Deja Vu...?

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

2012 Newsweek cover

It failed in 1987.

1987 Newsweek cover

Will it fail again?

BuzzFeed - Newsweek was beyond silly when it called former World War II Naval aviator and savvy Texas oilman George HW Bush a “wimp” on its cover in 1987. The magazine returns to the same failed playbook now with its cover on Governor Romney. The fact is that Mitt Romney is a steely-nerved businessman, who has turned around failed companies, the corruption-plagued 2002 Olympic Winter Games and an almost-bankrupt Massachusetts – against all odds in each case. Moreover, he has raised a great family with his wife, Ann. Notwithstanding these sorts of ridiculous attacks, the American people elected President Bush in 1988 and they will send Governor Romney to the White House in 100 days to turn around this economy.

What say you?

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Newsweek is only a little less dependable than Mad Magazine for getting useful information.

  2. It takes a lot to make me speechless but this sure did. Not a big lover of Romney but this is baldly unfair (his flip-flopping, aside).

  3. Expect more wet kisses for His O-ness and hissy eye scratches like this to Romney from the Obamagirls in the press.

    We ain't seen nuthin' yet.

  4. Maybe Romney believes the press. Is he trying to prove he is not a wimp, by beating the drums of war against Iran? It was reported (not proven) that Obama gave US invasion plans for Iran to Israel. Romney stated over the weekend, he would support Israel's attack on Iran. So here we go again. America is in no shape to invade Iran, has no proof it is necessary for the defense of America, and another stupid mistake, that will further weaken America.

  5. Newsweek? Is that still around/


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