Rand Paul is Right, Stop the American Police State...

Rational Nation U S A Purveyor of Truth Jeb Bush speaking for the neocons and MIC establishment (as well as the RINOS of the GOP) has criticized Rand Paul for is stand on the illegal data mining of United State citizen's telephone records. Jeb Bush wrong and Rand Paul is absolutely RIGHT . Unfortunately it may well be possible the majority of Americans might very well be bamboozled by the rhetoric of the fear mongers and advocates for the MIC. As unlikely as it may be we here at Rational Nation USA are fervently hoping Rand Paul's reason an logic prevails over that of the neocons and MIC war advocates who care NOTHING about civil liberties and the law abiding and truly patriotic individual. AP - Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Saturday that Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul is "wrong" on his efforts to end post-Sept. 11 surveillance laws used against suspected spies and terrorists. Bush, a likely GOP presidential candidate in 2016, called for...