Obama Administration Downgrades the Fort Hood Massacre to "Workplace Violence"... Refusing to Acknowledge Islamic Fundamentalist Extremism as the Cause

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

I have been trying my best to cut the President some slack. Even going so far as to give him a pass on the very questionable speech he gave in Kansas the other day .

Then his administration decides to downgrade the Fort Hood massacre of 13 United States military personnel by a Islamic Extremist to workplace violence. Even the mild mannered very liberal Republican Senator from Maine, Susan Collins has blasted the Obama administration for its, yes I'm going to say it, abject stupidity.

The President's obvious inability to call Muslim extremists exactly what they are, and identify and name the driving force behind them, which is radical Islam, is as chilling as it is frightening.

Fox News - Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence. She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.

Thirteen people were killed and dozens more wounded at Fort Hood in 2009, and the number of alleged plots targeting the military has grown significantly since then. Lawmakers said there have been 33 plots against the U.S. military since Sept. 11, 2001, and 70 percent of those threats have been since mid-2009. Major Nidal Hasan, a former Army psychiatrist, who is being held for the attacks, allegedly was inspired by radical U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen in late September. The two men exchanged as many as 20 emails, according to U.S. officials, and Awlaki declared Hasan a hero.

The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Connecticut independent Sen. Joe Lieberman, said the military has become a "direct target of violent Islamist extremism" within the United States.

"The stark reality is that the American service member is increasingly in the terrorists' scope and not just overseas in a traditional war setting," Lieberman told Fox News before the start of Wednesday's hearing. {Read More}

Perhaps we should remove boots from Muslim soil as it no doubt antagonizes the people in Islamic countries. But lumping the Fort Hood massacre in with all other occasions of workplace violence is to refuse to recognize the implications of something much greater than what typically defines workplace violence in America.

Via: Memeorandum


  1. Ah, yes, liberalism and their war on changing the real meanings of words and concepts. Gotta love them for their creativity.

    Remember this one:
    Pedophilia is merely "minor attracted"--

    Conservatives have no such delusions or need to rewrite the truth to make it more user-friendly. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of socio-econimoc status, your parents or lack thereof, your race, your sexual attractions, your ancestry, or your inability to speak freaking English.

    Yay, liberalism.

  2. Interesting. While I can find all the right-wing blogs hyping this up story and cross-linking to each other I can't seem to find the DoD Memo signed by President Obama! It's almost as if an actual DoD Memo signed by President Obama calling this "workplace violence" does not exist. But, how could that be since every right-winger is commenting about it?!?!?

  3. GeG,

    Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/12/06/military-growing-terrorist-target-lawmakers-warn/#ixzz1fxggkAMH

    If Catherine Herridge is off or wrong about the facts presented in this article, then let her be judged and punished. It's called accountability. We Conservatives believe in it.

  4. Again, interesting, but where is the DoD memo signed by President Obama? It almost seems like conservative sites are saying everything that happens under the auspices of the DoD while Obama is C-in-C are thus his responsibility. But, that can't be because everyone knows that Osama Bin Laden was killed in spite of President Obama...

  5. Yeah, it had nothing to do with Islam. Workplace violence... Somebody probably just stole his stapler, pushing him over the edge.

    Here where I work, people are always shouting "Allahu Akbar!" and shooting people when they don't get their way...

  6. Silver,

    I see that a lot, too. Just today, while grocery shopping, a man began screaming that there were no halal meat choices available due to American Christian discrimination, and began pelting standers-by with balls of falafel, hidden in his jacket. It was ugly.


    Again, being a DoD document, do you honestly think it would be made available to us as the public? You sound like the birthers, demanding to see a birth certificate. Do you honestly believe Catherine Herridge would concoct this story knowing it will be fact-checked by The White House? Come on, man. This ain't MSNBC.

  7. Les,

    What happened to your Twitter feed? It hasn't updated in quite a while.

  8. Chakam, seriously? You're calling me a birther? Do you know anything about the DoD? Not every single document is classified. And if the honorable Senator is referencing it, then yes it is available.

    The problem is right in the headline. Obama Administration downgrades the Fort Hood Massacre to "Workplace Violence".

    Right wingers just can't drop the Obama sides with the Terrorists meme.

  9. GeG,

    Calling you a birther? Not at all. But your insistence on seeing this document that was seen by Senator Collins is akin to the birthers and their rabid drive to see Obama's BC.

    Perhaps we could both write to Sen Collins and ask her to post these documents online. Or perhaps we could ask FOX News and Catherine Herridge to provide proof that Catherine really saw what she saw and reported upon.

    I've no reason to doubt or call into question Catherine's integrity or Sen Collins' statements even though I have no physical proof in my hand. It's not like these two women are saying Herman Cain sexually harassed them or anything.

    Do you really find it so unusual that the right-wingers attach sympathy to terrorism with President Obama?

  10. GeG,

    If indeed the Ft. Hood shooter was not influenced by his Islamic beliefs or the urging of al-Awlaki, then I would say that this was merely a matter of some guy getting fed-up with work and going nuts.


    You and I both know he was motivated by his Islamic beliefs and the words of al-Awlaki. Hence, he is an Islamic extremist, and not just some yahoo exhibiting 'workplace violence'.

    Right-wingers call a spade a spade. Leftists cannot squeeze that trigger, for surely someone will be offended.

  11. "Right wingers just can't drop the Obama sides with the Terrorists meme."

    Still waiting for Obama to admit his mistake in palling around with Bill Ayers.

    Obama chose the "sides with terrorists" label by his own actions.


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