Iraq and the Obama Almost Strategy...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Purveyor of Truth

President Obama, in his signature style is taking quarter measures to prevent immediate genocide by the ISIS in Iraq. Neither Obama or the western democracies are will to admit that the terrorist networks that adhere to the cult of Islam are determined to take control of the Middle East as well as the entire globe. Until they do, and take the necessary military action to crush every single one of the filthy lice ridden barbaric terrorist organizations this problem will forever be with us all.

Even democratic Senator Feinstein recognizes ‘It takes an army to defeat an army.' However she stopped short of addressing the core of the problem or offering any serious alternatives to the President's response.

The Washington Post - PRESIDENT OBAMA was right to order military action to prevent a potential genocide in northern Iraq and to stop forces of the al-Qaeda-derived Islamic State from advancing on Baghdad or the Kurdish capital of Irbil. However, the steps the president authorized on Thursday amount to more of his administration’s half-measures, narrowly tailored to this week’s emergency and unconnected to any coherent strategy to address the conflagration spreading across the Middle East.

While U.S. airstrikes and drops of supplies may prevent the terrorist forces from massacring the Yazidi sect or toppling the pro-Western regime in Kurdistan, Mr. Obama lacks a plausible plan for addressing the larger threat posed by the Islamic State. In recent weeks, senior U.S. officials have described the danger in hair-curling terms: The Islamic State forces, which have captured large numbers of U.S.-supplied heavy weapons, threaten not only the Iraqi and Kurdish governments, but also Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. With hundreds of Western recruits, they have the ambition and capability to launch attacks against targets in Europe and the United States.

Yet by the White House’s own account, the measures ordered by Mr. Obama are not intended to defeat the Islamic State or even to stop its bloody advances in most of the region. Instead they are limited to protecting two cities where U.S. personnel are stationed and one mass of refugees. The hundreds of thousands of people in Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere threatened by the al-Qaeda forces will receive no U.S. protection. Nor will the terrorists’ hold over the areas they already control, including the large city of Mosul and nearby oil fields, be tested by U.S. airpower.

U.S. officials say that Mr. Obama has refrained from a broader campaign because he believes the Islamic State is “an Iraqi responsibility,” ...

We may as well face it folks, the world is facing a deep river of sh*t perpetrated by these genocidal barbaric liberty hating assh*les and it hasn't a clue as to what to do about it or the will to do what it will take to eliminate the threat, except the tiny democratic freedom loving state of.


Via: Memeorandum


  1. Do you have any ideas on how to rid the entire Middle East, Indonesia, and other densely populated Islamic states of terrorists without committing genocide on the Muslims living in those areas?

    Is that what you meant when you wrote: "...the will to do what it will take to eliminate the threat,"

    Can we hear suggestions from people who have solutions to this?

  2. You put together a coalition of rational western nations along with eastern nations who are sane and want terror stopped. Pool remeasures and plan a concerted strategy to take out the terrorists in their hiding places everywhere...

    Then, the sane rational world lets the terrorist states and organizations know that a strike of any kind on any member nation is a strike on all, and any will unleash such destruction on them they'll wish they were never born.

    Or, we can all close our eyes, sing kumbaya, and wait until they reign nuclear destruction on the west. Make no mistake about it, THIS THEY WILL DO, unless they are stopped, or the entire world becomes Muslim and worships their cult insanity.

  3. Check out Fareed in on this subject, including his mention of the Kurds.

  4. Fareed is correct, although I'm not sure he goes ambitious enough. And the leftist Hamas and ISIS sympathizers who think we need to show more tolerance and understanding towards these filthy bas*ards are probably going ape sh*t.

    1. RN: But when would one cross the line from an ambitious effort to a "neocon" adventure trying to remake a section of the world?

      " And the leftist Hamas and ISIS sympathizers...."

      Such are truly bloodthirsty, compassionless, heartless people. Another one of them is the pseudo-intellectual Francis Boyle. You know, the one who wanted the Jewish population of the Israel area eliminated by peaceful (yeah, right) means.

      Or Norman Finkelstein (denied tenure at a university due to unethical behavior), who must have psychological issues related to the real tragedy of his parents' experience in Nazi death camps ...who is vociferous in his support of modern efforts to kill large numbers of Jews.just for being Jews. Other Jewish people, who took offense at Fink's vicious antisemitism, cut Fink's versions of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to ribbons by presenting the facts against him.

      Examples of awful men who support this medieval barbarism.... form the comfort of their homes in the tolerant, free, West.

  5. Hussain, for all his evil DID manage to keep those types under control, and Iraq was the most secular of mid-east states then. Obama is oft criticized for thinking things through and going slowly, except when he is criticized for by-passing congress. Given our track record, I'm for getting it right for once...and that takes profound thinking and planning, not saber rattling. Perhaps we should start
    with Maliki and his army that we trained and supplied.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. BB: Mr. Obama is after all the Commander-in-Chief, There are certain executive duties he does have in this position, great power, in fact, without any need to issue executive orders, or worry about (or blame) the Republicans.

  6. When moderate Muslins, in concert throughout the world stand tall and renounce all terrorism, acknowledge that the "prophet" muhammad was a evil man who raped, plundered, and pillaged then maybe I might believe they want to live in peace with non Muslims.

    It may only be 10% who are crazy barbaric extremists and jihadists. But 10% of 1.6 billion is a lot of ocean liners full of crazy demented people.

    It is time the 90% who claim the cult of Islam is peaceful to stand and be counted.

    1. By the way, RN, what did you think of the effort by Oklahoma to ban the terrorist rulebook, Shariah, from being part of its legal system?

  7. Sharia has absolutely no place in American jurisprudence!!!

    I'll leave it at that.

    1. What, you are a little disdainful concerning the imposition of a legal system which (among other things) on multiple occasions says it is OK for a man to rape a woman if the woman is a captive he has taken?

  8. Muslims the word over are going to renounce the founder of their religion? Yeah, that sounds likely. If not then Lester's solution is our own "jihad"? Why don't you just admit you're bigoted against Muslims already? Would that not be the "rational" thing to do? Talk about crazy demented people? We've got a few leaving comments on this very blog! Lester and Dennis (who imagines Norman Finkelstein wants to kill his fellow Jews). Disgusting. It's enough to make me want to vomit.

    1. No asshole, it wouldn't be the rational thing to do because I'm not BIGOTED AGAINST muslims I've friends who are Muslim, wonderful caring people who are NOT CRAZY and who do not call for the genocide of the Jewish people and infidels in general.

      I am however most decidedly bigoted against the jihadist that are fueled by their violent, irrational, genocidal, devoted allegiance to the madman :prophet muhammad (piss be upon him) and the organizations the belong to.

      You dervish are a lying bastard who will never appear on this site again. Continue your lying drivel on your SwTD and LLIN sites and appealing to the lunlheads that buy your bullshit.

    2. And Dervish Sanders shows such total illogic by excusing (and effectively supporting) vicious antisemitism due to the ethnic group//race of the person uttering the antisemitic statements. He has done this elsewhere in the past, also supporting anti-black racist statements if they are made by a black person. It's all pure racism, and all on the part of "Dervish Sanders".

      It's what you expect from a person who praised Joseph Stalin and the statements Stalin used to justify killing tens of millions of people.

  9. I should probably apologize to my readership for my curing at the lying SOB that is dervish sanders. But I know that my readership that has been around for awhile will understand.

    While dervish sanders will likely fill my comment holding with even more reams of irrationality and pure BS, as he has done to others, the shredder stands in wait.

    hen dervish sanders finds himself/herself in the looney bin I doubt he or she will have many visitors.

    1. "...when dervish sanders finds himself/herself in the looney bin I doubt he or she will have many visitors...."

      Yeah, and his sock puppets "Lying Lester", Dennis, Barlowe, Willard, Parkay the dog and the rest of them will be with him always....

  10. Be that as it may, dervish sanders shall no longer sully this site with his human excrement.

    As of this moment the dude no longer exists in my consciousness.

    1. I suggest that you try my strategy, Les. Put a book or a piece of cardboard over the comments section and when you see his idiotic handle click it and delete it. I find this effective in that this way you don't have to see a single, solitary word and, trust me, your life will be so much better because of it.

  11. or....don't give that onionhead your e-mail address.......

  12. Rusty... note the contact link at the top of my home page, it has my blog e-mail displayed on it. Has since blog inception on 6/29/09.

  13. Now back to our now toadstool/onionhead-free discussion...

  14. dervish sanders really is a individual without a life. Dude has already increased the comments he leaves for my comment review, no doubt hoping that his whining will cause me to relent and post his comments again. NOT A CHANCE.

    dervish is so hungry for attention (he craves it, one can only imagine what his young life at home must have been like), he'll never back off from his useless and deranged posting at his SwTD and LLIN blog sites or his obsession with leaving comments at Will's blog and here. ONE VERY TROUBLED DUDE for sure.

    1. As long as he stays away from the closest water tower, I'll be cool.

  15. It is "true" that I am "obsessed" with commenting on the blog of Wills. But my "obsession" shifted when Willis came up with the GENIUS strategy of placing a book in front of his screen so as to avoid gazing upon my offensive comments. Then I became "obsessed" with Lester's blog. His mistake was to publish any of my comments. Now I'm REALLY "obsessed" and have decided to focus ALL my attentions on the blog of Lester. What this means is that Lester should expect thousands of comments from me weekly for the next few years. If they stop it will only be because I've been confined to a rubber room. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    BTW, I eagerly await your next (totally non-bigoted) commentary concerning the lice and flea-infested Muslims you hate so much.

  16. Will: Given his expressed phobia and willful ignorance concerning matters of guns, there's a 50 50 chance he might have the gun aimed in the weekend wrong direction if WD does the "I Don't Like Mondays" in the tower.

    That is, if he doesn't revert to type and instead fling poo like a chimp.

  17. Yeah, I hear ya Will. dervish as decided to confirm my statements as to his mental and emotional instability. He has confirmed the truth contained in my statements via a comment submission today 8/12/14 (one of many) to this site. I had every intention of never again posting a comment submission by him now or in the future, however, in light of his insistence in proving, in his own words his mental instability and childlike nature, I decided to post his confirming comment directly following this comment.

    1. In the event dervish's comment appears not below this comment but rather preceding this comment it is time and date stamped 5:04 PM August 12, 2014.

    2. The most ironic part is that wd would probably be one of the first guys that the Islamic radicals would behead, just to shut him up.

  18. Wow..saw it. Do you think it was somehow triggered by the full moon? If not that, perhaps exposure to certain pesticides?

  19. He's gone a howling at the moon methinks dmark!!!

    1. Keeps him from bonking his head too much on the underside of the kitchen floor. The crawlspace is less than one meter high, after all.


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