Preparing for the Future...
With all that is happening around us right now thinking about who will be running for president on the democratic ticket in 2020 is likely not at the top of most folks thinking agenda. Certainly more immediate is the present and horrifying thought of presient Drumpf now having the opportunity to tilt the court hard right for a generation. Unfortunately there is little, if anything democrats can do to prevent president Drumpf from having his way. So America, prepare to brace yourself for the oncoming rightwing politically motivated judicial Tsunami that will likely leave America changed forever. Which is why it is important that democrats select a winning presidental candidate in 2020. One that can beat president Drumpf in both a popular vote AND electoral colege landslide. Of course this is unlikely to happen because we all know democrats have a great ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. For this reason alone it might be well if the established democratic party orde...