Impeachment Moves To Next Phase...
“I don’t know why Republicans are afraid of the truth.” “Every member should support the American people hearing the facts for themselves. That is what this vote is about. It’s about the truth. And what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.” Nancy Pelosi, 10/31/2019 America will enter the next phase of the impeachment process, public hearings. Affording all Americans the opportunity to hear the facts and the truth for themselves. As the Washington Post accurately points out, democracy dies in darkness. Why the GOP is afraid of letting the American people hear and know the truth is indeed puzzling. Authoritarian and dictatorial regimes around the world have always engaged in propaganda and disinformation in support of the regime leader's agenda and interests. But we are a democratic republic, not a monarchy or a dictatorship. We question the motives and patriotism of the secretive GOP . Full story BELOW the FOLD