can only guess "Wear Your Diaper", but the reality is probably worse.

    3. 😀 Excellent, funny as well as appropriate.

      WYD... Lisa's Who's Your Daddy weblog.

    4. I did visit there a few years ago, and swore off it. I feared fecal e coli contamination from that environment.

    5. Now the "real Luke" is talking about me? He might be a T/S/L sock puppet too. That would make 3 Lukes and 4 TOMs. All accounts likely controlled by the same troll. And Luke told me on WYD that he has a "Luke Smith" G+ account. If so that would make 4 of each. Or as Luke would say, that would mean he's 8 guys. Although I've never seen a Luke Smith comment. I did a search on G+ but gave up trying to guess which one might be him when I found there are more than 200 Luke Smith's.

    6. The plot thickens.

      What this highlights really is there are kooks, misfits, mentally and emotionally unstable people, and totally crazy individuals out there. And, they seem to love the anonymity the internet provides them. Slime all. TOM/Steve/Luke and now The Real Luke are simply a symptom of the problem.

    7. There have always been "kooks, misfits, mentally and emotionally unstable people, and totally crazy individuals out there". Thanks the the internet and social media boosted by profit-driven media, they now have a voice. The fact that people are now listening to them just highlights the importance of improving and expanding our educational systems.

      We all should be high information voters, not low information voters, conservatives and liberals alike!

    8. Agreed Jerry. During a Trump administration the quality of education, especially during the formidable years, is likely to head south.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Les, I hate to say it,but TOM here is doing his damnedest to turn your blog into a sh*tbowl.

    1. His post is gone but the stench lingers on.

    2. This might help the place smell better, and make up for that man's boorish lack of holiday cheer and good will to men.

  40. I just saw this...

    I wonder if this might be staged/plotted by Turkey/Russia. Because the result of this might be to help erase the tensions between Putin and Erdogan and get them on the page for completely eliminating democratic (non-terrorist) dissent in that part of the world.

    Erdogan is Trump's kind of man, really. Except for the "Muslim" thing. I would not be surprised if the Trump administration ends up supporting Erdogan's efforts to eliminate dissent, at least verbally.

    Sorry of this is too off topic.

    1. I've not looked at the news yet today. By day followed by appointments etc. So I am not anywhere up to speed on this. But my wife mentioned it.

      Your assessment may not be far off with respect to Erdogan and Trump. Trump has repeatedly show very thin skin and little tolerance for views opposing his own.

      I check the story out tonight. Thanks for the link.

    2. Erdogan, Putin, Trump, and the drug addict in the Phillipines who kills other drug addicts all seem cut from the same cloth.

    3. "In Soviet Russia, tax pay you!"

  41. You seem to totally support the last eight years of no growth because you elected someone who hadn't even run a lemonade stand and was the beneficiary of corrupt Chicago politics and skin color. Yea I know, if you are against BHO you are a racist. How about if you are against yellow hair you are a bigot. Now you feel a non politician who has had many accomplishments, some good some bad doesn't deserve a chance.
    If he performs for all Americans and your life is better, are you going to admit it was a good move or are you going to do some bridge jumping?
    Without any proof how do you know Russia didn't help -H-. We don't. It was BHO who told Russia to just wait until after the election when he will have more latitude to deal with the, damn open mike. Wasn't it BHO who told Romney Russia was not a threat to anyone, course he said the same thing about ISIS.

    1. Whether Obama gets blame or credit, the Stock Market rose during the last eight years from 6700 to
      almost 20,000, inflation was minimal, US oil production was significantly up, and gasoline prices lower, we started no wars, etc. However much Trump is distrusted, based on a number of his attributes, if he can bring back jobs to the US; rebuild the middle class, raise the standard of living...I for one will admit it was a good move. Right now count me skeptical.

  42. I enjoyed your rant skuddy ole man. When you become a serious individual, with serious supportable data, have a real interest in intelligent discourse please let us know. When that time arrives, if it ever does, I'm sure the local as well as distant communities will engage with you.

    Nevertheless, and until then, have A Merry Christmas.

    1. HIGH ALERT Escapee from WYD insane asylum has infiltrated. Onslaught of the zombies considered possible.

  43. First the Left released the names, addresses, cell numbers and email addresses for electors who then received a deluge of demanding, even threatening communications along with people sending copies of the Federalist Papers. If they had only read the book they might have learned about the wisdom of the Founding Fathers but since they usually consider them racist, women haters I suppose they couldn't bring themselves to actually read it.

    When the threats didn't work, and all their other stupid claims and other nonsense, didn't work, they blamed the Russians, and then the Rich Old White Guys, they showed up on the day the Electors cast their ballots in the Electoral College and screamed and yelled at any result of which they did not personally approve. The example below is an extreme case but not the only one. Did the feminist fanatic below REALLY think that the Electors would overturn the will of the people in these states? Is she that deranged?

    1. Back from the dead, TOM? Your Stay A While (self-described) co-author told me you were dead. From the "brain cancer" you supposedly had. Apparently instead of killing you, the "brain cancer" just changed you from a Liberal into a deranged Rightwinger.

  44. Go to Hell and don't pass "GO" to get $200.00. And take that missable RN with you!


  45. Hillary and the morons, communists, progressives, socialists and all the other idiots like those who post here got their asses kicked twice, and that was priceless. Only time will tell if and when these brain-dead Zombies we wise up and re-educate thier poisoned minds so
    That this Country can once again be united!

  46. dmarks. On Monday Dec 19, said;
    "Les, I hate to say it,but TOM here is doing his damnedest to turn your blog into a sh*bowl".

    Funny most people already thought it was a SHIT BOWL!

  47. Stopping in to reinforce that you, TOM/Steve/Luke the trio of one in the same, are indeed a mindless raving lunatic.

    We appreciate that you find it necessary to make an a*s of yourself yet again.

    Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. "TOM" leaves something in my comment moderation almost every day. I never read his crap. I see his name and hit the "delete" button. Imagine how desperate for attention this sad little man must be. He goes around to all the uncrazy blogs hoping someone will read his pathetic comments. What a loser.

    1. Yeah, the TOM/Steve/Luke personality is a total loser/liar. Every once in awhile it is amusing to let him expose himself in public on a weblog where normal and rational folks visit.

      I have only pity for him. He must have a very miserable unfulfilled life.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. Tom unfortunately is a poster boy for the Trumpsters. Rather than voter ID, there should be
    a voter IQ. Bookies are taking odds already on whether trump resigns or is impeached before
    his term is up. Tom could lose a fortune.

    1. I highly doubt TOM has a fortune to lose BB Idaho. It is entirely possible be still lives in his mother's basement.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. TOM/Steve/Luke trio of one in the same, my magnanimity has run its course. All future comments by you will immediately be deleted upon detection.

  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. TOM: I KNOW that it pisses you off tremendously.

      Wrong. That's your delusion, troll. The world is full of a-holes. That's just a fact and not a reason to get pissed off "tremendously". BTW, Luke denies he was for Trump. Even though he said "I'm rooting for Trump" on his blog. And that his TOM sockpuppets are so giddy in regards to the coming Trump-pocalypse is further proof that he is (and was when he blogged on Stay A While) a fake Liberal.

    2. And I should care?? Why???
      And I was and sty am a Trump Supporter.
      So, I won, You Lost.

  58. I am starting to consider our nation shall never again be what it once was. Oh I know it has had its share of problems, including false and yellow journalism but never has it been so profoundly and willingly ill informed.

    It seems the more outrageous the claim the more likely it is to be believed by folks who should know better. Unfortunately the nation now has many elected officials and politicians who choose to pour fuel on the flames of misinformation (mostly conservatives and republicans) rather than speaking the truth to their constituency. of course this is because their primary motivation is self enrichment and power. Read as power over you, something they all relish. Including the preesisent elect, Don the Con Trump.

    May the gods of Mt. Olympus show mercy. Cause we are going to need it.

  59. RE: "..the American rightwing solidifying its control over our lives." I recently read a blog comment elsewhere by a woman in North Carolina, worried about how the GOP there is dismantling the previous administration. My reply-

    "That is worse than sad, Xxxxy. We need only look at Scott
    Walker's war on higher education in Wisconsin.
    Consider that Guv Walker was elected with the machinations
    of one Reince Preibus (now RNC Chair), the entire state was gerrymandered so that while there are more Dem voters, the
    legislature and courts are now firmly in GOP control. Consider as well, the fascist fear of higher education: after outlawing unions, they went after academia, were many
    perished in concentrations camps. Why? Because they are
    intelligent people who stand in the way. Heck, they don't even believe FakeNews and can't be controlled by blatant
    propaganda. The new GOP simply cannot put up with it.
    When the suckers that go along finally figure it out, when
    the 1% has 99.9% of all the wealth, when the entire world
    hates us...we will finally understand that those smart enough to have forseen it are the real American patriots.
    Oh dear, I'm ranting again...."
    IMO, the GOP and their bizarre leader are taking their significant loss in total votes and
    popularity as some sort of mandate to reshape the country from Fire District to the Presidency in
    their own image. By actions which remind of pre-war Germany. Let me know when Krystallnacht starts.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Let me know when Krystallnacht starts.

      Indeed BB Idaho. Our nation is facing a very real threat from within that if not stopped threatens our values and our liberties.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Hey butt breath TOM, your comments, ALL OF THEM, are going to be deleted on detection. UNREAD

    Why don't you save yourself the time and simply leave your posts at the swamp where your buddies will appreciate your crap and lies?

    BUH BYE!

    1. "The swamp" is right. I remember TOM making sexually assaultive comments toward Sue. And the WYD blog welcomes and encourages rape fantasy comments.

      His type of place.

    2. I have wanted to take this weblog away from comment moderation for some time. So I thought I'd give it a try for a couple weeks and see what developed. It is looking like I'll have to return to moderation as TOM/Steve/Luke (the rancid trio of one in the same)has every intention of being the obnoxious lying butt head he's always been.

      My bad for thinking the mangy leopard would ever change his vile spots.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. Fact checking Trumps Tweets as they become public... what the WAPO is doing is a good idea. But I doubt it makes a difference. Right now, people either love Trump, or hate him. I doubt opinions are going to changed, just like opinions on Obama.

    We are just going to have to wait and see what shakes out once he takes office.

    Who knows... it is possible that even with the group of folks he has around him, he will govern as a pragmatist and that his Admin will be one of the best we've ever had. Just as it is possible that his Admin will be among the worst ever. But at this point, we just don't know.

    But... his penchant for stretching the truth, lying or just plain making stuff up is legion...

    1. This is all true Dave. We don't know at this point whether Trump's administration will be the worst or among the best. For me the indication and likelihood which it will be rests in your closing paragraph.

      A very wise man whom I had a great deal of respect for once told me... a leopard can't change its spots. If he's right we likely already know what kind of leader and President Trump will be.

    2. "...and that his Admin will be one of the best we've ever had. Just as it is possible that his Admin will be among the worst ever."

      Just as possible?!? You've got to be kidding me. You are laying even odds between Trump's presidency being one of the best or one of the worst?!? Every indication I see indicates one of the worst, at least one of the worst for the majority of the American people.

  65. Jerry, the truth is, Trump has not even taken office and many have already written him off. We've not seen him publicly since the election, save for a couple of brief snippets.

    All I am saying is let's wait and see. If he is as bad as many suspect, there's gonna be ample time to criticize him then, when we have something concrete to berate. But all the "sky is falling" rhetoric we are hearing now will have the effect of making liberals look pretty stupid and myopic if he somehow manages even an average presidency.

    I dare say we'd be pretty critical of conservatives had Hillary won and they were ragging on her even before she took office, wouldn't we?

    1. lol. They've been ragging on her for 40 years. It would just be a continuation. Ragging is what republicans do best.

  66. Ragging... An American political activity shared to one degree or another by both major parties.

  67. Note to the First Idiot, and his Idiotic Wife: GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR WHITE HOUSE ALREADY... YOU'RE STINKING IT UP.

    1. Comment posted to once again highlight the vile nature of the EXTREME RIGHT WING IDIOTS that are bigly responsible for the majority of the issues facing our Already Great Nation, the nation Trump seems bent on destroying in his effoprts to attain KING like powers.

      Now TRL, back to your swamp of sh*t stains.

  68. 'It is possible to lead astray an entire generation, to strike it blind, to drive it insane, to direct it towards a false goal. Napoleon proved this.' -Alexander Herzen Perhaps the internet phenomenon has enabled the Dark Tetrad to rise out of the slime, considering some of the
    semi-literate visitors and scatologists who show up an expose themselves here.

  69. So Barrack Obama defecated on America before leaving! What else did anyone expect From a Shithead?

    1. Once again we witness the abject stupidity and vile character of TOM, the slug who prides itself in being one of America's biggest liars and sh*theads.



  71. Again TOM, or whoever it really is, displays his anger, hate, lies, as well as his stulidity for all to see.

    Thanks for once again showing your true colors!

    BTW, with supporters like you El Donaldo J. Trump doesn't need enemies.

    May your New Year bring you all that you DESERVE. We all know what that is.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Hope you feel better now TOMMY little boy. Your tantrums are entertaining AND comical. Of course the best thing is we get the entertaining idiocy of TOM free.

    Hope you have a great New Year in your room at mommy's.

  74. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Even the opponents of rational thought and truth.

  75. Happy New Year Bros! It's still 2016 on the West Coast.

    I'm hitting the hay.

    Hope you're right Dave. Just because Trump is the most disgusting human to ever hold any office in the U.S.A., and he has surrounded himself with coal industry criminals and Nazis... What could possibly go wrong? The Exxon guy for SOS? Great. Let's hope it all works out.

  76. So Flying Junior, Trump can legitimately call himself the hope and change president #2?

    All I can say is hope his change goes away quickly. Perhaps he'll be... impeached? We can only hope.

    1. On second thought Pence just might be as bad from a policy perspective, or worse.

  77. My God RN, you have really become stupid.
    Have you fell on your head recently????

    1. No I have not. If you voted for Trump/Pence, I'm assuming you did, you likely fell on your head or experienced something traumatic recently.

      Happy New Year Political Chic.

  78. and what would you call some who voted for a crooked lying Screwed Up Old Hag?

    1. A) Repeating BS often enough does not make it true.

      B) Clinton was a lousy candidate and bears a great deal of responsibility for her defeat. She took too much for granted and ignored much.

      C) Trump is the lyingest, most narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist that has been elected POTUS. As well as being a puss grabbing sexual predator.

      D) I call those who voted for HRC a hell of a lot smarter, more patriotic, and rational than those who voted for Rl Donaldo J. Trumpista.

      E) Did I mention EDJT is also a white nationalist supported by the KKK and Neo Nazi organizations?

      Damn there a lot of ill informed uneducated people out there voting.

    2. It looks like the same two or three trolls who are always posting here has come up with yet another name.

    3. And I hope Mr Sanders can figure out which one this is.

    4. Political Chick has been around awhile. PC is great at regurgitating alt right talking points and their conspiracy theories. Another of FreeThinke's protege's methinks.

      The internet is loaded with low information under educated dupes. PC just happens to be one of them.

    5. It is possible, perhaps likely even, that this PC is someone's sock puppet.

      Who knows? Who cares?

    6. Political Chick is an established Blogger and not a sockpuppet (IMO). BTW, I was looking over my old comments and found that FreeThinke, who I thought had never commented on my blog, did so on 8/10/2013 as "SufferDude" (that's not "Surfer Dude", btw). Also, the Fake RN ("parody" ID that has RN's sex as "Female") commented as "Thomas Jefferson" on 11/15/2015. RN, it appears, has a lot of enemies. Tyrone Slothrop writes on his Google+ page "I have a hatred in my heart for the Regerested Nurse" (7/3/2015) and "I have the HOTS for the Regestered Nurse! I heard that he likes it Greek Style" (5/15/2015). Sounds like Slothrop may be a gay rapist. Another low information, poorly educated dupe, in any case (spells "registered" incorrectly).

    7. It seems the sh*t on the extreme right has turned into an avalanche of diarrhea Dervish. In any case enemies have never bothered me. They just roll off my back as easily as sh*t flushes down the toilet.

    8. Sh*t from the extreme right is a badge of honor. It means you have pissed the off.

  79. By the way RN thanks for showing us who the real fascist is. Your constant posting, and your freakishly posting pictures of Hitler gives you away!

    1. Don't get too bent out of shape, Les.

      With the Hitler pictures thing, Chic is just thinking that others besides her have her personal taste in bedroom decor.

  80. Hey dog face. I do not "freakishly" post pictures of Hitler. But you no doubt do post such pictures. You are another lying POS. You Neo Nazi lying scum bag

  81. Having a Bad Day are you RN!
    Why not go back to SHAW'S blog where she only posts the comments thatt she likes or changes the words to make them suit her agenda. Like all good Propaganda loving Progressives do.

    1. Having a Bad Day are you RN!

      Nope. Actually I'm having a fine and positive life. EVERYDAY!~ So sorry yours isn't the same.

      Now, slither on back to WTD weblog and fuel up on more gaseous fumes.

      Try and have a nice day. If you can.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.


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