Is There a Real Choice?... Does America Really Want a Choice?... One Can Only Hope...

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA
Liberty -vs- Tyranny

Please forgive my cynicism. Well, actually don't bother. You see we live in the 21'st century where the 30 second soundbite is all important.

Substance and clarity of purpose and principle no longer matter. Today's mantra is to "satisfy the immediate desires no matter the ultimate cost or logical end may be."

We will as a nation reap exactly that which we have so callously demanded. Not to fear, big brother/sister state will after all solve all of our problems. Right?

When the producers have stopped producing, what then?... Blank response.............

Perhaps when it is too late, after our American manufacturing infrastructure {I've worked in manufacturing management all my adult life} has been sold to the highest bidder, maybe then America will get it. Don't hold your breath.

As we move into a new election cycle the comedy of errors, and the clown like candidates continue to amuse me. But, such is the 30 second soundbite. That and the sheeple mentality.

But hey, who needs to actually exercise a cogent thought process? The MSM {aka: LSM} will do all that for us, Right?

Okay, it's late. Time for all to have our fun. In the meantime the clock is ticking. Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc- Tic-Toc...

... and the beat goes on.

Good Night.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Memorandum
Via: Memorandum


  1. This must be another pro Ron Paul piece.

    And I just read some good news for you at one of my finance sites Les. Ron Paul is now leading the Iowa polls.

    I still don't see how the republican elite will let him win but it's still heartening to see people coming to their senses about Gingrich.

  2. Joe - I saw the same, for whatever it's worth.

    The good news is... There are some, albeit a minority, that maintain some rational perspective.

    When you run into your big brother TAO tell him for me the lesser of two evils in 2012 in is a no brainer!

    Tell him to vote for Ron Paul in the Kentucky primaries {IE: principled constitutional limited government} and be proud you have voted principles.

    Then when Paul runs as a third party candidate tell him to vote for Paul in the general.

    After all, principles DO MATTER. But then again I wouldn't expect TAO to understand what all that philosophical mumbo jumbo actually means.

    Good Day My Friend...

  3. I just wish that there was a "Ron Paul Lite".

  4. "But, such is the 30 second soundbite. That and the sheeple mentality."

    and how long does it take to read a post like this, Les?

  5. I don't know nor care Griper. The point is what it is. Some may consider the implications implied in this post, some may not.

    Something about free will Griper. Use it as you chose.

  6. Well Will, perhaps someday their may be a Ron Paul lite.

    But whether a lite version is what is needed to stop and reverse our slide into ever increasing statism is of course very debatable. As are all things I suspose.

    The scales continue to tip. Eventually even the most reluctant observer of reality will see the results of {and impact} the evil that is inherent in statism.

    And the beat goes on...

  7. "When the producers have stopped producing, what then?... Blank response............."

    "The producers?" LOL! Yeah, yeah, more Rand. Everyone who works is a producer. You guys just can't tell the difference between someone who honestly actually makes something value, and the sort of "producers" in the Mel brooks movie.


  8. jmj- toke it up dude! you're batting "000".


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