Stand Tall for America and Her Virtues

With the growing influence of the socialist/satist government  currently in power in the US, and the move towards redistribution of wealth, and increased government control over the lives of all Americans,  the  virtues of fierce individualism, limited government, competitive capitalism, and self reliance, will soon be forgotten.  Correction, not forgotten, but I believe the majority of our people will, fearing the loss of the meager scraps of freedoms left them by the socialist/statist will not resist, believing it the best way to preserve whatever scraps of freedom may be left for them. 

We are witnessing what many who studied history, political science, and philosophy with an objective eye knew to be true, the above virtues, and the proper understanding of them clearly matters.  Without an understanding of these virtues humans are destined to repeat mistakes of the past.  Ayn Rand, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell, (Nikita Khrushchev predicted the USA would fall to socialism without a shot being fired), and many others understood if the people of this great nation did not open their eyes and recognize what could happen we would lose the very Republic we cherish.

Today, as this is being written, it seems the majority hasn’t been paying attention to what is happening.  Maybe we were but merely though “it can’t happen in America.”  Well, it is happening slowly but surely.  With the current President, and his administration focused on reshaping the United States of America into a radical socialist state, (note; Nationalization of General Motors, Universal Health Care, Cap and Trade, Increased use of Czars, a One World Order mentality, just to name a few), all who love liberty and individualism need to act now and do all they can within the framework of our laws to stop the onslaught on traditional American virtues.  Virtues that are responsible for the great successes of our people and nation.

The state motto of New Hampshire proclaims, “Live Free or Die”, I for one shall stand tall for the virtues that brought this nation into existence.  I hope there are millions upon millions of other likeminded Americas ready to stand tall.  For if there are, and I believe it so,  our children, grandchildren and great grand children will remain free from oppressive government and its regulatory tentacles.


  1. and the value of those virtues need to be pounded into the heads of our youth also. there, imho, is the key.

  2. Agreed. And since the school system and the government media complex are part of the problem I guess that leave parents.


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