Should Obama Care Be Repealed?

By: Les Carpenter III
Rational Nation USA

Just back from vacation I find myself short on time with much to do over the next three days. Posting will thusly remain light, although I will attempt to get in a post of two as time allows.

I extend a most sincere thank you to the Left Coast Rebel, The Oracular Opinion, Western Hero, and The Humble Libertarian  for plugging the hole during my brief vacation in Vermont. Thank you all so much.

As you no doubt noticed a new contributor has joined Rational Nation USA. Writing under the pen name Bastiatarian, The owner of the blog Old-Fashioned Clarity has graciously agreed to add his powerful voice for liberty and reason to the line up at. Welcome aboard and continue to "give em hell!"

And now for a brief video by The Cato Institute on ObamaCare. Or more appropriately stated on the need to repeal this monstrosity of a bill.

Now you have Cato's take on the issue. What's yours?


  1. Oh hell ya! Repeal it. Don't fiddle around the edges, or "improve" it. Burn it down and start over! This bill did the exact opposite of what should be done. It smothers every market and price signal and offers perverse incentives that will only balloon costs.

    There ain't no free lunch!

  2. Repeal it?
    one problem with that strategy is the fact that even if Congress does repeal that legislation it would require the signature of President Obama or a veto proof vote and that is unlikely.

  3. Don't just repeal it. Repeal it and enact an eternal prohibition of intervention of government in health care. (Wait, didn't we already do that with the Constitution?)

  4. Griper - First off let me welcome you back. It is good to hear your voice again!

    Of course we would have to hope for a veto proof vote. Perhaps after 2010?

  5. Bastiatarian - I do believe you have made a valid observation. Certainly from the strict constructionist view!

  6. he grins, tis good to get back in the arena again, RN.

    reality would declare that there will be no veto proof Congress after the 2010 elections. the most that can be hoped for is a majority vote to repeal.

    besides that, i don't think Congress is the place for this fight. even if it was repealed that would not solve the problem as it should be solved. those who are proponents of this bill will only try again and again to get a bill like this passed until they succeed again. history shows us this with their past attempts.

    this fight belongs in the Supreme Court where bills like this can be declared unconstitutional and then require an amendment to get a bill like this passed. it is then and only then that the will of the people as well as the will of the States can be expressed, pro or con.

  7. Griper - Again you make valid observations.

    However, with the likely confirmation of Kagan to the Supreme court it is likely ObamaCare would stand in a SJC challenge.

    Law does not always insure the will of the people.

    America is decidedly anti ObamaCare. Yet does that really make a difference?

  8. RN,
    remember, Supreme Court decisions can be overturned just as laws can be repealed in Congress.

    and remember another thing. Supreme Court decisions has been historically 5-4 decisions. it is far easier to influence the vote of a single justice than try to influence the votes of enough Congressmen in both houses to create a veto proof repeal of laws.

  9. Good point Griper. Perhaps you are quite right.

    Maybe with a bit of luck common sense will prevail and in either scenario ObamaCare will become history.


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