It's Time for Action

by: Les Carpenter
Rational Nation USA

It has been said it's hard to soar like an eagle when you're amidst a bunch of turkeys. For sure that sentiment holds true today with the lame duck session of Congress. The boys and girls once again cannot find the integrity and fortitude to act decisively and in the best interest of the American people.

Of course there are differences between the two sides on extending the Bush era tax cuts. The Democrats want to make the cuts permanent for those making below $250,000 dollars and the Republicans want to extend the cuts across the board. Politics aside, as an individual of middle class means I support the extension of the Bush tax cuts across the board. I do so from a purely philosophical and ethical view which I shall reserve for perhaps a later discussion.

The fact is, little time remains for Congress to act. The nation can ill afford a massive tax increase on the middle class during the current and severe economic downturn. Whether extending the tax cuts to those making over $250,000 a year will, as the Republicans claim hurt business is questionable at best.

Americans across the board expect action on this issue, They expect Congress insure their taxes don't take a massive leap skyward. At this late date, after all has been said and all positions chirped by both sides to a deafening roar, it's time for action. If, and it would indeed be a unfortunate if , the only way to protect approximately 97% of the American people from a massive tax hike is to run with the Democratic proposal then the Republicans should grin and bear it and do what is right for the vast majority of Americans.

Sometimes it is both necessary and wise to act in a pragmatic fashion. This is one of those times for the Republican Party. Question how the those within the Republican party {and the Tea Party movement} that are making less than the $250,000 are going to view their party if they receive a tax increase for Christmas.

Advocates of ethical tax policy will I am sure have their day. When that happens Rational Nation will again be voicing concern for a rational tax code. When the time is right.

Via: Memeorandum
Via: Roll Call


  1. Les,

    You said:
    "The Democrats want to make the cuts permanent for those making below $250,000 dollars and the Republicans want to extend the cuts across the board."

    I hope America remembers this come 2012.

    All rich folks are white and Republican, of course. Or they work on Wall Street and are evil. Or they run huge corporations that enslave illegals and force minorities to accept slave wages or be fired. Those darn, evil, white, richies. Darn them! Darn them to Hellllll! (That was my Charleton Heston impression from Planet of the Apes)

    The Democrats just need to be honest: They are Democrat Socialists who need to stoke the fire of anger towards those richies who have been so mean to the poor folks. (However, will all the Hollywood liberals have to pay extra taxes? Hmm.)

    Class warfare at its simplest and most elementary. Oh, and throw in the racial stuff too: Whites are rich, blacks are poor because of whites, add MSNBC/Huffington Post, shake it up a bit, and watch the fireworks.

    I, for one, will remember in 2012 that it was the Dems that wanted to tax the richies as some form of punishment for being richies. I hope others will, too.

    Donald in Bethel, CT

  2. Don - Like I said, the day for rational debate and a rational tax code may come. It should, but I won't be holding my breath.

    For now, if the Dems hold fast, and a compromise can not be worked out with the Repubs I certainly do not think the Republicans should dig their feet in at this time. If they do it is likely to be remembered as well.

    And it plays into the hands of the progressive cabal who will use it and abuse it...

    Just MHO.

  3. Don - I am hearing now a comprimise for a temporary across the board extention is in the works and may happen. If it does I will be updating... for now it's to work.

  4. Les: One man's compromise is another man's RINO cave-in.

    Like you, I'm more willing to cut them some slack, they're politicians after all, and deals must be cut to advance the ball.

    Republicans are not libertarians, but they are the closest thing we've got at this point. We cannot let the perfect become the enemy of the good.


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