Reason -vs- Fear and Paranoia...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Mr. Trump’s bet: When the politician most fluent in American rage roars, the movement she gave voice to in the fall of 2008 will roar back today. With his call to deport illegal immigrants, especially because Mexico sends us its “ bad ones ,” his proposal to bar Muslims from entering the country, his emphasis on the threats to lawful gun ownership and his promise to protect American goods and workers from China, Mr. Trump is riding the wave of anxiety that Ms. Palin first gave voice to as Senator John McCain’s running mate. Mr. Trump has now usurped and vastly expanded upon Ms. Palin’s constituency, but the connection between the two movements is undeniable. Sarah Palin introduces Donald J. Trump at a campaign event in Tulsa, Okla. Credit Brandi Simons/Associated Press Full story HERE . And now on to THIS . Donald Trump’s outreach to Chris...