Pointing Out the Glaring Hypocrisy of the Trumpublican Right...

 We open this weblog today for one post only. It shall be the absolute final post. Posted to highlight the complete total hypocrisy of the Trumpublican right. Which is nothing more than a confrontational, unbending, ridiculousy authoritarian and facist leaning band of THUGS.

Today's post was authored by an elderly person and was penned during the final year of the Trumpuglican administration. Unfortunately this elderly individual pased away some time ago. He was an avid Trump supporter and no doubt would have been supportive of the January 6,  insurrection at the Capitol, incited by Trump himself. As well as Trump's many seditious atempts to get some Secretaries of State to falsify the vote in their states to reflect Trump as the winner. He lost.

All which SHOULD have resulted in Trump's arrest, trial, and ultimate sentenncing for TREASON against the duly elected government of The United States of America. However, thanks to republicans and Trump we should nw be officially recognized as the States of America.  Because THAT is exactl;y what we now are.

Today's post is historically correct in its argument relative to our democratic republic and the rational used in crafting it. Pure democracy is, always has been, and always will be a nightmare. And for the exact reasons cited by Franco Aragosta, the deceased author of today's post.

My purpose for republishing Mr. Aragosta's article of 2020? To point out the current hypocritical and authoritarian posistions the Trumpublican party has taken and is continuing to take in red states to purposefully and undemocratically disenfranchise people of color as well as liberals and progressive in general. By pointing out the hypocrisy of the Trumpublian right I mean specifically in relation to the sentiments in Mr. Aragosta's post . Because what the Trumpublican's are attempting to do is EXACTLY wat Mr. Aragosta correctly argues AGAINST. 

While no one can be sure whether or not Mr. Aragosta would be supporting the attempts of Trumpublicans to essentially insure ironclad conservative rule for generations were he here today it is our educated guess he would. On to Mr. Aragosta's article...

Monday, August 3, 2020

To a Leftist on Our Need for the 

The idea that ONLY the cities on the east and west coasts, –– and the equally verminous likes of Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit and St, Louis –– should be granted the responsibility of deciding The Fate of the Entire Nation is frankly preposterous.

Different geographical regions have particular needs and interests of their own to attend to, and are in fact responsible in many cases for providing us with vital raw materials, desirable produce and unique goods –– to say nothing of vast stretches of exquisite natural scenic beauty and access to aw materials that need to be responsibly attended to.

Your advocacy of Direct Democracy would mean that these important areas that comprise roughly NINETY-PERCENT of the sovereign territory of these United States would have have NO meaningful lREPRESENTATION in the federal government, which would, of course ride roughshod over these areas and quickly make "mincemeat" of them, 

That would mean that ninety percent of the country would soon become BLIGHTED from neglect, increasingly IMPOVERISHED, and DERELICT –– like a Ghost Town or an Abandoned Mine of Western movie fame..

The BEAUTY –– and the GENIUS –– of FEDERALISM –– as conceived and established by our Founding Fathers –– is the way it made sure that political power would remain DIFFUSE and as LOCAL as possible.

Our Founders wisely feared –– and rightly abhorred –– an excess of CENTRALIZED POWER, which cannot help but result in the CORRUPT, increasingly ARBITRARY exercise of wrongheaded decision making by arrogant ignorant oligarchs who care for little but the perpetuation of their own incumbency and the proliferation of increasingly extravagant perquisites reserved for the over-privileged selves.

How any thinking person could imagine this could in any way be desirable escapes me, I have to admit.

I must say here that Mr. Aragosta's argument makes a lot of sense. It is unfortunate that sone Trumpublicans don't see it that way. Which should give the rest of us (the majority) great concern.

Comment moderation will be off for a period of five (5) days for anyone wishing to leave a thought. Although, keep in mind I will delete any off topic, off color, or intentionally inflamatory remarks.

Comment moderation returns at 6:00 PM Saturday, August 28th.

August 26th's Spectacular News!

HT: Progresive Eruptions

Justice Moves Slowly. But Eventually Justice WILL be served in full measure. Its ONLY a matter of time Tumpublicans. It's only a matter of time.


  1. Well RN... First, let me say that Free's worry about geographic representation is preposterous. At least IMHO. He's arguing against direct democracy based on geography. It's absurd. The fact that a red/blue map of the US election results shows a sea of red means nothing.

    As for local control, which Free supports in his post, is also interesting. Where do we see what are called conservatives today extolling local control? The two of the arguably most conservative states, Texas and Florida both have governors who have no use for diffuse and local political power. How else to explain moves and laws by those state governments to bar localities to legislate based on what is best for the denizens of individual cities?

    How do supporters of those moves then claim a right to protest a muscular federal government?

    I suspect, like a lot of politics, all of this revolves around the reality that "what I like and support is right" and what you like and support is UnAmerican.

    Good to see you back...

    Cheers amigo.

    1. Hi Dave, it's good to see you here. You make well thought out points and your intentions are always right intentions. Put another way you have a gift of being proficient at trying to help others see past their own conditioned illusions. Or put another way past their "habt energies",

      I actually do understand FreeThinks's concerns. Pure democracy will always lead to chaos sooner or later. Which is why I believe the founders opted for a republic and the Rule of Law and not Men.

      If the east coast and the west coast, combined with a few large population centers in the midwest that are liberal to progressive were to maintain a population surplus over the more conservative red states, one that that assured liberal/progressive control of the branches of the federal government over time I think it reasonable to think that the more conservative states and population would start to feel as second class mnembers of the country they reside in. And frankly Dave I can not help but to understand their concerns at this point. Liberals/progressives can be just as pig headed as conservatives.

      What I believe is happening in the USA right now is a huge cultural and value shift largely due due to increasing diverity in our population and the influence of younger generations. It is reasonable to expect this to continue, bring heightened internal political division, and increased dissatisfaction (violemce).

      I simply can't get my head around that conservatives, guilty of attempting to orchestrate exactly that which they fear is happening to them at the hands of the libruls, yet are apparently oblivious to ther glaring hypocrisy. Some Republicans, Trumpublicans, and some Rand enthusiasts (Objectivists) really are interested ONLY in their personal self interests and nothing else.

      We are in a state of national decline Dave. It is accelerating with each passing momemnt. And until we, as a collective people realize this, and take positive concrete actions to reverse the trends of the past 41 years it will continue to accelerate in a southerly direction methinks.

      Thanks for stopping in amigo...

  2. RN... you are 100% in how the red states will feel. Heck, it is evident now and not without reason.

    An example...

    I spend a lot of time in conservative Eastern Oregon. It's basically guns, leave me alone, and I'll take care of it country. And for the most part, those guys are way better stewards of the land than the Feds. Do they make mistakes? Of course. Just as the Feds do. But they are not the enemy of the state. They are Americans like all of us, trying their best to make a living, feed their families, care for the land [most are ranchers] and make sure they can leave land, jobs and a future to their kids.

    And the libs mock them. Make fun of them. And don't listen to some very real, legit concerns.

    It's disgusting.

    The questions become how do we get both sides to actually hear each other? I don't know. But I know the solution lies there.

    1. I grew up in Western Washington. Left when I was 17 years old. I remember shooting rifles and hand guns when I was 12 years old with my dad at the Auburn gravel pit. Betcha can't do that today.

      He always had, and instilled in his children that western can do attitude, taught the importance of hard work, reliability, personal responsibility, and love of country. He was a democrat turned independent and voted republican in his later years. He wasn't an a-hole but he was a tRump supporter. We agreed to disagree and still loved one another despite our many differences.

      I know many conservatives that I admire and respect. They are of course NOT trumpers, nor are they ignorant or a-holes that want to see this country torn apart any more tan you or I do. And yes, trumpers and many progressives, while on different political paths are as bad as the other. Although, I give the trumpers a slight edge on assholishness over the libs and progressives.

      I am as much an individual who cherishes his freedoms as any man. However I, like you, understand that community, acting as your brother's and sister's keeper, and showing love and compassion for all sentient beings is the only logical path to harmony and happiness.

      On a different note Dave, after many years of reading and trying to understand religions and spiritual paths I've concluded that Christ and Buddha would have gotten along quite well. And after much meditation I ultimately landed squarely on the Buddhist path. It is, for me, the only complete and true path to enlightenment and happiness. There may be others but the most consistent and true IMO is the Buddhist Path. But, if the Christian Right would actually follow Christ's teachings and and recognize the value in altruism (it took me years to see that by the way) perhaps we could turn this growing nightmare around. I'll work to that end but I certainly won't hold my breath.

  3. Oh RN... I lament the approach so many of my spiritual brothers have taken. The anger and militancy I have seen from them in these pandemic times has been incredible. It's as if I never really knew them.

    I just gotta keep going, trying in my little corner of the world to be like Christ as best I can.

    Next month I have a group of about 20-25 Mexican and US doctors serving three marginalized communities in Southern Mexico. We'll see about 600 people in just a few days. And everyone knows we are a bunch of Jesus guys. No politics, nothing. Just doing what we can.

    Have a beer and say a prayer for me and the team.

    1. Sure thing Dave,

      The good news is nothin is permanent, the universe and our world is in a constant state of change, and, things will work out as they are meant to.

      Letting go and simply observing phenonmenon as it really is, not as we see it through the lenses of our conditioning, allows us to learn the truth.

      Sadly our world is being impacted by all of our human activity and untill we acknowledge this on a global scale, understand the interconnectedness of all things, and began to treat our host, the environment, and each other with more compassion, love, and understanding... well, you know where it will lead.

      Take care amigo and my your work and that of the team move humankind along the path to greater understanding. Beause that is one of the keys to enlightened contentment and happiness.

      Be well and be safe...

  4. Just because the founding fathers wrote it into the Constitution does not mean its correct for today. I support eliminating the Electoral College.
    Does anyone think it's a good idea to let the politicians draw the lines? Gerrymandering should be eliminated.
    The one with the most money wins? Public financing of elections would take away that power of money.
    No matter what the rules are we have to live with who the American people vote for. It's our responsibility to make the vote as fair as possible.
    Reelection of incumbents is about 93% no matter how bad those politicians are. Americans need to be more discerning about their vote.
    Group think is a dangerous thing in a free society.
    Freedom equates to how many choices one has. The idea of protecting the minority from the majority is still a good idea.
    An election is a term limit, but when the people keep electing the same bad actors for decades, then it's time to set term limits.
    Is it right that States should be allowed to set voting rules for federal offices?
    If the vote is our most precious right, then federal legislation, or a Constitutional amendment is proper to set the rules and protect voting rights.
    I don't expect people to do things the way I want them done, but these are a few things I think should be done.

    1. My response:

      1) Agreed, it is NOT a rational process to allow politicians to deaw the lines.

      2) Ahreed, gerrymandering should be eliminated. It is both unethical and undemoctatic.

      3) Agreed, the USA SHOULD go to public financing

      4) Agreed, groupthink is a dangerous phenonmenon that affects all political parties, all societies, and all organizations. It squashes free thought and creative ideas that do not conform to organizational norms.

      5) Agreed, protecting the minority from the majority is ABSOL1UTELY a very necessary responsibility of ALL of us.

      6) Agreed, term limits should be determined, enacted into law and ENFORCED going forward.

      7) Agreed, All federal offices should be GOVERNED by FEDERAL rules.

      8) Agreed, a Constitutional amendment is needed.

      9) Fix ALL the issues you highlightedd and our Electoral College would function quite nicely... Wouldn't it?


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