Showing posts from December, 2020
The Hypocrisy, Absurdity, and Stupidity of the trump Era In 60 Minutes...
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There is only 22 more days left until the country's biggest moron and most unqualified and inept president in our country's history is tossed from the Peoples White House. And a damn fine thing that is. We will soon be able to breathe a deep breath of fresh air following a wretched four years of putrid rancid BS from the Great Orange One. So, today seems like a great time to grab a wine, a beer, or a joint, and spend and hour laughing at the hypocrisy, absurdity, and stupidity of the trump years of chaos and disgrace. Enjoy the show. The "star" is a real showman...
trump, Delusional, Deranged, Unhinged, and Dangerous...
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Not that there ever was really any doubt about trump's remarkable ability to deny factual evidence concerning anything that displeases him. Now that trump has gone full out conspiracy theory on damn near everything any doubt, no matter how remote, has completely evaporated. trump has left reality behind and is floundering about in his self manufactured delusions. His current state of mind is not only delusional it is downright dangerous. The flaming nut job is now, more than ever, a loose cannon. One that in his present state of delusion and denial just might act completely irresponsible and take action that could be disastrous for the nation and its people. trump is one vindictive and spiteful bastard. He has in fact admitted as much himself. He has professed how much he loves getting back at people who, in his narcissistic mind believes have done him wrong. And America (in his deranged mind) has done him wrong in the way...
trump, America's Fascist... Toying With Sedition... May He Rot In Hell...
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Veterans Against Trumpism And How trump Lost Their Support...
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The Veterans Organizing to Stop Trumpism A former Navy SEAL oversaw the creation of a new code of conduct that puts loyalty to democracy above politics. The following article begins with the history of the Korean War's American prisoners of war and the horrific torture and lack of nourishment and decent hygiene they experienced. I have left that out of this reproduction to shorten the article a bit and moved right to the era of trump and Trumpism. For those who would prefer to revisit that historical background simply click on the highlighted headline above, What these veterans are doing and the American and Constitutional values they hold are the kind of patriotic acts and value that all Americans should stand behind and give their full support to. Working to end, and destroy every vestige of Trumpism is work worthy of ALL truly patriotic Americans. trump's stench and his incompetence will leave marks that will take time and a lot of ene...
Hopefully Another Loss Will Be Visited Upon The Lying Corrupt trump...
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It's Refreshing To Re-listen To An Actual President Of The People Following His Huge Election Victory... President Elect Biden
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It's posted simply because it's refreshing to be reminded what truth and a real President sounds like. Especially during the trump imposed insanity during the transition to a REAL president. The WATB trump who currently is defiling our White House represents the biggest POS to ever walk the halls of government.
A Senate Majority Leader Finally Comes Around While a Few Consider A Last Gasp Stand For Whittle donald j. trump...
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McConnell urges GOP senators not to object to Electoral College vote Better late than never I suppose. This is a good thing, right? But, and this is a big but. McConnell remains a trump sycophant who aided and abetted trump's corruption, lying, and his attempts to overturn the free, fair, and secure election in which President Elect Biden handed him his ass. So, for me it too late and therefore deserves no kudos. McConnell remains the jackass he's always been. On to the article... THE HILL - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is urging Republicans not to object during Congress’s count and certification of the Electoral College vote next month. McConnell’s comments were made during a caucus call on Tuesday, according to two sources familiar with the call, and come as House Republicans are eyeing a challenge to the results on Jan. 6 during a joint session of Congress. A Republican senator who participated in the call said that McConnell, Senat...
Journalist (And Other Media) Must Constantly and Forcefully Defend Democracy Against Would Be Tyrants Like DJT...
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Even after Trump is gone, the press must challenge Republicans who supported his attempt to steal the election. Defending democracy is part of a journalist’s job In a lawsuit filed last week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton claimed that last month's elections in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia “suffered from significant and unconstitutional irregularities.” The suit asked the Supreme Court to allow the Republican-controlled legislatures in those states to appoint delegates of their own choosing to the Electoral College. As those legislatures would almost certainly appoint pro-Trump electors, a win for Paxton would’ve effectively flipped four states won by President-elect Joe Biden to President Donald Trump, invalidating Biden’s win and handing the president a second term. Legal experts eviscerated the suit, calling it “ frivolous ,” “ anti-American ,” and “ procedurally defective .” But other Republicans couldn’t resist joining. In total, 126 Republi...
Let;s Not Let trump Live Rent Free In Our Heads After January 20, 2021...
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Plea to the Press: Don’t Make Trump 2021’s Shadow President By ALL means it will very soon be time to cut trump's lifeline to publicity in the main stream media. The last thing any rational person wants or needs after 01/20/2021 is the Great Orange Blob occupying any space in thier heads rent free. trump is one commodity that is now best left at the curbside for the garbage man to pick up and dispose of so to speak. He may be an ex president after 01/20/2021 but he will offer absolutely zero value for anyone but his fascist cultists. And that crowd of anti Americans will have its own network of deranged goons punping out trash commentary in support of their Der Leader. Now, on to the excellent article covering this subject... There’s a dirty little secret between Donald Trump and the media that at this point isn’t much of a secret. A symbiosis exists between us; we use him and he uses us . Now that his presidency is mercifully taking its last g...