Howard Dean Rant...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Ration USA
Purveyor of Truth

The tolerance hyperbole of Howard Dean. Wants republicans to move to Russia.

Personally I am hoping for Howard to figure continue to speak out vocally. And loudly. Very loudly.

The public just might get to see another Howard tirade like the one that ended his presidential aspirations.

h/t: Libertarian Republican


  1. The intolerance of the left for views that differ from their own equals or exceeds the intolerance of the right. Examples of intolerance can be found daily on the left as well as the right. It is nauseating as well as hypocritical. But don't expect either side to acknowledge their own brand of PC and intolerance.

  2. I think Dean's funny and entertaining as hell. Remember, he led a short-lived sort of Democratic Left-Tea Party-esque revolt himself. His bombast is seen as clever humor by his fans (telling Republicans to move to Russia because they're un-American is funny as all hell). You don't care for the humor, so you think he's just a blathering bigot, and that's fine, because we liberals think that's funny as all hell too. I think he's a genuine article, a decent if bombastic guy. He's right, too. The establishment right in this country are dangerous bad actors on our national stage.



  3. I think Dean's funny and entertaining as hell.

    So do I, but in a sense far removed from you.

    His bombast is seen as clever humor by his fans...

    I'm sure, similar to the right and there appreciation for Miller. Oh, and Rush Limbaugh.

    You don't care for the humor...

    One, it was not meant as humor... Two, I find it funny because he looks foolish.

    so you think he's just a blathering bigot...

    Those are your words jmj. I did not say or imply he is a bigot. You leftist are pathetic with your throwing the "bigot", "racist", "terrorist" card every constantly and for damn near everything.

    I think he's a genuine article...

    I agree, he certainly is.

  4. Don't follow Dr. Dean much, but perhaps it is just irony-
    "Scott Lively, an American conservative activist largely credited for inspiring legislation in Uganda that would impose the death penalty on homosexuals, praised the Russian legislation on his website, writing, “I can’t point to any country of the world today that is a model for the rest of the world, except perhaps for Russia.."
    "The Kremlin leader's full-throated defense of Russia's "traditional values" and his derision of the West's "genderless and infertile" liberalism in his annual state-of-the-nation address last week was just the latest example of Putin attempting to place himself at the vanguard of a new "Conservative International."
    "Others on the American right, like Rod Dreher, a senior editor of the "American Conservative," also wrote favorably—albeit in a more nuanced manner—of Putin's speech. "Putin may be a cold-eyed cynic, but he’s also onto something," he wrote." etc.
    Throw in lack of environmental and safety regulation and the attraction to some on the far right seems apparent.

  5. Well BB Idaho, only a fool would deny that the reactionary right might find strong man Putin their cup of tea. Whether the lion's share of conservatives and republicans have warm and fuzzy feeling about him is debatable.

    It is a sad commentary on American conservatives and republicans with respect to their treatment of President Obama and I think this BS over Putin is just another manifestation of their disdain for the President. Truly troubling.

    But Governor Dean still rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps it is because he strikes me as a loose canon going back to his campaign days.

  6. That's right! I forgot about the love affair the Right has with Putin! He's their kind of douchebag!


    1. Your broad sweep is inaccurate. Define the right please. I am certainly to your right and I have NO RESPECT or love for Vladimir Putin. He is old Soviet KGB and he has changed little in my estimation.

    2. Watch some Fox news. You'll see what I mean.


  7. And Les, Dean is not as mean-spirited as Limbaugh or Miller. Not a long stretch.


  8. Howard Dean? didn't he work for Nixon? no no no...wrong Dean....oh oh, I liked the movie, though, "Rebel without a Caucus" no, that's not it....the guy that sells the breakfast sausage? Oh I will get it yet.

  9. still working on it....he made some movies with Jerry Lewis,right? and hung around with Frank and Sammy?

  10. No, no, no! Isn't he that rich guy that build a wooden plane -- the ruptured goose, or something like that?

  11. oh oh oh....yest...that guy....Jerry...Howard the Duck!

  12. Dean is tough to figure. He acts like a maniac one minute but then he goes on a show like "Kudlow" and comes off as exceedingly measured. I guess that it all depend upon the forum with him.


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